How do you feel about all the women who end up alone...

How do you feel about all the women who end up alone? Do you blame them for not settling or do you sympathize with their loneliness?

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show me one (1)

Man, if that comic is written from a feminist perspective then its extremely redpilled in a completely unintentional way
Anyway no because women can only be alone by choice

depends what caused it. I'm not devoid of empathy, even for those I don't like.

i blame the ogres who refuse to lay off the cake

its a war of attrition and they're convinced they'll win

The priority put on women being alone and without men is just really disturbing since that's a fucking minority compared to young lonely men.

i'm not a cultural expert or anything but isn't it a phenomenon in modern countries for women to not be able to find a husband? some focus on their careers and when they get to a certain age no man in a good career wants them anymore. also the whole young people not caring about dating thing

>some focus on their careers and when they get to a certain age no man in a good career wants them anymore.
Thats what Im saying. Theyre choosing to do that instead of pursue a man. No one is forcing them to have a career. As a woman, if you want to have a man you WILL get one, even if youre a 0/10. If youre alone its because you want to be.

Ultimately, "A real threat" isn't much of a threat if I can beat your face into mush if I wanted.

But if they get married young they won't have financial independence to pursue their ~dreams~

Not to mention some people's parents won't let their S.O. live with them, and neither have enough money for an apartment.

I love this artist's honesty actually. I don't know why people get riled up when she's just speaking the truth.

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That lady is a walking red flag

Wheter youre male or female, loneliness hurts. Each person has its own reasons, whether they are voluntary or not the outcome is the same. So yes, i sympathize.

>no man in a good career
That's the problem there. Many women enhance their economic standing, but only want somebody equal or better after artificially reducing their pool of potential mates. Conversely, a male with a high economic standing can do better than a career woman with a ticking biological clock. If career women don't want to be alone they should marry lower salaried men.

Who gives a flying fuck? Thats the problem with society, too many whores following their (((dreams))) and refusing to bear children or raise them properly once they have them.

A woman being alone is always the one at fault. There's always one or two cases. One is because she's inflated her standards to unrealistic levels and only expects models instead of a 4/10 like she is. Anyone below a certain attractiveness level is completely invisible to her and would rather cry herself asleep every night rather than date one. The other case is the washed up slut. These ones exclusively go for guys that they know will pump and dump them and subsequently never settle down. Eventually she gets pregnant and is unable to pin down the father. Being a single mother is the lowest you can go on the dating totem pole and nobody in their right mind is going to marry her (keep in mind plenty of guys are retards for vagina so it occasionally happens). In short, all these problems are self-inflicted and could have been avoided entirely if she just made better choices in life. These women get no sympathy.

Unlike the robot, they had countless chances to be with someone, but they thought they were better than they really are and wound up alone. I don't feel pity for them.

It is if you go to prison because she lied about you raping her

to be honest if i were a woman with a job i wouldn't settle for someone who made less money than me. if i were born into poverty without a career then yeah i'd marry young to someone who was slightly less poor to escape that life but then again i don't live in a third world country. face it robots, this is just a natural way to control population. there was a rat experiment about this but i don't remember what it's called

I mean, of course. I never would because of the way society is, but I can't take someone as a threat knowing that I could snuff them out with my own hands if I wanted.

I mean, at least she can admit to being a babykiller.
This is nothing new to us, every man here knows that the whole "softer gender, empathetic" scpiel is bullshit.
There's a reason not a single philosopher in the history of man had a positive outlook towards women.

this is actually kinda sad wtf

don't you think their sense of entitlement is completely justified? considering how men are taught to bow down to them since day one

Just because thats what men are taught doesnt mean its right or that women have a right to be entitled

Glad she'll burn in hell
Only regret will be not leading her to the gates myself

That's why you don't date an asian woman.

Women of all races kill babies

Considering how they're alone, they inflated their egos too high and expect more than even this rigged society can give them

We'll never progress as a society if we can't kill babies. I'm all for eugenics.

can you give me examples of what they expect that's unrealistically high? where i live even really rich women like to date thugs

damn... this is powerful

Add one more I wish I could personally escort to the gates of hell

>personally escort
a bit gay

holy fucking shit, this is so perfect

deep down she knows she killed her own child and she's clinging to the justification/ brainwashing given to her by political affiliates.

