>hate women
>but also want to be one
How do I deal with this feel?
Hate women
Oh no. I can sense his presence..
why can't you just be a normal faggot
neck yourself crona you lying manipulative freak
accept the fact that you are a man unless you have severe gender dysphoria or some shit, stop being a faggot
Wtf, how did you know it was me?
You know something is very wrong worth Jow Forums when people are asking "why can't you be a normalfag".
Do what any man would do repress those feelings I've been doing it and many more will to. So what if you meet the medical diagnostics for gender dysphoria, you jut got to live with it.
You know what I meant nigger
I'm gonna order my HRT today
It's a phase. You'll grow out of it. I was a sissy trap femboi slut from ages 20-25, now I'm 30 and comfortably straight.
Devil you I'll just suffer this stuff alone then! Pills are for the weak!
Not op but wanted to be a girl in grade school to still now developed force fem and tg fetish around puberty. How did you stop it?
Nothing, I just grew out of it. Although cleaning up my diet and starting weightlifting probably contributed.
Are the feelings truly gone or are you just really good at repressing now?
Answer me this: if there was a magic button that you could press to turn you into a passing female, would you be tempted to press it?
Not him but where the fuck is that god damn button?
Only if I have potential to be qt though.
Not him but who the fuck wouldn't.
People who aren't trans, presumably
Tranny reporting in
The moe I become womanly, the more I hate other women
are we really back to this trap posting again
if we are i'm leaving
I'm not trans though, but I still would
You're eggmode
who else is smugly browsing this thread post teenage transition
Unrelated but I find the culture of chasing eggs, of pressuring people with these feelings to transition, pretty creepy.
A lot of us decide transitioning isn't worth it because we'll fall so far short of what we want. We just have to live with that.
What is this to mean
You and literally 99% of this board.
If you're serious about wanting to be a woman and it isn't fleeting jerkoff thoughts you're probably trans and should see a therapist. Good way to find out if you actually want to transition.
Does it stop your bone structure from becoming JUST?
Tranny term for someone who wants to be a girl but hides it. Then they 'hatch' into a tranny. It's cringy tumblr shit.
>tfw no bf
>tfw on hrt now
You're trans but don't know it yet. You're yet to hatch
>what is google
Define 'teenage'. What age did you start?
Me. I started when I was 16 and now nearly in my 30s I feel fucking great. I'm thankful I got over myself quickly, I'd probably be dead if I waited any longer to start
im 34 27 35, 5'8 122lbs
my bone structure is neato burrito user, little boyish but what can you do
I wanted to see a therapist but there's a 2 year waiting time so I'm just gonna self-med
Is 18 too late?
Just because I think my life would be nice if I was born a girl doesn't make me a trany. I'm okay with my gender, just think it'll be nicer as the other.
kinda depends on your genes at that point
If you're not trans and don't have gender dysphoria fuck off stefonknee
>Just because I think my life would be nice if I was born a girl doesn't make me a trany.
That's literally what being trans is. Cis people don't wish they were the opposite sex, user
18 is definitely not too late. Despite that post and people being pricks, like honestly if you start before you're 23~25 you'll probably be fine long term, but have some struggles in the interim, if I was to guess. Since I started so young the transition was extra easy because I just went to college as a girl and nobody knew shit and it was the best feeling honestly
nothing wrong with this
You subconsciously acknowledge the privileges sluts have.So rationally you want them as well.
Nigger I've literally had to cover up all the reflective surfaces in my flat. I rarely speak so I don't have to hear my own voice.
lol if you're unpassable just order heroin off dreammarket and od on it, no sense living that life
transition otherwise
Why not do both? Heroin is cool, and so are boobs
>i'm not trans
>>eggmode What is this to mean
I said I'm not
I think everyone thinks that though
>I think everyone thinks that though
They really, really don't. At least not more than once or twice.
>today user discovered he was transgender
you'll get addicted, duh
What are woman to you Jow Forums?
