How the fuck does this thing float

How the fuck does this thing float

Attached: 1535lyq.jpg (1024x768, 111K)

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The distance of the camera and the lense used make it seem more narrow than it really is.

The bottom is also extremely thick plates of metal to weigh it down.

Attached: 0712022_2[1].jpg (2000x1334, 561K)

There is much more below the waterline.
Some still have a list to port. Usually not that bad, but I think one once got to like 15 degrees.

The collective will of the crew. It is only when morale and crew pop drops low that the ship will start to capsize.

Figured there were multiple sorceries and dark arts involved.

ur moms farts trapped in the lower part

It won't once a cheap chinese ASM blows a big hole in the side

Enough can't be said for the buoyancy of extremely thick plates of metal. I'm surprised they don't make life rafts out of it.

First has to get through a screen of A2A missiles, 5" gunfire and CIWS fire.

They use the foreskins of babies and children. That's why America has such a big army

its got legs attached to the bottom

*Sigh* the hull of the ship displaces a greater weight of water than the ship. Thus, the ship floats.

There's compartments in the bottom filled with nothing but air. It's also pretty wide so it displaces more water than it weighs, because it isn't as dense as many people think.

There's a reason compartmentalization is a thing.

You are also forgetting a screen of small arms fire. Just a crew of hicks shooting full auto into the water. Just like back home huntin' for gators.


that isnt what it says

>This pressure difference results in a net upwards force on the object. The magnitude of that force exerted is proportional to that pressure difference, and (as explained by Archimedes' principle) is equivalent to the weight of the fluid that would otherwise occupy the volume of the object, i.e. the displaced fluid

That's literally what it says.

You dont understand what youre reading.

>equivalent to the weight of the fluid that would otherwise occupy the volume of the object, i.e. the displaced fluid

I don't think user is the one with the reading comprehension problem here.

oooookay buddy boi

Attached: tumblr_nto9xbBPrp1uog9zjo1_500.gif (430x244, 789K)

It floats on freedom and it's thirst for more oil.

Aircraft carriers make me fucking furious for some reason

Attached: that feel angry.jpg (601x601, 62K)

>equivalent to the weight of the fluid that would otherwise occupy the volume of the object, i.e. the displaced fluid
>the hull of the ship displaces a greater weight of water than the ship

It's all those floating semen and how you can't have any

Is this the part where you share a story about how an aircraft carrier stole your dream job because of affirmative action?

Attached: India2004B.jpg (133x200, 9K)

>he doesn't know that there are literally chambers filled with AIR in the hull which weighs significantly LESS than the water allowing this bigass ship to float

It's carriers (and planes) fault we can't have cool batlleships instead.

Ships fucking disgust me

>he doesnt know that im actually a navy veteran and have been in the main spaces and bilges and catacombs many times and none of the bullshit you just said is true

There's a lot of "stuff" but I assume all the empty space is air.

Attached: aircraft-carrier-cross-sect.jpg (1600x528, 249K)

>Australia had an aircraft carrier
>drove it into two friendly ships and sunk them
>it got decommisioned

any ddg51s?

I don't know why but I find this hilarious

Attached: carruier.png (600x407, 15K)

There are no "empty air" rooms
No 2 cruisers


Explain your autism.

Empty space dipshit. You know, like what's in your head or all the space that furniture isn't occupying in your room right now. Holy shit you're probably an officer or something too.

>Empty space dipshit
Ya that doesnt exist dipshit. Space is vital in the navy and theres never enough of it. There are no empty space rooms you larping fucking faggot.
Holy shit you probably tried to join and couldnt cause of autism.

>I don't know why but I find this hilarious

I picture a bunch of fun-loving, drunken Aussies driving their boat around knocking over mailboxes and occasionally crushing another boat like in Caddyshack

Strange. Aircraft carriers give me a ranging hard boner.

it floats on american tax and tears

same. I almost always get instantly pissed off whenever I see one

because the buoyancy force is greater than the weight force.

All those asshole officers in one small space.

>claims he's a navy veteran
>doesnt know what a ballast tank is

It's got a big heavy boat scrotum under the water

>yfw mods set the only non incel thread onto auto sage

Attached: 1276313449367.jpg (251x250, 14K)

buoyancy nigger

t. jap



lol this guy is a fucking idiot

Are you retarded? How do you think submarines work?

have YOU ever seen a submarine underwater?
its just a really thin boat

But do you have over 300 confirmed kills? :^)
Military techs are dumb, it's embarrassing to bump into them in the workplace, and hear them label themselves as Engineers. "I did the navy nuke tech program and that's just as good as engineering"
Nah buddy, you're a glorified auto-mechanic like juan pablo down at the jiffy lube. You do what the manual tells you to do because you're a monkey.

>its just a really thin boat
Because it's the most efficient way of keeping it light enough to float whilst containing ballast tanks to sink at anytime. That's why regular boats are fuckhuge and wide, because they don't submerge

Oddly enough I don't like them either. I think it might have to do with the shape.

>got sold to china for scrap
>china reverse engineers it for their carrier program

Here's for comfort, user.

>because they don't submerge
neither do the 'submarines'

>australia gets one single nuclear sub
>it's "le terrible"

Attached: 1834131-.jpg (900x604, 69K)

Have to be careful of those Aussies, they might "accidently" sink your carriers, then "accidently" drop a few nukes on you, during peacetime, of course, otherwise it would be mean.