It's like looking into the mind of one of the red guard in china's cultural revolution.
>I burned down my neighbors house and slaughtered his family infront of him, but it was all for the greater good.
>My life will be better now
he says as he drinks increasingly more alcohol and stares off into the distance

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i'll dump another one of her little comic things

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her life seems very, very foreign so that's why it's so interesting

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i don't think most women or people act like this though

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maybe it's because she lives in LA

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If you ask any woman, all their standards will be
>make at least a X0,000 salary
>be at least 6 feet tall
>8/10 face
>charismatic and funny on command
>really good at sex
Meanwhile these girls are 200 pounds with no personality

She's so unintentionally redpilled it's crazy

nowadays do women tell you all this on the first date? or are you supposed to ask them what they're looking for? sorry for being a social retard

i think most women realize their bad decisions but do it anyway. everyone has this hedonistic/emotionally masochist mentality in today's world.

No they just tell other women or post these lists of Facebook or whatever

ooh okay i don't use social media at all so when i hear about these things on here it feels like i'm missing something. do men ever point out their unwarranted entitlement or post their own lists? that might be interesting

Jesus Christ fuck women theyre all fucking parasites

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>i don't think most women or people act like this though
if you believe this you deserve what coming

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w-what's coming exactly. i've ascended and left all desires of the flesh. now i just focus all my energy into shitposting

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robots if you found out that your gf had an abortion before would you dump her

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i feel really bad for this girl though. imagine leading a life this complicated

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if i found out she wasn't a virgin I would dump her and at he most pump and dump as only virgins are wife material

>w-what's coming exactly
exactly what you deserve user thats what

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the final part. man dumping pics are hard

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>exactly what you deserve user thats what
well sorry for being naive :^( i never met people like this in real life

>any woman
You know that's not true, user. Do you want to understand what's really going on?

Here's the reality: most people are good, some people are bad. Almost all the good people are in happy, fulfilling relationships with other good people, while almost all the bad people are single. As a robot, even if you're a good person, you missed the phase where the good people got together. As a result, you're staring at a dating pool where almost all the men are arseholes and almost all the women are vapid whores.

You're trying to find a diamond in the rough - someone just like you, a girl who missed the phase where all the good people got together. But you've become cynical and jaded and you've started to become a bad person just by constant exposure to bad women, while she's had exactly the same thing happen. When and if you ever meet her, you'll see just another fuckwit with questionable loyalty and unmeetable standards, and so will she.

>black baby
we're supposed to 180 here and become pro-choice, right?

how would you guys respond to pic related

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I post pic related and see what other threads are going tonight

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Men dont pretend that personality is our primary consideration, but we acknowledge that its a factor. Roasties, on the other hand, pretend that confidence and personality are all that matter when in reality they only care about looks. Women are deceptive cunts and yet men are vilified for being open about what they want

Funny thing, back in college a girl told me she had 2. I completely lost all attraction to her, even though I wasnt really a hardcore pro-lifer at the time, just something subconscious was very disgusted.

This girl was a guaranteed gf too, but the abortion shit, fuck that.

That while most men and women can keep lowering their standards until someone will go out with them, men generally have to lower them a lot more than women, and therefore there are more men who are literally undateable than there are women.

That bottom roastie is projecting what women want/do on to men.

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What's the point of these? "Abortion is murder but I don't give a shit"?

What a despicable person

Comics like these remind me why women aren't human, at least men suppress their selfish nature women just revel in it

>kill her baby and make fun of it for being dead
Christ, that's messed up

So I take it you're also 200 pounds and demand all those things

Westernized Asian women are completely fucked up because their family's more conservative and traditional views smash into lefty indoctrination and it creates women whose cognitive dissonance levels are off the charts.

more like it's mostly koreans like this. i've found more than the other asians they're really into the whole sassy hip hop culture

shes from korea phamo

Don't care one way or another.