You die either way. Might as well ride the white lightning into the abyss.
>ride the white lightning
Just remembered that means coke, ignore me, I'm retarded.
Still applies tho.
yeah but i got 40 more years of good living in this flesh prison user
But I'm not I never wanted to cut my dick off or anything like that. I though people do just don't say it.
Maybe one of those years science find a way to change your flesh prison into cute flesh apartment you want.
The hope is the only reason I haven't necked myself already.
On top of a drastic misunderstanding of what goes into a transition (most trans people don't get The Surgery as you know it, most just settle for hormone replacement therapy, which is just daily pills), you're doing everything you can to deny having potentially trans feelings because you think 'everyone does it'.. just, dude, talk to a therapist. Be honest to them.
Don't listen to this trans-shill
I swear, since the whole psyop thing became common knowledge, they've become real desperate
Just because you think it might be fun/okay to be a girl doesn't mean your trans as long as you don't really feel like one/ uncomfortable in your own skin because you don't identify as male and 'it isn't yours'
I swear the fucking god Jow Forums is altering what I post to make me talk like Grug.
don't get me wrong user i mostly like my body but i'm transhumanist
How is 'talk to a therapist and work out how you really feel' shilling exactly? Better them find out either way than get to a break point later in life, right?
>>hate women
>>but also want to be one
>How do I deal with this feel?
Kill yourself you fucking human garbage
Thing is though with the current political climate some doctors are really trigger happy with prescribing HRT. I don't have the story on hand but there was for example this one robot who got shilled till he thought he was trans and didn't realize he wasn't until it was to late and his old life would have been in shambles if he'd stop with HRT
>some doctors are really trigger happy with prescribing HRT
This is genuinely untrue and not supported by any actual evidence. it might be easier to get on HRT these days but there are still tons of roadblocks. Don't be dumb.
>it might be easier to get on HRT these days but there are still tons of roadblocks. Don't be dumb.
they need psychological help not fucking hormones. all these tranny kids are going to be suing their parents 10 years from now.
not op but it doesn't work like that even for straight mtf. i mean i find men sexually attractive but i don't want to have sex with them if i cannot look like a girl... (working on that)
They will never be girls they're just fucking idiots.
I don't want to I don't like therapist and I don't like talking face to face with people.
>i cannot look like a girl... (working on that)
fuck off faggot scum
Dude, all I'm saying is don't let other people tell you what you are and what you aren't. Thoughts about what it be like to be someone or something else are perfectly normal. As long as it doesn't effect your normal life and doesn't make you very unhappy or feel like you are someone you're really not chances are you're fine. And even if you're unhappy, it doesn't have to be because of gender dysphoria but could be a plethora of other things, maybe you're just depressed like the guy in the story I was talking about was. I'm not saying don't seek therapy, I'm saying don't jump on the trans-hype-train that is going crazy atm just because everyone is
>they need psychological help
What the fuck do you think therapy is for exactly???
Hating women is 1/3rd of being a woman in 2018 so you're doing just fine
Nice. Very nice, user.
they need to realise they're not women, not be told this garbage is normal and then pumped full of hormones so they can become monsters.
There's an easy solution for it. It involves killing yourself. Have fun faggot.
you will not if you are a trans
it only gets worse and worse and then even more worse
gd isn't a belief that you are literally a cis girl it's a deep discontent with your body, face, genitalia, gender role (maybe all together) and wanting to be a girl really bad
>gd isn't a belief that you are literally a cis girl it's a deep discontent with your body, face, genitalia, gender role (maybe all together) and wanting to be a girl really bad
I don't give a fuck faggot scum. take your shit to /lgbt/. robots are sick of seeing your fucking filth on here every day.
gender doesn't exist OP, be glad you live in a time where you can just say "I am a woman" and it means you are one.
post proof
post results
>post proof
>post results
kill yourself tranny enabler
ew no not trannies