According to this article more people are single than ever before

According to this article more people are single than ever before

You know what that means.
Roasties are skipping the beta provider and going to chad exclusively.

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That's part of it , but a bigger part of it is low value males realizing that dating low value woman isn't as rewarding as watching 1080p porn , since those low value woman won't be happy with them .

The guy ending up alone isn't Chad or the above average woman it's the below average woman who believes because she can sleep with Chad on tinder she can lock Chad down with her good sex . It doesnt work .


Very few sites have 4k videos

nah, we're about that VR now

I wonder what's going to happen to women once they reach their 40's and 50's, who's gonna support them?

I have something better. Sex.

The state by means of Chad's child support

Good. That means we're winning the war. The goal here is for institution of marriage to collapse to the point where society needs to come up with a new system of courtship/dating because people are so miserable. When I see:
>Declining birth rates
>Declining marriage rates
>Rising suicide rates
>Declining average # of sexual partners
>Increasing usage of anti depressants
>Increasing opioid dependence
I know that we're moving in the right direction.

With the advent of Tinder there is even less reason for women to date betas. Now they can get pumped and dumped by Chads whenever they want, while constantly having an assortment of beta orbiters and other assorted white knights that will shower them in validation and praise.

their whore daughters will support them hopefully if they make it

so here's a question i've got to ask, if all men become muscular, aesthetic, 7/10+, chads, will the same thing apply? Will they only go for the super lean super buff guys with huge amounts of money?

great now all we have to do is commit mass suicide and the world will change for the better if not for the worse

either way fuck this gay earth

Thats stupid
The alternative is us getting cucked

What's gonna happen is women are going to create whore houses where they all share chad and they all pay for the house and to keep chad alive, he'll never have to work.

woman just want their fantasies to be real so if we were all chads most of all ladies desires would be accomplished

only the gold diggers would actually care that much

Women are giving up too. They don't have as focused a movement of MGTOW, but they're checking out too.
You think Chad is taking them but they're being taken by wine, xanax and netflix.

> Bella DePaulo received funding from the Marchionne Foundation in 2002-2003. She writes a blog for Unmarried Equality and is a member of the Council on Contemporary Families.

Gee I wonder what reasons could she (((possibly))) have had to write this one

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>implying thats already not happening

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More like, they want chad to take them but by definition chad never will, he'll keep pumpin' and dumpin'. They refuse to settle for less than chad regardless though.

isn't this what happens in japan?
they won't settle with normal men, so they pay handsome men to talk

So voluntary concubines

Yup, they might even take turns taking care of the kids on different days of the week. It's over lads it's over.

That's not what it is at all. Women only associate with men if there is something in it for them. Men are just seen as so useless and disposable they'd rather be alone or go for chad.

You think any of these guys CHOOSE to drop out like this MGTOW shit? You think you chose. Wrong. There is a reason why these guys are so bitter and resentful of the possibilities. Most of them either got burned or were just so undesirable they gave up trying. These guys didn't decide women weren't worth it they internalized they themselves are not worth it and don't even really bother to try anymore. Some of them try to brag they still get girls but it's just to save face. They probably couldn't get a dog to go out with them if they had a handful of scooby snacks.

What bothers me is that theyre self rigjteous about this shit
Like they got the moral highground
They should atleast admit theyre pieces of shit

Things can't get any worse for 99% of robots
That only works until 35 or so. Women don't want to be riding the cock carousel in their 40's or stuck raising bastard children. Furthemore, chad doesn't want old hags.

Remember, whether they admit it or not women are deeply unhappy with the current system. If you want to see what the future looks like, have a look at Japan. Lonely women are going to be stuck taking care of their aging parents while the men go full hikkimori.

>Women don't want to be riding the cock carousel in their 40's

My aunt's almost 50 and still riding the cock carousel and encouraging her daughters to do the same. The only way I see one of these things breaking up is if Chad gets in an accident or goes bald and some of the ladies decide to take their offspring and find a beta cuck, chad wanting to take in more women (unlikely), or just live off the welfare state.

Well you're very privileged to be able to obtain something that incels like us will never get.

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Let's just face it, we've returned to a stone age mating dynamic and we are just the sad schmucks who get left out of the genetic game. Remember only roughly 40% of males reproduced pre-civilization.

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>returned to a stone age mating dynamic
guess I'm not the only one thinking this.
maybe it's always been like that though, and we just haven't noticed it before.

You know what this means. Getting sex is easier than ever. Incels literally cannot exist.

You must be new here
They dont have sex w low status males
They take turns having sex w chad

Doesn't that have to do with men dying in wars and such?

I don't think most people here care about sex, but rather emotions
I'm a shut in virgin and I'd be willing to be money I could have a fucking threeway in my room within the hour

Stop being a low status male. Problem solved.

Nah I think marriage gave betas power, limited freedom of women and chads to screw around

Partly, also child mortality played a part

do you guys not just want to settle for a fattie? I admit I won't, I've had my fair share of cuties so I don't think I'll sette

hardest part for me for getting cuties is meeting them. online wise, tinder? nothing

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Women cant into self reflection, unless its because Chad called her fat.