This is a fragmented world. Communal bonds in the west are all but disintegrated. Everyone is ending up alone based on our trajectory. We are no longer humans collaborating, but humans competing. Your neighbor may as well be your enemy.

Find solace within, not without. It's the only way to get away from all this madness.

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>why women aren't human
Wtf. Yes they are? I'm pretty sure a woman gave birth to me. I didn't just materialize.

>what did he mean by this
human in the "oh the humanity" sense, they aren't the complex creatures that fight against their base urges to overcome them and be better than their default factory settings, women revel in their basic urges and desires becoming a parody of a human

Oh, you're talking about morals and stuff like that. lol
My bad. Yeah, I agree with you in that case.

I blame them. Women have it so god damn easy. They have to have cataclysmically fucked something up about themselves to be undesirable by any man. The comic illustrates it perfectly, they clearly use men up for free housing and food. I despise all women, and I even see this behavior in my own family member. I'm not an incel, but I'm so pissed off they can get by so easy and then whine when their shit catches up with them.

going to play devils advocate here for a bit, you sound envious of their foulplay which indicates you wish you could do the same making you a hypocrite for judging them for it

be honest if you guys were girls would you be career women, thots, or pure virgins waiting for marriage at age 18 etc?

id probably be the naive girl that falls for the first brad and spends rest of her life as a nun pining for old love or offs herself in shakesperian way

>roasting your child who you yourself murdered

I don't have a reaction image to accurately sum up my feelings on this

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She asks if we've forgotten the times we've rejected women, but what if it hurts so much because we've never rejected a woman, and she's doing the same thing by not thinking of the times she's probably rejected men. I fucking hate hypocrites, I hope she gets hit by a car like the insect she is.

Is this implying the baby was black?

imagine being so distanced from your own morality you can justify behaving like her, that's some lovecraftian horror tier mentality right there

I may be envious, but I believe what makes a hypocrite is actions rather than thoughts.

but the thoughts imply you would do the same if given the same open door situation, making you no different from them apart from your current body making you a hypocrite in a way, but i do get the difference between acting on it and thinking on it

That's true. You could label me as a hypocrite, but part of my envy is fueled by the anger they don't receive any repercussions.

Everyone knows the thirst for justice so i can relate

some people think in a way, and act another way when the time comes.
but there are really some who will do whatever they want if given chance. there's always a sick motherfucker somewhere.

fucking bullshit you see many dinner whores on tinder.

>tfw lonely woman
>tfw into submissive men, traps, femboys, short guys
>can't into LDRs because poor
>don't talk to guys IRL because afraid of being rejected for not being that good-looking or black or whatever
If I was a white woman, I could have all the cute sunny femboys I wanted. White women don't know shit about being lonely. I don't go for Chads, but I'm alone because I'm not that good-looking and like unusual men, who probably all want Beckys. Most robots probably wouldn't look at me twice because I wouldn't register as a woman to them.

Damnit you sound so fucking perfect

I'm pretty sure most robots would kill a man for female attention
What race are you?

>using tinder
why would you do that

Make a dating profile on the site of your choice then pick from the 200 guys that'll message you in the first week

You say that, but you'd probably wouldn't want to settle for me.

Basketball American.

I would but you wouldn't settle for me since I'm not short, submissive, and have no desire to be feminine

I've been on OKC for years and count the men who've messaged me on one hand. And it's not just me, according to stats I'm just one of many. Only white and Asian girls get lots of messages.

Should have mentioned I'm not that guy btw

i know that feel all too well. when robots say they want 3/10s they just mean stacy in glasses. even when they want ethnic girls they only want the ones that look white

>self loathing african american person
just break out of the pack mentality and you'll feel better

makes me laugh because 95% of them fucking deserved. One key difference between men and women is men can tolerate loneliness way better.

I really don't like terms like dominant and submissive because they describe states and not actions, but every description of sub I've found doesn't fit me. I'm not into being pushed around or called a slut or whatever.

So true, so true.

I would date any of the non-white fembots I've seen