You need to be attractive to be Chad

>you need to be attractive to be Chad

Try and say that with a straight face while looking at this man

Attached: casey-neistat-we-can.jpg (1140x700, 95K)

He's not a Chad he's a Chadunga

It's not necessarily that I'm ugly, I have a shitty personality as well.

This nibba's mouth is the same width as his nose

he's honestly not that ugly

fuck you cock sucking bitch I wanna eat out your fucking intestines for taking my fucking wife you low life two faced cocksucking nigger

>get famous on youtube for doing something/talking about something
>thus get rich off of it and attract attention even more
either that or luck.

Didn't he live in some shit situation like a trailer park before getting famous though?

yeah but he had a gf

i honestly laughed out loud when i read that -/-10

this dudes whole situation screams murder suicide

>getting a white trash g/f is hard when you're white trash

Nah nigga. Nah. nah.

I have a job. Where's my smelly NEET gf?

Straight from the primordial pool to the cave to the streets of New York

His is a multi-dimensional being. When you see him in his true form, you'd die immediately from the information overload of his beauty.

Attached: xg8TVbp[1].png (1140x700, 624K)

holy shit he's actually a mouthlet

He has very sharp features and a strong jaw, for many people that look is attractive. Also he's charismatic and outgoing

I'm more concerned with the "You need to be Chad to be attractive" problem. I don't want to be Chad. I want to be a slender guy that's considered beautiful, not a big guy who's considered sexy because of implied badassery. I also don't want to play the dominant role in sex or a relationship.

Yes, and he knocked up his gf when he was still in highschool

He's a kike so he's an exception.

His ugly features are masculine.

jesus user. you could get girls by being that funny . have you tried that?

He is Uber-Chad you dumb fucking faggot