By not having sex with this man, women killed 10 people and injured many others in Toronto

By not having sex with this man, women killed 10 people and injured many others in Toronto.

It's now clear that dealing with women's cruelty will be the biggest challenge in 21st century, as dealing with the Plague was the most important challenge in the 14th century.

In order to fight women's vicious hunger for violence and devastation, we must answer two questions:

Why are women so evil?
What can we do to stop them?

Attached: Alek-Minassian-landscape-950x684.jpg (950x684, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

When it comes to sex, women will never change. They'll continue to handle their asset (aka pussy) in a selfish and elitist way.

We should then focus on how to make that asset less valuable

Men have already started devaluing it with the likes of sexbots and boipucci.

How would a sexbot work anyways
I can already imagine it making a bunch of mechanical noises and being stiff

Seeing the faces of various of all these "famous" incels and realizing even they look 100x better than me is horrifying
We're all fucked aren't we

>By not having sex with this man, women killed 10 people and injured many others in Toronto.
Thank god for women!

This thread makes me wish that Jow Forums should be taken down
And this is coming from a kissless virgin

>I can already imagine it making a bunch of mechanical noises and being stiff
So it will act EXACTLY like a woman then?

women are literally the devil in disguise, they must be stopped

would you have sex with a guy who looks at the floor, meows and hugs himself?

if i was paid desu

If you want to stop this incel shit just legalize prostitution. Then they'll have sex, realize it's not as great as they built it up to be in their heads, and they'll go back to playing their video games. Or, now that they're no longer virgins they won't be as afraid to talk to women and they'll actually find a gf.

How much u charge?

It's legal in Canada. That guy literally could have gone to a prostitute. He was a volcel.

By not having sex with this man, men killed 10 people and injured many others in Toronto. Why did you incels not have gay sex with him? You have blood on your hands.

would men have sex with a woman who meows, hugs herself and looks at the floor?

answer: 100% yes

why can't men be treated the same

Canada seems like the us but without any problems
Apparently your women are evil bitches though
Well evil-er

a lot them seem to support communism so why not just have a commie pussy distribution system? they asked for it anyways

It's not legal in Canada
It's a dumb system where it's legal to sell your body for sex but it's illegal to buy someone for sex

Most communist countries still practiced monogamy

lol even communists at leftypol laugh at losers. they are only interested making everyone equal money wise, who do you think would win under that kind of system chad or robot?

That's where they fucked up. Only until there is equal distribution of sex will people not care about hoarding money.

But thats what monogamy is...
You know one woman for every man...

Quantity != quality

None of this has even been confirmed. The Facebook page was likely a hoax.

If she has big tits and is hot.

That sounds adorable desu

Why is his face green??

Proper, affordable sexbots would be as revolutionary an invention as the steam engine

What if he was also looking for companionship?

He wasn't gay, neither are we. He didn't want a man

I'd totally date a girl like that. That sounds pretty cute actually

If it's some random shitskin they're all like:

>"It's not his fault if he was born in a shit hole!!! You should have sympathy for him!!! You have no control on where you are born!!! He's not lazy or violent, he was just unlucky!!! How dare you judge him?!?!?! We should help him!!!!"

If it's some robot:

>"Omg you can't get laid xddddddddd! It's your fault if you are ugly LMFAO! Sex is easy, it's about the personality brah, you could get laid all the time but you're too lazy to work on yourself xddddddddd!!! Get over it loser, WOMEN DON'T OWE YOU ANYTHING!! 1!1!1!!!1!"

Women are disgusting hypocrites foun yjis

As an incel I have to say that, since I obviously lack the aestheticalI and social skills required to properly deal with life, I wouldn't mind to be institutionalized.
It would be nice if the government handed me a small comfy room to live in, decent food and beverages.

In exchange I'd be willing to take all the meds or therapeutical courses they prescribe me