If you were still in high school what would you have done differently
If you were still in high school what would you have done differently
I would've tried to socialize instead of a being an aspie.
I wouldn't have become a neet after it was over.
i think about this constantly. every night before bed i imagine how different my life could have been if just one thing changed back then.
the short answer is, i would have done everything differently. i fucked myself up royally and beyond all repair by the time i realized it in my senior year.
Honestly probably nothing. I didn't really make any mistakes in high school, I was just unattractive.
I would had found a way yo buy bitcoin
but it all went wrong for me in the 5th grade
Stop my first girlfriend from OD'ing on weed at her friend's party.
I miss her, but I've moved on and my current gf is really nice.
Nothing, I enjoyed highschool. despite being unliked by most people. It's University that I wish went differently. perhaps I should've gone to a religious campus, maybe the people would've been a bit less disgusting there
i was already being bullied and octrasized on my first year of school.i wouldn't have done nothing differently because i have tried a million times and i have always failed.
>OD'ing on weed
By then I was too deep in autism to be saved. I probably would have kept hanging out with these weeaboo girls who invited me to hang out with them a couple times. I started feeling embarrassed around them so I went back to wandering around the halls and sitting alone. I eventually dropped out so it really wouldn't matter.
I would've given up on trying to socialize at all and just spent all my time on my own interests.
how did you fuck up 5th grade?
Boldly make a fool of myself in pursuit of memories, social status, and girls.
Take up some sort of art and learn to play the drums.
Play a team sport, even if terrible at it. Lift.
Get a job.
I lost one fight to a fatty.
I would go back and actually throw some punches
I would have tried to find an antidepresant that I could have taken to not be so depressed the whole time.
Based on today's social retardation.
I cant tell if your joking or serious
easy. not taken art classes and taken trade classes like auto and metals. I also wouldn't have started smoking pot
Blown off my grades. No one ever cared or asked what my grades were.
Started asking around about career shit junior year. I pretended it was a 1,000 years off, and didnt worry about it til the last minute.
I knew important people back then i could of made friends with who could of gotten me jobs. I didnt want to think about it.
Joined groups like the Freemasons at age 18.
Instead i was a poor kid who sat at home like a zombie and didnt have a connection in the world , yea and dont act like a NEET in training
>tfw bought $300 of Bitcoin when it was like $3 a pop and spent it all on drugs
I hate myself more than you can ever imagine
oh I feel that a hundred percent. I went to the most irreligious and unholy college possible and regret every day
I'd of got ripped and actually tried to do well
acutane immediately and no fast food
don't be a creepy weirdo
I wouldn't have tried to begin with.
Pretty much nothing, my high school experience wasn't great but it wasn't really terrible either I was kind of just a ghost I was there and no one acknowledged me and in a way that was comfy, it was a year or so after high school that everything went downhill, so I'd prepare for that I guess
try to learn be good at classes. i was in classes that seemed to be easy for me that i didn't even really study to get grades. go to college to get good job, i have a degree in multimedia. i was hoping to be something/ learn photoshop.
Would've not smoked weed with terrible friends and had gotten closer to the people in my grade instead of reaching up. never knew this would fuck me up this much
Spend more time with my father.
Spend more time with my grandfather.
Buy a desktop with an AMD card in it instead of a laptop with an Nvidia card in anticipation for
>OD'ing on weed
90's born queers were a mistake
I wish I went to high school. The social development is monumental even if you're the biggest loser. Feel like I'm at least 2 years behind my actual age.
fuck i just finished reading relife
I wouldn't have told her I liked her.
I wouldn't had opened up to anyone about my mental health.
I would've focused on getting into the military to become a med tech instead of college shit.
Can't really think of anything else that I could've done better.
Home school? trust me, you saved yourself a ton of grief not going to public school
I only ever knew one guy who was home schooled his family was really nice and they all loved each other, they even had a an adopted brother. They were all good looking high functioning chads. I on the other hand ended up here.
>mental health
you probably avoided killing yourself by not going in. count your blessings
I probably would have asked her out, knowing she liked me back, too bad I was too beta and now she's off in another college
Still would've been a better outcome than where I am now.
where are you now? I'm sure it's better than being dead
i was already fucked up way before highschool.
in elementary i was known as the kid who was always suspended. i had saturday school on my birthday once. my mom cancelled Disney Land and i had to spend the summer with my grandpa.
highschool was just the extinction event.
i unironically credit video games for keeping me off the streets and out of jail.
>nearly 40 replies
>no one replies with "should have shot the place up"
What happened to r9k? Did they go soft after the Florida school shooting?
t. fed
>24 y/o beta
>developed severe anxiety attacks after taking abilify for my depression and psychosis (full blown panic attacks for months that sent me to the psychward, still get them now)
>Still fail at getting my drivers license
>family hates me
>Always get compared to my Stacy cousin who's in med school
>Can't move to the US because mental health history
>Can't own/collect surplus firearms
>Failed at every career path I've taken
>Not even good at playing videogames
>health seems to keep getting worse.
I've been stuck in this room for more than 6 years and have shown zero improvement in that timeframe. A bullet to the head would've been a mercy killing.
would have realised that no one gives a shit about anything high school related once high school finishes. I would have worried less about grades and taken a different learning approach. In high school I would get anxiety for tests and hard problems, but all I had to do was not take it so seriously and it would have worked out. I would have thrown more parties, and laugh when i reject people I dont like. Id call out stacey for her bullshit more often.
I left my town straight after high school 6 years ago. this year I just moved back after uni, at all the pubs and clubs i still see the same cunts doing the same shit they were doing then. I guess that makes me one of them
Drop out of High School, invest in bitcoin, try to only sleep with women and never try more than that, only drink alcohol once you invested in property and have purchased home.
I would've talked to the beautiful titcow in my orchestra class.
She probably would've turned me down but, I wish I'd at least tried, just to know for sure.
Robots don't care about that shit dummy
That's for failed normies (aka NEETs)
I would've dropped out
>still in
I was never in high school.
Damn now I want me some KFC
#1 Numero uno ONE I would cut my hair short. I had the longest fucking hair and looking back it didn't do me any good.
I'd hit the gym and shit, I mean I hardly did anything in school. I'd sleep in class because the night prior I would play games with my aussie buds who lived on the opposite side of the world from me. One time I was so tired that I fell asleep in class and I farted so bad that it woke me up in a cold sweat.
Disgusting. Why would you do that to yourself?
Ok, I'll admit that's pretty bad, but it could be a whole lot worse
>but it could bee a whole lot worse :^)
That can applied to anything you god damn normie.
not be fat and cut off all my friends
i would try to not spend my money like a fool
i would break up with my normie gf, go to my metalhead jackoff clique and actually get to know them.
also i'd get good grades and get a huge scholarship or something.
Prepare myself for a life with my qt goth gf