What the fuck's the appeal of booze? Every time I get inebriated I end up feeling depressed and sweaty. I'm going to be in my mid-20's soon and I'm still incapable of enjoying it like other adults.
I feel you, user. I do not see the appeal in weed either desu. Too scared to try anything else
lsd is the only good drug
What makes you say that oregano?
Op you have to get drunk and have sex. The kinda sex that kills a hangover as soon as you bust on the bitch. I couldn't fuck sober for a month
I just don't care about anything when I'm drunk. Normally I would get depressed and put myself down, but when I'm drunk I just ignore it and grab another beer, that's what I like about it
Really? I feel the exact opposite. When I'm sober I'm a shut-in animal, can't even enjoy vidya or talk to random faggots on the Internet but when I'm drunk I do a complete 180 and am some what more normal. Problem with self medicating with alcohol is the obvious long term side effects of alcoholism. I don't think I'll make it to 2 more years if I keep drinking like I have been for the past 8 years.
You drink because you're depressed and looking for an escape. Normies drink to have fun. Very big difference and you have to have a certain outlook going into your drunken state.
I think like most drugs it's one of those things where you either like it or you don't, if you don't get the appeal now I don't think you're going to suddenly get it.
think of it this way:alcohol is a way to help dull whatever pain you may have. being sober just hurts, dealing with all the bullshit life throws at you. atleast you can manipulate your brain chemicals, and drink yourself into a forceful blissful state where it isnt so bad.
t.self harming alcoholic of 3 years now.
i dont know anymore
Lose control for a bit. You loosen up, everything is funnier, you're more talkative, you aren't worried about saying the wrong thing or navigating a social interaction correctly. Then in the morning (so long as there's no lasting damage) you brush it all off with a "I was drunk" and every normie instantly understands you can't be held accountable for what you might have said or done
it makes you feel love not for roasties, but for the beauty of the universe, the absurdity of the universe, the beauty of your mind and the absurdity of your mind
Really? As a roastie all I think about it boys when I am drunk
i feel guilty whenever i drink, but i perpetually just want to down something 24/7
I can think that while sober, why would I bother?
you have to smoke weed while doing it
helps you feel less shitty and more relaxed
Depends on the person. I'm the happiest motherfucker ever when I'm drunk.
I feel like the person I'm supposed to be when I'm drunk. Unfortunately, I keep chasing that feeling and make myself feel worse after. I know I'm supposed to stop drinking or at least slow down, but my depression is too shitty for me to cope with. This is after meds, therapy and a stint in the psyche ward.
you know maybe try reading the chain of posts you respond to, it was talking about lsd
dumb woman
Uh oh I am so sorry
Shit, sorry to read that, user
Sometimes alcohol seems like an answer, I know because I'm drunk right now, but maybe you shouldn't try to be the person you are when you're drunk, it's just a shitty cover up for everything underneath
I guess it makes most people feel crazy and confident. When I was in college my roommate used to come back from parties really drunk and make out with me. They would always say that it won't happen again the next morning.
You sound like a trans friend i accidentally turned into an alcoholic.
Be grateful, I guess, because it's really bad for health long-term.
Yeah, drinking makes me horny too. When drinking, I just want more pleasure, at any expense.
Trannies are too degenerate to have friends. You're simply an enabler and should feel bad
I mean this was years ago so jt checks out with your timeframe. I didnt enable. I left because of it.
You need to enter drinking with the right mindset. Don't be sad when you start. Say to yourself
>I am happy, I drink to celebrate that
Then you begin to drink.
What is the picture in the OP from?
HAHAHA, the whole point of drinking is that it will change any mood into a good mood xD xD xD
Seriously, if it doesn't work for him, I don't think it will work at any time... I mean, I guess there might be a small minority like that, but that's certainly not how it works for most.
(On the other hand tho, I think of drinking with other people as a waste, because I really hate most people, and I end up over-drinking because all my energy is spent on responding to them, and I don't find them amusing at all.)
This started happening to me in my mid 20's. I get super depressed when I start drinking. I actually think it may have something to do with hypoglycemia.
It doesn't need to be the truth. I tell myself that I am happy before drinking just because it allows me to drink more better. Before you do any mind altering thing you must always consider the state of your mind prior because that sets the path you go down
Idk, sorry that you need that, but for me, it doesn't matter what mood I'm in, my thoughts will start drifting to pleasant things, and life becomes simple and fun. (The only time it didn't work is when I was dead-set on killing myself. It's a weird feeling to be drunk and still feel awful.)
It removes a little of the pain of living for a couple hours, that's as much as I can ask for