Torturing animals at a young age is normal right?
Torturing animals at a young age is normal right?
Go to bed piety
but i just woke up.
you dummy
No, it isn't too common. Maybe it is for bugs or something.
I never found hurting bugs that interesting. But i did think it was interesting flooding ant hills.
Shut up and go to sleep. Big stupid idiot
When I was younger I was nice to people and animals and I had a good home and family and I played outside with my best friend every day! :D
You obviously know that's not normal.
wow rude.
Why? That just sounds extremely boring.
Seems normal to me.
It's not boring if you're not sadistic and can mirror what other things can feel in yourself. Man, I'm so glad I wasn't raped as a child or anything. It's just so great that I got to be a naive kid and have fun!
>trying this hard
dumb avatar lolcow
You know it isn't right, you attentionwhoring histrionic
I had a mostly good childhood if you ignore things that were bad!
I'm happy for you! What is a good memory? Oh God please don't be torturing animals
you lied about your brother raping you and you lied about being adopted
That is a good memory, i also liked sledding in the snow and having ice-cream afterwards.
You called me a dummy first. I want an apology.
yes otiginal
That's a great thing to do as a kid. There is a lot of fun stuff to do in the winter. You make me sad. Why are you like this?
You deserve it. You're inferior to me in every possible way.
oh ok i had a very normal upbringing!!
guess you would know better than me xd
Yes the snow is fun, i still like the snow. It's strange it was snowing still in April though.
because of my totally normal upbringing didn't user mention that?
>because of my totally normal upbringing didn't user mention that?
I don't know. I've assumed a lot about you but I don't know anything about you.
yeah, if you are chinese or a nigger.
Only specific people do.
You're not one of them.
That's insulting.
>be 9
>catch stray dogs
>pin them down on the ground
>shoot them in the head with my pellet gun
>sometimes the pellet wouldn't kill them so I shoot them in the eyes or the back of the neck
OK, well good luck in life, user. You seem nice enough in conversation.
Ooo, that's kinda cute!
Why dogs though and not cats?
Thanks friendo!
Fuck, I take that back
But why? I seriously don't understand
I like cats, they're chill. Dogs in the other hand, are aggressive and chaotic. I hated dogs since one bit me when I was like 4, I was just trying to pet it and the fucker bit the shit outta my hand and my parents had to take me to the hospital.
Because I hate dogs. If I see one crossing my path while driving I slam on the gas trying to run it over.
OK, I get that but how can you stomach shooting it in the eyes? That's just so terrible.
Dunno, I was a fucked up kid.
It's not 'normal', but something the enlightened incel should practice at all ages.
Animals are no better than women, behind the mask of cutesy and innocence lurks the sex-having beast waiting for its just punishment in the name of Elliot!
I need to stop getting worked up over what people say online. I'm going to have an aneurysm.
I like both dogs and cats, that doesn't stop me from doing it anyway though.
Cats are more fun to hurt even if you do chokies to them. I've only ever killed 1 dog though so maybe i should try it again.
i have no idea what you're talking about
I love my cute lil sister.
You're a monster. I can't believe you exist in the same world as me.
ooo, i didn't know you were here!
Call me what-ever word makes you feel better friend.
Nothing will make me feel better about this because I know there's nothing I can do to stop you. How does a person even end up like this?
Maybe you just get hurt to easily.
you should try killing a person. maybe a prostitute or a runaway.
Risk too high, and the reward not enough.
I also don't care about killing i just like the action of torturing.
Death is kinda irrelevant to me it just happens a lot of the time.
do you get a sexual thrill out of it?
I really don't Iike you.
Slaying pussy the supreme way!
I wouldn't kill them without a reason, but I enjoyed tricking them to panic or would subdue them when they did something bad, for half an hour, which was always great fun.
Seriously pets have no meaning, they're simply too dumb for me to ever form a connection to them. I always go ahead and train them to behave a certain way, they're way to predictable.
hows it going being so repulsive guys cant cum from fucking you Piety?
Yes, if im really excited.
I also dislike blood but if im turned on i don't mind it then i can do things like cutting and severe mutilation.
Why not? I've never done anything to you.
I don't think they're meant to be smart you dummy. Not really the point of pets.
Not sure where that came from user.
yes, the point I wanted to get across was, that I can't form a bond between them like other pet owners. I don't cry over a lost pet for example.
Maybe pets are not for you then silly.
Try getting a pet human next time maybe.
People like you have caused me pain in my life and I feel for the things that go through bad things at the expense of your sadism
Where do you live? Let's hangg out.
>Yes, if im really excited.
>I also dislike blood but if im turned on i don't mind it then i can do things like cutting and severe mutilation.
well i think that's hot. i, for one, really like you user :)
>cutting and severe mutilation
i assume, not of yourself?
what are your favorite animals to inflict this on? You used to do this as a young child or you still do? What does it feel like?
Fuck off back to cow
Sadly, I can't buy a woman, but maybe I'll find someone open for a purposive relation. Hard to find these days though. I'll need someone with low selfesteem. I plan on checking local anime cons or whatever next in order to find someone like that.
Shouldn't put all of "us" in one group dummy!
midwest us
Oh, thanks user.
No not myself the animals.
I prefer cats, they fight back in a really fun way.
I like to choke above all other methods. Started young, i have not done it in about 2 years now.
The urge is back though, how interesting.
It's not hard at all!
Actually very easy.
Welp i gtg now, this is my last post. Bye friends!
fuck off piety you disgusting piece of filth noone fucking likes you.
and no its not normal to torture animals you fucking retarded piece of shit
If you ever came near my cat, I'd strangle you to death myself, you little pissant. We'd see how much you enjoy the roles being reversed. Maybe you'd even fight back in a really fun way.
Come back to lgbt
Torturing humans at a young age is also normal...
Use that anger to add me
Worst I ever did was put a firecracker in a frog's mouth.
I felt sorry afterward.