I dont understand how liberals are against voter ID laws at all...

I dont understand how liberals are against voter ID laws at all. Why aren't id laws for cigarettes and alcohol considered discriminatory? Its just absurd. Its not hard to get an id. They point to examples showing that african americans overwhelmingly are less likely to have an id, but thats probably because they feel they dont need one. If they can manage to get an ID to buy alcohol, they can manage to get one to vote.

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>>Jow Forums


its Jow Forums, I can talk about whatever I want.

because after investigation it was discovered that the voter id laws in North Carolina were intentionally made to restrict the specific ID's and times black people were most likely to use. They literally asked for a racial breakdown of how people voted with what IDs and tried to ban the ID's that would result in the fewest amount of black people voting, that is why it was so opposed.

i'd tell you to do your research, but you probably get 100% of your information from Jow Forums infographs and picture compilations. Basically im calling you retarded and I think you should go back

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What you said doesnt change the fact that if people wanted to get the IDs they could.

I dont care what some pieces of shits wanted ID bans for specifically. I think all pieces of state or federal issued photo ID should be usable. Just because some bad people want it because it particularly benefit them, doesnt mean an ID voting system would be intentionally discriminating against people in the long run. You can get a photo ID for free. As a 26 year old poverty tier chink, I have an ID. Just because some racial demographics choose not to get an ID, doesnt mean its a race problem.

read your post out loud to a friend or family member and then realize why youre retarded


Yeah I probably wouldnt use the word chink in person, good catch.

You're being perfectly rational OP. Voter ID laws are an obvious necessity to anyone who isn't completely brainwashed.

>if people wanted to get the IDs they could
Okay we're going to do a thought experiment.

You're a hard-working American citizen of Some Race. You live in a neighborhood that is mostly Some Race. And you'd like to vote! So let's go through the process.

You work a job. 9-5 weekdays. Gotta pay those bills, so you better not miss a day and fuck up everything with your boss. The DMV people also work! They work... 8-4:30.

Now, you could try to run to the DMV on your lunch break. But you don't have a car (you see, you're pulling yourself up by your bootstraps). So it has to be a local DMV. So you have a half hour to run to the DMV and back again.

Now, how do you get this done when the people who push for voter ID laws also specifically make sure to close DMVs in walking distance in your Some Race neighborhood? How will you get a state ID? Explain it to me.

I take a paid vacation day and get a state ID. Ive worked at Wendy's, Home Depot, and Walmart. They all give paid vacation days.

Now what.

So if you don't work at a job with paid vacation days, nothing?

You could apply this logic to literally anything that requires an ID.

Why is voting the one thing you're completely fine to go ancap on?

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Why would a take a job that doesnt offers paid vacation when literally every single entry level job I've ever been at does? I currently make 12 bucks an hour literally just moving pallets in a warehouse and I get 2 weeks paid vacation time and a bunch of sick days. Also my dmv is open 6 days a week, but that probably doesnt apply everywhere. I fail to see how race is even related to this conversation, The point would be better made about poor people.

You're really going to pretend that it's impossible to find the time to get an ID? Are you actually being serious or is this just a game? I can't tell.

The majority of those who would be less likely to vote with Voter ID laws are liberal voters. The amount of fraud prevented pales in comparison to the effect voter ID laws have on voter turnout. Reducing voter turnout is undemocratic and unwanted.

Pretty simple argument really.

Because the fake voting shit everyone thinks is going to happen doesn't happen. That's why Trump shut down his entire voter integrity thing.

>The point would be better made about poor people.
Correct, it's usually trying to fuck with poor people, but race is a convenient flagpole for the intentional targeting.

It's not impossible. It's difficult. And if it's difficult, then some fraction of people won't do it, and that'll affect voting. If you set up a barrier that one tenth of people aren't able to motivate themselves to pass, they won't pass it, and you've successfully cut an entire tenth of their population out of the voting system.

It's one of those games that normiecons and libs play where it's clear libs don't want it because it lets them abuse illegals/bussing to pump their numbers and cons want it to stop that, but neither will admit it. So libs say some combination of 'discrimination' bullshit (see ) and normiecons try to make an appeal to libertarian whataboutism () forever and ever

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>>Because the fake voting shit everyone thinks is going to happen doesn't happen. That's why Trump shut down his entire voter integrity thing.
That didn't answer my question. Why can't someone buy liquor without an ID but can vote?

Because voting is a necessary part of the entire civilization's crucial processes, and buying liquor isn't.

Except that with the current laws its not that difficult to literally just vote 4 times at 4 different locations, and theres nothing stopping me. Nor is there anything stopping people who shouldn't be legally allowed to vote from voting.

I also refuse to believe that poor people dont have IDs, because poor people buy so much fucking liquor.

>Because voting is a necessary part of the entire civilization's crucial processes
If it's so important, why don't you bother in doing basic checks like making sure the people voting are the ones who are legally allowed to be voting?

>Except that with the current laws its not that difficult to literally just vote 4 times at 4 different locations, and theres nothing stopping me
do you ever pay attention to literally anything when you register to vote, holy shit you're retarded

And therefore people should vote who can't prove they are eligible to vote. Yeah, that makes sense.
Just admit it, you don't care about the integrity of the system. You just want a farce of democracy where you get power.

Imagine being so fucking retarded that you cant figure out how to go to a DMV.

What a world we live in.

No, I actually think that a voting system based on IDs would be good. But only if it was coupled with a system that issued people IDs conveniently in a universally-accessible way that didn't fuck with poor people.

Voter ID laws would be good. WOULD be good. Only if they were also concurrent with a budget boost that made DMVs open 24/7 and required universal accessibility framework for DMVs in every county.

Yeah, using fake information on a voter registration is impossible, you got me.

Yes which is the conservative argument.


"Voter ID is bad because it causes magnitudes more voter disenfranchisement than it does prevent voter fraud, and it disperportionately causes disenfranchisement of the poor/minorities"


"Voter ID is good because it keeps voter fraud out of the system, and people who are too lazy to get an ID and make this low-fraud system work don't deserve to vote"

Ultimately the issue falls on partisan lines because neither argument is really that overwhelmingly convincing and it really comes down to if you want to fuck over Liberals or Conservatives. This is probably one of the most clean cut partisan issues I can think of where peoples opinion almost always falls along party lines.

would the amount of eligible people unable to vote due to not having IDs outweigh the amount of fraudulent votes prevented?

Yes, many many many times over. In the few studies I found thousands less people voted but voter fraud was estimated to be prevented in the double digits.

Not having Voter ID laws is more democratic. It just also means that you have more fraud and the type of people who don't vote because of Voter ID laws tend to be the stupidest and laziest part of the electorate.

yeah sure im not opposed to that. But while we're doing voter IDs can we also make national/state holidays to vote, and make voting legally required? Cause most voter reform shit ive seen seems really motivated in restricting the ability of people and specific demographics from voting, and not actually trying to solve core issues with US voting.

When they charge for an ID, that is charging people to exercise their right to vote, which is unconstitutional and disenfranchises the poor. When they only open offices during working hours, or deliberately don't have enough offices resulting in multi-hour waits, that is disenfranchising the working class. When they make the office far away from people without transport, that is disenfranchising the poor, students, environmentalists, etc. When they refuse to issue IDs to students and other temporary residents, that is disenfranchising them. Such tricks are a common tactic to control who votes. A special ID is unnecessary when computer systems can and do easily identify anyone voting more than once.