Heres a picture I took of my gf this morning after we had sex, say something nice about her
Heres a picture I took of my gf this morning after we had sex, say something nice about her
You can barely see the needle marks!
Looks like a generic skinny white girl.
She has soft skin.
thanks user, yes her skin is very soft especially her butt. She also naturally smells a bit like fruit, not sure what fruit though
lol you're some white girls sex slave
look at how she rest her smelly ass feet on your chest
you probably eat her ass and all that to
This pic has been posted hundreds of times, can't believe newfags still fall for it
are you fucking retarded, i took this picture today
show me the original or pretty please neck yourself
I'm not going to waste my time, burden of proof lies with you cunt.
I've seen this pic posted so many times with different censors it's unreal.
she sounds hot. would she like to share more with us? I'm interested in seeing her thighs.......and butt
umm...okay retard
even though im 100% sure youre just baiting so you can get the uncensored version, heres this. I wont be responding to your posts in the future though so enjoy the 2 replies I have granted you
here is her tummy, she works out a bit
>literally just the same picture
if you're so intent on making others believe that your imaginary "gf" is real how about a timestamp, faggot?
Looks fulfilling.
Lol come on now, you know that's not happening
Because OP is a faggot and he won't deliver. ;)
Post more. How did you guys meet? How long have you been saying? Gonna get married?
>further proves his point
Nigga what
sure let me just tell my normalfag gf im posting her half naked body on the internet
ahahaha no
you're retarded lmeaeoaeaoea
post a pic of your shitskin hand with a timestamp nigger
we met on an airplane, just started talking and realized we go to the same college, dating for 4 months now and we are no where near thinking about marriage lmao.
After we started dating she told me what really stood out was how easy I was to talk to, which is surprising because im a shut in and just wanted to make the flight not awkward
you have a terrible attitude, ill do nothing for you, but feel free to leave the thread.
You're saying that because you've been caught lying you failed baiter
if you think calling me a nigger and shitskin would make me want to give you anything you probably have brain damage, I highly recommend you leave the thread
but for frequent robots here im that Nigerian user who has posted timestamps/traditional clothes a few times
Nah timestamp the girl, I'm in a discord group full of nig nogs who post off topic threads with interacial porn pics attached, blacks are really insecure and I can't blame them, whiteys really fucked them up
Heres a "Nice thing" he accept a nigger like you, this is enough
Not that same user, I just came into this thread. I am not white either so I would love to see this as being true because I know it will trigger others. Please post another picture with your hand in it so I can laugh at others.
Get off your phone, idiot, you have company.
i suppose, also made the same shape with my hand.
im going to bed soon
>not even the same hand
top kek
it's a wrap boys
Love it. Have a good nights sleep.
You are absolutely retarded.
post timestamp of the girl, prove me wrong
see my original post
How much did you pay for her user?
>absolute STATE of the incels itt
Good on you op, you keep fucking those.
How many white girls have you fucked OP
Why are white women so obsessed with blacks?
So soft and hot. Glad for ya OP!
Like 8 I think?
>ignoring requests for proof
they aren't
That's c-cool I guess, my gf is just around the corner, r-right guys?
If you have a kid, they will have a hell of a life being a half-niglet. Good luck to you
Why'd you feel the need to post here? Do you feel special because you got laid? You sound pathetic. Also creep-shotting your own gf is pretty disrespectful of her