What are they planning?
What are they planning?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Rolling quads without even trying
Also, I don't worry about Ciara and her cult of betas. Ciara will be dead via suicide or drug overdose in less than a year. She swore she would kill herself as soon as she turned 18 and she's now 18.
Thats the girl who banged Sam Hyde, bled from the fucking and begged for more right?
It baffles me how people still suck her toes as she sucks a superior Chad stud off
You're thinking of Marky.
>the girl who banged Sam Hyde
No, I think you're thinking of Markie, who later moved to Brazil to be with her older daddy bf. This girl is a lot uglier and more mentally ill.
>It baffles me how people still suck her toes as she sucks a superior Chad stud off
I hope she succeeds in getting all of her followers to chop their dicks off or at least get on HRT. Orbiters get what they deserve.
pretty sure it says what they are planning in the image retard
I think it's funny how Reiko is the one who get's in trouble for this.
While Piety had a literal suicide cult and Flandre has been turning boys into traps for years.
You know, none of this retarded shit would happen if the mods here did their job.
post cute crossdressers
I don't know but she is CUTE
Was that pic taken just after the rape or something?
The traitors will know their end by our thundering hooves
The dogs of war are gnashing
Cry havoc
Let them slip
they're both psychopaths. when the hell are they gonna get bored?
>People take Jow Forums so seriously
She would know better than most. If she didn't take the site so fucking seriously, why did she flood the boards with spam a week ago?
this, very originally of course.
Reiko and trap posters deserve the fucking rope but orbiters deserve it more. Hopefully they live stream their suicides post op
I just noticed these are timestamped from a week ago, right before the BPD flood. I knew that fucking cunt was behind it but this proves Reiko was in on it as well.
Fucking scumbags. I cannot wait for them to get what is coming to them.
Fucking this this threasa are nur9k praising normies its fucking disgusting
So are these young traps or something?
I refuse to believe that Ciara/Eliza is going back to her evil ways when she made that long rant about leaving Jow Forums and trying to better herself.
Would you expect anything better from a woman?
Who takes screenshots like this?
Then why the fuck would she scheme with Reiko?
these screenshots look super fake. She hates the name "Eliza" .
HEED the warning.
The Toronto truck attack may have been good in the way that it prevented the orbiter-trap alliance from taking control of this board, due to the normalfags here.
She didn't spam the boards. An angry orbiter spammed pics of her and her bf, though.
Is Marky a sugarbaby like Ciara?
Hiiiii Michael!
Ciara gave me your doxx. Are you scared yet?
Heavily bet this fake and just another """pys-op""" by reiko to fuck with people further, it's only been barely 2 weeks since people ree'd his name so what would stop him from doing it again with an infamous online whore?
You are so fucked, Michael. Keep talking to teen girls. I dare you.
Not that spam flood. I'm referring to the BPD flood from last Saturday. You probably missed it because the mods actually did a good job of containing it but it was definitely a controlled psy op and I knew Ciara and Reiko were behind it. I fucking called it and this confirms it. It happened the very next after their time stamped convo here.
I heard you did another illegal thing, Michael Gabriel Sosa.
28 is too young for her. shes dating a 35 yr old. and she secretly wants older.
I wonder what Ciara was up to.
Ciara doesn't even have BPD.
If this was b8, gr8 job m8. I r8 it 8/8.
But if you're actually serious, you're dead wrong. People with BPD don't change, even when they're given a million second chances. Look at this fucking famous scammer with BPD.
This is why we say there are no fembots
Same old, probably. Using pictures of girls from pics you shouldn't share threads to karma whore or scam pedophiles.
See . She doesn't have BPD.
Sorry, I know you wish you knew everything about her and what her future is like, but you don't.
ive lost all respect for sunny at this point
Still whoring herself out as of April it seems.
Even normalfags are better than you, fucking disgusting shits
Sunny is emotionally vulnerable and she keeps getting taken advantage of.
A) That's at least two years old. I promise you she has BPD and probably NPD as well. If she would actually get screened for it, she would be diagnosed. She ticks every checkbox.
B) It doesn't even matter if she has it. People think she has it and she resents people saying it ad nauseam. So she formed an alliance with Reiko there to exact some measure of revenge.
