Why don't you just marry a black girl?
Why don't you just marry a black girl?
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I find black girls quite attractive, but there simply aren't many where I live. Also, I am quite intelligent, so I think there would be a great disconnect between us on a personal level, I think we would find it very hard to communicate and empathize with each other.
>tfw too goth to get a qt brown gf
Being married to someone you love and who loves you is the best thing ever. That's what I did.
Would if I could but I can't
I do find black girls cuter than white girls
I love goth boys thoooo
would if i could
why do you ask stupid questions
>tfw too old to get a qt brown gf
Why don't you show me what marrying a black girl will look like in the future, OP? ;) Give me a taste and maybe I will consider! ;);)
Lol ur not I love a silver fox ^u^
3D brown is inferior to 2D brown.
>tfw too intelligent to get a qt brown gf
Using (((ASCII))) emoticons is not an indicator of my intelligence, bucko.
>Using (((ASCII))) emoticons is not an indicator of my intelligence, bucko.
>tfw too incorrect to get a qt brown gf
They only want Asian Chads
>tfw too green to get a qt brown gf
I've yet to meet one that doesn't subscribe to black culture.
think again, yella fella
i'm not gay but i'd marry a qt black girl any day. you guys are so wholesome
can you imagine how badly the average black girl would roast the average shrimp dick robot?
Because their vaginas smell so goddamned bad. The outside isn't much better.
d-do vaginas actually have a scent
>tfw too to get a gf
>ywn make your qt black wife a mother multiple times
In the case of black women, it's roadkill boiled in an armpit. And that's assuming she's showered recently and you can't smell the last dump she took.
Their inner vaginas are literally like sandpaper mate I swear to fuck.
>surrounded by qt freshmen and junior girls all day
>some have shown interest
>dont pursue them thinking i will eventually get a misaki white gf to liberate me from this hell
Hope it pays off in the end
??? i need pics anons
OR of black vaginas?
Because you know you can just google those right
>tfw no black gf to impregnate
well that doesn't look weird or anything. i thought you meant the smell was caused by bad hygiene. and isn't the other user implying they were of a different texture
Idk, user... I know a few super cute black chicks but I'm not physically attracted to them. Also I'm a scandicuck so they're an ocean away.
If it wasn't for that, yeah, wife material for sure
I would marry a black femanon desu. In my experience, white girls are the most roasted of roasties. Black girls are more likely to be more pure because their dads leave and then their mom shelter the fuck out of them. There are really fucking ghetto and annoying ones, but I'd say 15% of black girls are waifu material. Too bad I live in a suburban white area now
>tfw no black gf to impregnate
Feels fucking terrible man. It hurts and baffles me how much I want this.
The smell is most likely caused by bad hygeine (I'm not either of those two anons) I had to take a lot of feminine hygeine into my own hands when i got of age tbqh because it's just something a lot of us don't talk about
But as for any difference in internal texture that's literally just made up by those guys. Etiher that or that girl wasn't feeling it at all and couldn't get wet.
I just wasn't sure what you were asking for because you asked for a photo when people were describing scents...
Rather cut off my dick than have a black son
they would have to be pretty autistic to find me attractive. are there any autistic black girls? it seems like its not really part of their genetics.
If you live in that kind of place there any black girl around you is wiafu.
Are there any nice Asian boys who like Black girls here?
There are no black girls here, it's just white girls trying to be black girls (but the loud annoying kind). I want out
The only type of black women I find attractive are the ones who only marry Chad.
Also, to any anons thinking the suburbs are nice, THEY'RE NOT. The people here may be mostly white, but they fucking glorify nignog culture. More than the actual nigs living in the city (I was living in Chicago for 3 years before I moved here). It's fucking awful and I wish I still lived in the city.
She is half black friendoooo
Can confirm i live in a majority black suburb
Most of them are actually nice it's just the kids who are awful.
Ah, another urbane fellow
*tips fedora*
Sure are: youtube.com
My family actually has a lot of autism in it. Which is weird.
I feel like it may have to do with not being 100% African. WE've got some legitimate Native American and also some white ancestry. She has about the same skin tone as us.
Go to a college town. They a needle in the haystack but there is nice black girls there.
/2yCbnev discord link
>be me
>have black gf
>love of life, never loved a woman the way I loved her
>talking about marriage and raising kids
>scared at idea of raising my future black kids
>was Jow Forums poster for years and swallowed many red pills
> gf wants to give them black boy names and have them raised in black household fashion
>I want to raise them whitewashed and give them non-jigaboo names so they can actually be employed and not get shot by cops
>have not told gf about red pilled beliefs
>don't know how to raise future kids
>Afraid they will become hood rats and fuck up their life
>afraid making them white will have them ostracized by blacks and whites
I don't regret getting a black gf like Jow Forums told me to, but now I am in this step idk what to do. I hanged around with a lot of black ppl cuz my gf does, but I never really became 100% connected with black culture and now I am scared at how to raise kids. Just a thought robots.
I wish I could burn none live near me. I'd be content with my life if I had a qt chubby black gf to spend it with
Most problems with black men stem from the fact most didn't grow up in stable environments
If you stay with her you're guaranteeing your children grow up with their father
That's gonna give them a huge step in life
Also get married first
Don't contribute to the number of black children born out of wedlock
What discord is this a link to exactly?
Of course, I do not participate in degenerate behavior like bearing children out of wedlock.
I find the vast majority of black girls unattractive, loud, and obnoxious. I would marry a black girl if i could find one that belonged the the more civil minority. Usually the nice ones are half breeds, like the blasians.
Also for fuck sakes make sure she respect your wishes before you marry
I think most marital problems stem from a lack of respect
She needs to know you have some concerns about having your children growing up in that environment because you're concerned about your children picking up on the negative aspects of black culture
If she can't accept that, you just need to break up with her
Don't want mutt kids
i wanted to watch that anime but not anymore if theres niggers in it
It depends, I guess.
>ywn be forcibly bred ebony goddesses
Why won't a black girl just marry me?
yeah that's the most pertinent question, user's a great guy why can't he get a black wife?
wrong. relationships take daily work. DAILY. Nothing worth having is easy. Take a chance and know what it's like.
I don't personally desire romantic/sexual relationships but I work to sustain family and friends.
I wish I could have a qt black gf but I'm aussie and I live in bumfuck nowhere.
They got them big ole booty and all I have is my 5 inch shrimp. I've heard that black women will stand up for their man if you treat them right and you can recruit their relatives to do some hood rat shit when it's time to get down. If I had a black gf she has to be mocha latte and white washed as fuck.
why get a black gf when i can potentially get a white/asian gf though
Go for whoever you like, because in a few years this race war shit will keep you from ever seeing white women again.
>implying i cant fight for the other side and become honorary white
You can't ever be an honorary white guy with a white gf
Because like all women, they rarely look cute in 3d.