But back then mat men were chads, they just didn't fuck every week because that was seen as barbaric

>implying 60% of cavemen died from wars/disease/starvation before being old enough to breed
Don't be retarded. They had higher mortality than the modern era, but it wasn't that bad. Women's hypergamous nature is the reason those lesser betas were excluded. We're the descendants of thousands of generations of Chad chieftains and their elite beta followers who were given access to pussy as a reward for service.

But its ultra competitive to the point that you might as well not bother

Not true. If this was the stone age we would just beat chad with a rock and rape his wife and daughters.

I can see some bullshit bachelor tax to get men to marry the vagina jew. if that happens I am out before they release a new law to prevent taxpayers from leave the country.

>do you guys not just want to settle for a fattie?
No. Contrary to what anyone may say, fat women actually have worse personalities than their attractive counterparts. Furthermore, bad sex (which is what sex with a fattie would be for me) is significantly worse than modern masturbation (with sex dolls, 4k porn, VR etc)

>We're the descendants of thousands of generations of Chad chieftains and their elite beta followers
then why aren't you a chad huh?

He would have to many caveman followers

Too many generations of diminishing genetic returns. Its just now, after the sexual revolution, this uncomfortable reality is prominent.

Whoa, really? You mean that, Brad? Tell me more about this magical immediate cure-all that I can easily get by

The usual lie from low status males. It's easy to get better. It's easy to get laid. You simply do not try.

Honestly how would you rate yourself
+7/10 i bet

I know right? If they just be yourself that group of people pretending to be a witty version of chad is never going to compare to their amazing personality

the laws that discriminate against men are still in my way. all it takes is one single night stand and the government is pointing a gun at you for owing child support. also you have no say and you are very limited to a very few birth control options as a man.

You have no idea how hard it is right now. You literally have to compete with 500 other guys to get a pretty girl, and this is coming from an average looking guy and unfortunately I don't want to date ugly women. I'd rather masturbate

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I can't even begin to think how to reply to such a retarded post wrong on every single count.

Wait, there are 500 males for every 1 girl now? Did I miss the apocalypse on the news?

He didnt say it was exactly stone age

But sex dynamics of stone hage

Boom baba

Am I just suddenly noticing this now? Why are liberal websites all saying shit like

>...And thats a good thing!

Its usually ugly women saying that

You've obviously never checked a girls phone before

Its more like one woman having the choice of fucking the top 20 percentile of men no matter what their actual value is and the rising popularity of polyamorous relationships. Women simply dont have to settle in the modern world, they have dozens of average looking dudes begging to fuck them, so if youre below average looking, and dont have a funny, sociable personality, its significantly harder.

not impossible mind you, just extremely frustrating. I get laid maybe once every 4-6 months.

Women are over valued because men want nothing but sex, and are willing to bullshit ugly women for it, and women know this. Theres nothing wrong with this overall, its just the future, but I can easily see why unsociable losers would be frustrated.

Everyone gets to have sex if they want. It's that easy. As long as you are not the bottom 1 percent of men you can get girls easily if you try.

It's a recent thing (in the last couple years) that the title of news articles actually tell you what to think about the story before you read it. I can't fucking stand it.

There are people here that have impersonated women on dating sites before.
They get atleast +100 messages
And thats impersonating a fat uggo

There's an entire generation of people with no ability to think for themselves, to perform even rudimentary critical thinking. They're the true robots.

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And there are fat uggo men who get laid. What's your point?

Because woman does not consider the majority of man as man anymore, they are OK with the situation they don't care if they have to share chad with another hundreds of woman, human species is not the only species where 80/20 tulle happens

>As long as you are not the bottom 1 percent of men

where the fuck do you think you are?

Ok, now that's complete bullshit and you know it

We've entered into a neoliberal hellhole of a society where families have been replaced by social assistance given out for the sole purpose of creating a content populace filled with workers. Sex has been replaced by pornography. Social interaction has been replaced by social media.

This is all terribly efficient.

I disagree, women are killing themselves once they turn 40, and incels are going full Elliot Rodger

Yes, but these failures are simply replaced by boatloads of fresh immigrants. Rich countries rob poor countries of their best and brightest, to keep themselves wealthy, hardworking, and smart, and other countries poor, lazy, and stupid.

These immigrants will kick money out of the first world into their home countries, but then the rich countries can simply make their money back by using the talents of the smart/hard working people they woo'd

>human species is not the only species where 80/20 tulle happens


"Polygyny in this species is extreme; studies done during the 1968 through 1973
breeding seasons indicated the 5 most active males were responsible for about half and
in some case up to 90% of the copulations observed with up to 470 females"

What we're seeing now is jut humans in their natural state. Its brutal so people want to make excuses, but its really just nature at work.

literally every single person I work with [engineering firm] is dating/has a kid/is planning to have a kid/planning to marry.

>[engineering firm

beta providers still exist, shocking


Jesus tittyfucking Christ

If it was that easy dip shit we wouldn't be here.

It happened in Rome so it could.

betas pass on genes, megas criticize.


>Roasties are skipping the beta provider and going to chad exclusively.

>Roasties are skipping the beta provider and going to chad exclusively.

Wait a second.
Roasties always skip beta provider until they are completely wasted and have the urge to start a family.

You can still be a soldier and "rape" women in the raided village.

Yeah. It's pretty much over for sub8 males. Rot in incelibacy and not much we can do.





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Thats not true
You can be a 6/10 and get a fat/uggo

6/10 men get 1/10s

5/10 men and below get nothing.