C) This is considered doxxing. I'd lay off posting that shit.
>I know you wish you knew everything about her and what her future is like, but you don't.
Actually, I seem to have figured out more about her in a short time than most people who have been following the Ciara loldrama for years have. For instance, I accurately predicted that she had been sexually molested as a child way before getting sexually assaulted at sixteen and I was right. Ciara herself even said so. If I was right about that, do you think maybe I could be right about this? I admit I haven't been following her little dysfunctional shit show for all that long but that is a good thing for clarity's sake. A fresh set of eyes on a problem works wonders sometimes.
She's still talking to Michael and he even bragged to me about how he broke into Ciara's Amazon account and Target account and spent $500 on gifts for Sunny with Ciara's money. I think that's what is referring to.
Don't trust him youtube.com
FUck you ciara. FUCK YOU CIARA :D
sincerely, somacoda
Lots of good conversations on these accounts.
You're the sperglord who made the video freaking out about her new bf, huh?
>discord drama
holy fuck we need the IRC crew from /a/ to smash these fags.
>Ciara herself even said so.
you just proved you dont know her, if you beleive things just because "she said so". she is a chronic liar.
It's from a year ago MAX. They studied her intensely IRL for over a month while all you know is based off posts on Jow Forums. You've never met her.
>turning boys into traps for years.
>tfw unironically used to do this to guys
>would manipulate them, get them so attached that they slowly turned themselves and would become "cute" girls for me
God what the fuck was I thinking. not sure who was more pathetic, them for doing it, or me for making people do it. I really wish people here grew a fucking spine. You could make a thread right now and find at least 2 anons to snag, mess with their heads and slowly turn into girls or at least top cross dressers in under 6 months.
Yup, that's why Ciara isn't afraid of her.
We all know it's you, Michael. You bragged about these logs you had. When it doesn't even prove anything, besides that she was attempting to scam dudes. Come back when you have proof that she met up with one of these guys... if you're not in prison in the next week.
Is this the average face of a robot? holy shit I thought I was a 3/10.
Iphone posting... it's you, Michael Sosa. You're fucked.
good. i hope ciara wrecks her ass for stealing money from her.
How in the heck did you get a hold of somebodys personal psychological evaluation
She realized it's Michael she should go after. He took $400 from her Target account and bragged about it. He's totally fucked, stealing from her Target, where she works. Target will be happy to prove that he used her account.
She's seIf posting.
this mother fucker reads the BPD wikipedia page then thinks he's sigmund freud. how the fuck are u qualified to determine whether or not she's gotta mental illness from this tiny ass pool of info--most of which is fake
yeah that/s me :3
You had to see the full discussion to understand the context of this revelation. I said "You have NPD and BPD and that's why you act the way you do. PTSD has almost nothing to do with it; there's no way you can attribute scamming people at 8 to PTSD from being raped at 16" and she responded "I was assaulted way younger than that. That's why I'm so crazy!"
But you're right. She very well could have been lying.
>They studied her intensely IRL for over a month while all you know is based off posts on Jow Forums.
My opinion is based on a combination of things. The stuff she posts on Jow Forums isn't relevant because that's her carefully crafted public persona. I base my opinion more on leaked chat logs, videos where she appears out of character (probably due to being on drugs), leaked documents, and just finding out about various cons by googling her email.
By the way, I know that report is a lot longer than the pages you've posted. I get the sense that you're cherry picking things to post that support your case. Post something that flat out says "She was evaluated for BPD but didn't show enough symptoms."
Michael Sosa sent it to me.
>top 20 greatest anime crossovers
I'm not posting a bunch of stuff because it talks about her family or her sexual assault.
Again, I think actual medical professionals that MET HER would know more than you.
>yeah that/s me :3
You look a lot older than your age. I'd have guessed you were in your early 20s.
What discord is this enemy in?
NHK? I am banned from there for being a lolisexual
Give me an invite I wanna be feminine
This shit is still going on?
Aww, Sosa honey. Are you mad that she's fucking a superior white man? Is it because her face in this pic is a HUGE "fuck you" to you?
nagi stop posting here already
she looks like she was a naughty girl ;)
You won't post the full thing because at some point, it hints that she does in fact have a cluster B personality disorder.
