Mum gets home from shopping

>mum gets home from shopping
>open fridge
>see this

What do?

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She is trying to tell you that she wanted a daughter instead

Become a cute girl I guess

If onions were cheap I'd try it

open mouth really wide


idk those sound like some good flavours why would anyone have a problem with this?

Guess I'm getting prescribed HRT and buying some dresses.

ummm mommy why are you buying so much onions? You don't actually believe that meme turns you into a girl? if this is a joke mommy its pretty bad

Well shit I guess it's time to grow a pair of tits and get an insatiable urge to go to the DNC

why get the liquid when you can get so much more with the powder for the same price?

Wtf is that? Shampoo?

Go back in the living room and play my nintendo switch

Look for the green version, it must have some real protein in it

>have minor heart attack
>slam fridge shut in disbelief
>open it back up
>immediately yank open freezer
>thank kek, tendies still here
>reach way back there, yes cumshitsicles still there
>take two stick one in my ass put the other in my mouth
>heat oven throw some tendies in
>drink some soilent

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I'm honestly getting curious as to what these taste like considering they've been memed so much.

>reee so hard i enter an alternate dimension
later virgins

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shes trying to turn you into a little girl.
take her out now user before its to late.

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so try it. one bottle won't grow you a pair of tits

We live in middle of nowhere and poorfags. I'd be far more angry she spent that kind of money then anything. As well amazed she she found a store within 100 miles that sells this shit.

>shilling this hard
You probably went and saw Avengers Infinity War too because they had a paid local news segment vouching for it, didn't you?

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Have one on me, the first one's free.

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>Avengers Infinity War
An old lady asked me if I saw that today. Said she asked because im a MAN.

My HRT contains an immensely higher amount of estrogen than anything in those bottles

Drink them idiot

the plastic from the bottles themselves have more estrogens than the onions protein isolate.

b-b-b-b-but pewdiepie said it's a different kind of estrogen and it doesn't turn you into a g-g-g-g-girl

Even a thousand wouldn't. The soi meme is overblown.

Why did he say that it doesn't turn you into a girl? I thought it did.

>Have one on me, the first one's free
Isn't this a redundant statement?

>Isn't this a redundant statement?
You're absolute right and correct.

This is making me feel mildly upset.

drink water instead to hydrate myself you should do the same.

Drink the ONIONS drink the ONIONS drink the ONIONS drink the ONIONS drink the ONIONS drink the ONIONS ONIONS ONIONS ONIONS oh yeah delicious ONIONS!

>All the testosterone
Pure unadulterated ONIONS!

>What do?