PeopIe with gfs can be robots

>peopIe with gfs can be robots

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Fuck off newfag. Take your meme frog with you.

>says the normalfag with enough social skills to get a gf

I've been browsing this board for a long time but I don't recall anyone seriously attempting this argument.

Admittedly I haven't been using it as much over the past three years or so.

There's one on this board right now.

Thats like saying ppl with a lot of money can be poor

Whatchu gonna do about fuckface? Lmao.

My gf is an ugly Skelton. Why can't We be a robot couple.

Legit. If you can attract a girl, you're not a robot. GTFO.

this. my gf is fat

I change my gf every day.
Why can't I be a robot?

Some people just really don't get how bad it can be. The idea that you can just not get a gf is unfathomable so they assume even the absolute lowest includes having a gf.

begone manroastie

>you cant be a robot if you have a gf

look idiot, anyone can get a gf. even you.

some girls out there are just as desperate as you are, and even more so. it's time to lower your standards or shut up.

beggars can't be choosers user

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Yeah anyone can get a gf but once you get a gf you can't be depressed or an incel anymore. You can't be a robot.

>look idiot, anyone can get a gf. even you.
Not true. Some guys are so ugly and short. They are utterly repulsive to all women.

>once you get a gf you can't be depressed anymore

lol this is delusional, your problems dont suddenly end because you got a gf.

actually, if not having a gf is the only reason you're depressed, you sound like a fucking normie.

first world problems lmao

Yeah but unless you're deformed you can get a gf. However, once you've achieved your goals, you're no longer a robot.
Being a robot is about being a failure with no gf

Being a robot is about whining about not having a gf. You have a gf so you can't whine about that. Instead you whine about relationship problems. Reddit is that way.

>They are utterly repulsive to all women.

i dont think you even tried engaging .0000001 of the female population before giving up

>Being a robot is about whining about not having a gf

lol, it's really not. if your life is going well other than no gf,

you're not a neet, you're not mentally ill, you have a completely normal life outside of that fact

sounds pretty normie to me. even some normies are incels.

You don't have to sample all women to know what they like. They're all attracted to the same type of men, tall, handsome.

There's a reason Christian Grey isn't an dark Indian manlet. That's not what women pine over.

>They're all attracted to the same type of men, tall, handsome.

we're all attracted to the same types of women too

some of us lower our standards and pick the low hanging fruit, some of us just stay bitter and wish the models would fuck us

>we're all attracted to the same types of women too
No, we're not. You can tell by all the disgusting fat fetishist threads on here. Men's tastes vary.

On female dominated forums. They never swoon over manlets, or guys with recessed jaws, or fat guys. Be real with me.

>>peopIe with gfs can be robots
omg im sick and tired of these threads plz just go to Jow Forums or something and leave us real bots in peace u failed normie

>implying if you don't have a gf then your life is great
I'm a NEET, friendless loser at 25 AND I'm KHHV. Fuck off with your false dichotomy normalswine.
Robots are virgins, end of story. Allowances might be made for individuals who were molested as children, but robots are virgins.

>You can tell by all the disgusting fat fetishist threads on here. Men's tastes vary.

>On female dominated forums. They never swoon over manlets, or guys with recessed jaws, or fat guys. Be real with me.

again, you're picking from a very small sample size. some girls are so weird they're 100% okay with eating poop, just look at the shit that japanese girls do.

>implying if you don't have a gf then your life is great

not even close to what i said retard

>I'm a NEET, friendless loser at 25 AND I'm KHHV.

okay, so you're a robot

>Robots are virgins, end of story.

lol, so paying a hooker means you're not a robot anymore?

You ever notice poop girls are always doing it for the money? That's why they're into it.

Men don't need to get paid for their fetishes.

>You ever notice poop girls are always doing it for the money?

only the ones you see on porn sites. literally every girl you see on porn sites are doing it for the money

a girl isnt going to put on her facebook that she eats her bfs poop for fun

some girls are fine with eating shit and getting cucked by their attractive boyfriends, that doesn't mean they have varied tastes. women definitely have a narrower taste in men than men do in women.

99% of them do it for the money.

>women definitely have a narrower taste in men than men do in women.

that's because most women have the option to pick and choose. even ugly women that date ugly dudes want chad, the same way an ugly dude who dates and ugly woman is still going to lust after stacy.

every fat old middle aged dude with a horse of a wife has a calendar in his garage with swimsuit models on it

>tfw NEET robot with 9 to 5 job enrolled in a uni and live in gf

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Then why don't all men fap to swimsuit models? On any porn site there's a diverse set of porn fetishes designed for men.

The porn that appeals to women is lesbian and romance novels of Chad

You're not a robot.

>paying a hooker means you're not a robot anymore?
Yes. You're a loser who pays for pussy, but not a robot.

Do you even know what NEET stands for?


>The porn that appeals to women is lesbian and romance novels of Chad

most women dont watch porn, but that's definitely not the only types of porn they watch.

>Yes. You're a loser who pays for pussy, but not a robot.

nah you're just retarded. by your logic you can literally pay some money and stop living the miserable life of a robot but you won't because then you have to stop pitying yourself

>most women dont watch porn, but that's definitely not the only types of porn they watch.

Most women don't watch porn, but when they do it's mostly lesbian porn.

They do read romance novels tho, which revolve around CHAD. Narrow tastes.



>most women don't watch porn
let me guess; never actually gotten to know a woman well enough to ask if she watches porn?

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>They do read romance novels tho, which revolve around CHAD. Narrow tastes.

do you prefer to watch porn about ugly women or hot women?

stop with the double standards lol

I'm not him but you'd be surprised by how many people specifically like porn with "average" women, or even outright ugly grills in some cases. Obviously it's not a majority, but it's more popular than you'd think.

t. regularly fap to 6/10 women

are trailer trash rejects considered robots?

i feel like nigs, trailer trash and beaners are a league of their own.

its just silly, he has the same persecution complex that everyone else here has when men who are uglier, shorter, less socially graceful are somewhere getting laid

>this morbidly obese spic gets his tiny dick sucked by thots daily

>all he had to do was say some words into a microphone and now he's rich and getting laid whenever he wants

whats stopping you robots

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btw he's also five foot eight

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They don't. They just have sex with their boyfriends.

90% of pornhub's guests are male for a reason.

I fap to every kind of girl. Short ugly tall beautiful white black skinny fat

aw, is the neety weety having a ragie wagie?

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Good example right after you posted that:


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>do you prefer to watch porn about ugly women or hot women?
I like slightly below average women.

yeah but most guys prefer hot girls, just like most women prefer hot guys

still a double standard


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Do men prefer hot girls?

People here white knight to hell below average dyke looking chicks.

lol reeeeee

i dont think taking a sample from a board of mentally ill khvs is an accurate representation of most men

This site is that unusual. A lot of men out there mentally ill and/or khvs

Because you're love, robots aren't allowed to feel loved

most men also just want to cum

when girls fuck they want to get all emotional and have a cry afterword

most women just want a guy who gets them wet. chad basically

I'm a 10/10 but have never had a girlfriend. Autistic robot. You can look good and be a robot. Not larping or bait. Also have no friends, just acquaintances. Took me weeks to talk to girl and finally did. Don't even know how to proceed. Not everyone can talk. OP is a faggot. I bet you have a gf.