>I'm not posting a bunch of stuff because it talks about her family or her sexual assault.
Redact that stuff via photoshop if you really think it's compromising. But I still don't get it. Why on earth would you post all this shit that is already a leak of personal information but stop at leaking info about her dad throwing a toaster at her head or whatever it says? Who gives a shit?
Post a page that says she was evaluated for BPD and found not to have it. If you can't, then my opinion remains unchanged. Agree to disagree, I suppose.
I'm fucking 14 minutes in and the guy hasn't said anything of substance. He's like a politician. He never admits to anything and spends all his time talking about how he's a victim of online bullying.
Fuck this faggot.
I'll go through it. But if they didn't suspect that she has BPD, so didn't mention it, it doesn't prove that she has it. I think them flat out not diagnosing her with it supports my opinion that she doesn't have BPD.
Oh that's not me in the photo LOL. That's an old friend of Ciara's that someone showed to me. They got the fucker to put my name on it for some reason i don't know.
Yeah he's fuarkin ugly, but I'm much uglier than he is and a lot younger
Ciara never wants to leave this board amassing orbiters milking them for their money and getting them to do her bidding.
exactly don't trust him. He's strung a web of fucking lies and deception. He's not going to let some rand cunt ruin him
lol just a reminder that michael is a pedo and into 14 year old girls
This must be fake , she has thousands of orbiters not mere dozens
>Yeah he's fuarkin ugly, but I'm much uglier than he is and a lot younger
Do you look like your avatar cartoon with the big eyes?
I just checked the entire thing. There is no mention of considering testing her for a personality disorder.
if ciara wills me to take HRT and become a sissy beta white boy then so be it
By the way just to refute his bullshit, at the time he was getting nudes from sunny, (the time of Ciaras Ireland trip) it was an established fact at that time that sunny 14
It's less than dozens. Just a dedicated few who believe her lies and help her fake things.
>muh lies!!
Michael, you're just scared because it is now a fact that you're a pedo who preys on multiple teen girls, sends child porn, and now steals money from a girl who makes $10 an hour. Sad!
Now you're stalking her in chat groups too.
Oh, I wish!
The only overlapping trait that me and idestin have is our shitty unkempt hair. Other than that, he mogs me in all other aspects :( my genetics fucking suck
Sooo can I have a discord invite?
I want in on this please, Ive been here on r9k for over 5 years now and no one ever wants me
>There is no mention of considering testing her for a personality disorder.
She has indeed been tested for BPD at an absolute minimum and I will post proof in a second. I have to find the other document.
In the meantime, let me share this clipped image from her old blogspot blog. I ask you, why do you suppose she has such a keen interest in the subject of BPD if she doesn't suffer from it herself? Bear in mind, she has never once denied having it and is a skilled liar by omission, even according to her most ardent defenders. Stated differently, if she admits that she suffers from MDD, that doesn't mean it's the only thing she suffers from.
Also, I'm sorry but...
>Ciara has a nonverbal IQ of 98
I shouldn't laugh at this but I can't help myself. I always knew she was this fucking stupid and the IQ test results from Mensa were fake.
Why don't you have a computer, Michael? We can tell it's you from your iphone posting and we don't trust you.
You're retarded if you think the Mensa results were supposed to look real.
Umm okay that is nice and all you four talking to each other but can I be invited im a lolicon robot that wants friends
She took a test a few months after and freely admitted that her IQ is 109. The mensa results were so obviously a troll and Ciara denied making them.
>She has indeed been tested for BPD at an absolute minimum and I will post proof in a second. I have to find the other document.
Found it.
>There is no mention of considering testing her for a personality disorder.
She posted this document indicating she needs further testing for BPD (and other disorders) but never posted the results. Why do you think that might be?
Wow, imagine being this edgy and posting yourself for (You)s
Idiots like you are constantly bringing up BPD to her. It makes sense that she'd research it and think that the singer could have it. You're really grasping at straws if you think that proves that she is BPD.
Those lines of redacted information are highly suspicious. She clearly has a lot to hide.
She did get the followup testing, three months later, at Timberline Knolls. That's the document I've been posting that didn't mention BPD at all.
I have the uncensored somewhere. They were talking about the sexual assault.