>Millennium Challenge 2002 was a major war game exercise conducted by the United States Armed Forces in mid-2002. The exercise, which ran from July 24 to August 15 and cost $250 million, involved both live exercises and computer simulations

>The simulated combatants were the United States, referred to as "Blue", and an unknown adversary in the Middle East, "Red", with many lines of evidence pointing at Iran being the Red side.

>Red, commanded by retired Marine Corps Lieutenant General Paul K. Van Riper, adopted an asymmetric strategy, in particular, using old methods to evade Blue's sophisticated electronic surveillance network.

>In a preemptive strike, Red launched a massive salvo of cruise missiles that overwhelmed the Blue forces' electronic sensors and destroyed sixteen warships. This included one aircraft carrier, ten cruisers and five of six amphibious ships. An equivalent success in a real conflict would have resulted in the deaths of over 20,000 service personnel. Soon after the cruise missile offensive, another significant portion of Blue's navy was "sunk" by an armada of small Red boats, which carried out both conventional and suicide attacks that capitalized on Blue's inability to detect them as well as expected.

>At this point, the exercise was suspended, Blue's ships were "re-floated", and the rules of engagement were changed

>After the war game was restarted, its participants were forced to follow a script drafted to ensure a Blue Force victory.

>This led to accusations that the war game had turned from an honest, open, free playtest of U.S. war-fighting capabilities into a rigidly controlled and scripted exercise intended to end in an overwhelming U.S. victory, alleging that "$250 million was wasted"
So as it turns out, if you just zerg rush these boats the US will get BTFO to the point where they quit and demand that the war be restarted so they can refball their way to a win.

Attached: PKVanRiper_USMC.jpg (1280x1600, 584K)

>tfw no city sized yamato 2.0

In our defence, they were US ships.

That challenge was dumb though, and be basically found ways to exploit and min-max aspects of the rules that weren't well polished.
If I recall correctly, in that game communication was a factor. He by and larged use "motorbike couriers" to relay messages in has army because they:
A) Transmitted the messages instantly
B) Were undetectable, and could not be intercepted
Which is dumb.

And he knew it was dumb.
And he basically just exploited every dumb loophole he could find and stole the game.

It also weighs as much as a witch or a really small rock.

Attached: witch.jpg (1920x1080, 140K)

>mfw no other nation in this galaxy has an army on par with the US

Attached: USNavyShips.jpg (3000x2000, 1.74M)

And now some planes that can land on the aircraft carriers

Attached: USNavyAir.png (2000x2832, 1.86M)

My dick doesn't submerge either

The Marines' planes, which is pretty much the Navy

Attached: USMarineAir.jpg (1710x1960, 1.3M)

It's not floating. They build it upside down and then sink it which makes it go up.

Part 1 of 4 of the Air Force's planes

Attached: USAirForce.jpg (1323x1871, 1.14M)

Part 2 of their air vehicles

Attached: USAirForce2.jpg (2646x1871, 1.9M)

Part 3 of their sky vehicles

Attached: USAirForce3.png (3780x2672, 1.89M)

The final part of the AF's planes, as of June 15

Attached: USAirForce4.png (3780x2672, 1.47M)

But wait, the Army has their own flying vehicle devisions!

Attached: USArmyAir.jpg (1581x2880, 1.72M)

I sexually identify as a flying vehicle division.

Australian shitposting at its finest

>t. country that we either said "no" to, cannot afford one, or can afford one but its using a limp dick ramp

and yet, they couldn't take vietnam, iraq, or afghanistan from disorganized sand niggers

hahaha get fukd ramp user

Attached: 1438365318225.jpg (1900x1200, 740K)

what is so bad about the ramp? it's designed for f 35's

this user is spot on, pic related

Attached: zuikaku[1].jpg (1050x750, 79K)

And nor do they need to. If shit gets hot in the SCS the US is only able to deploy a portion of its navy and much less of the chair force since they'd require enough airfields in South Korea/Japan even supposing that they could ferry there with the help of refueling aircraft. The advantage in numbers won't be that great at the start of such a conflict.

>conflict breaks out that the US has to police
>pull up in supercarriers, destroyers, and submarines
It only takes one of each with the right missiles to level a city, and the US has fucking scores of each one

All is fair user

You know they have sailboats that can go faster than the wind that use wings rather than sails and have a wing underneath to raise them. Maybe it's like that?

Volume != mass, tard.
Not his problem you can't comprehend an equivalent statement.

The US Navy is tiny compared to what it used to be.

Attached: san diego.jpg (1250x771, 901K)

There was once a really cool looking aircraft carrier called Furious. How does that make you feel?

Attached: Furious.png (2161x1316, 167K)


Yes, but back then it was roughly equal to the British Royal Navy and only 5/3 of Japan's, so there was a reason to be that big. Now, the next 10 biggest navies in the world could combine into one and still wouldn't compare to the USN.

God bless merica

If they gave a shit about the board they'd stop the normalfaggots from invading.

reminder submarines are the true robot vessel

carrier chads get out

Attached: US_Navy_040730-N-1234E-002_PCU_Virginia_(SSN_774)_returns_to_the_General_Dynamics_Electric_Boat_ship (1200x960, 256K)

subbies are all basically frat boys, hazing and initiation rituals and shit.

Gigantic machines built in even more gigantic factories with moving parts and the whole shebang is what I find most impressive about mankind.
I wish my nation had military parades, it's really fucking awesome to see huge stuff close up. Even those construction-cranes I find impressive

Actually the factories aren't that big. Mega structures are all built in small sections and then later assembled outside.

>durr we have weapons that will blow you up teleport behind sorry kid

anti missile defenses are like shooting darts you nigger. only a few need to hit the ship