im just a random faggot
Im just a random faggot
Are you the same random faggot as yesterday, or are you a new faggot?
i'm afraid i cannot answer that question
How do you justify making such a shit thread in the full knowledge that another thread died when you posted it?
Then you have officially failed this AMA, you should be ashamed
if you fail, try, try again
You are free to ask anything
i didn't say i would answer anything
True that
So, how's life treating ya,
kek what's the acutal point of this thread(at least answer this)?
just to pass time
pretty shit thanks how about you
Shit too, at least I have some beer
You should get some beer too
i try to abstain from drinking. it wont solve my problems
It sure as hell will make it seem less.
How bout you share some of your problems, venting might help, and I'm gonna stick around for a while
the CEO of the company i work for (i work a shitty minimum wage position) comes to my location in the next week or so, so the managers are going full dictator mode in preparation for their god to arrive and bless them
everyone employed at my location has to show up to work on that particular day and those who don't will be instantly fired. everyone forced to work extra hours and do extra tasks for some rich kikes in suits to spend 30 minutes tops walking around
just utter insanity abounds
CEOs are just assholes, it isn't good for anyone to put pressure on the ones that are doing the job that gets them all their money, stress is not good for your health, you should look for a job that treats you better user, don't settle for something that makes you unhappy
so far its not the CEO, its the managers i deal with daily who ar eputting what i see as undue pressure to impress the CEO
youre right though, i am considering getting a new job. anything i take at this point will be a downgrade in pay from my current job but perhaps it will be for the better
Well, if you are working a minimum wage already, you might as well feel less pressured with it, just my thoughts
AMA failed
dont try this again you suck at it.
im doing this again tomorrow and theres nothing you can do to stop me
what the job OP? I worked this type of crabby before. As i was going full autismo ripping out something from the underside of the belly a crabby fell 1 floor onto my head. The smell is grand after recent broiling aswell
Why haven't you killed yourself yet user? Bfuj