Can someone explain me the concept of dancing?

Can someone explain me the concept of dancing?
I just don't understand what's so fun about randomly moving your body, it looks like the most awkward activity ever.

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>it looks like the most awkward activity
yeah it's awkward if you're an awkward cunt

I've never understood it either, like what are you even supposed to do? Is it something you just learn or is it supposed to come naturally?

Fuck off, I swear to god you normalfags are unbearable

It's really fun if you're drunk and a song you really like comes on. Otherwise, no. Don't see the appeal of dancing for hours to music you probably don't even like.

Rythmic body movements is the way human creatures display their sexual aptitude. It's a courting ritual. You know someone who can sexily move their body to the rythym is going to be able to make a good fuck with you.

That's the meme, but I don't buy it. Most people are not having movie scene sex. Generally one person lays on their back while the other thrusts their hips for a few minutes. Nothing like dancing.

Dancing has been a part of every culture since the dawn of civilization and the skill ceiling is phenomenally high, it's not randomly moving your body.

You can't explain it that's the point. You either get it or you don't. Since you don't it means you need to figure yourself out more, learn to have fun more. It's just expressing yourself with your body.

When you take drugs and there is good music, dancing is fun. The drugs mean you lose the self consciousness that makes dancing awkward.

When a girl dances with you, you can feel her ass against your dick and it feels awesome. it's the warm up to fucking.

still doesn't explain the appeal to me, I just don't get what's so fun about it

Well there's probably a lot of things that you and I don't find fun, but your personal dislike doesn't reduce it to random body movements. I don't like trapeze performance but I can appreciate the incredible martial skill they put in to that craft.

I don't know either OP, I really like new wave and LCD Soundsystem and I like the idea of dancing but I just don't know how to dance myself. So mfw I want to make music people can dance to but I actually don't know how to dance so I would just look like a more autistic David Byrne

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It's to impress the opposite sex.

>It's just expressing yourself with your body.
I don't think just anyone can express themselves with dancing, it requires a certain type of brain structure that only normies possess

It's actually really fun.

Moving rhytmically to external audio is ingrained in human nature. It's related to human mating process. If you don't understand dancing, then there's something really wrong with you. Even babies dance before they even understand the concept of music or dance.

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You must be having some terrible sex.

>there's something really wrong with you
where the fuck do you think you are??

I agree with he user you replied to, is it not normal to do it like that

>If you don't understand dancing, then there's something really wrong with you.

Wow, really? There's something really wrong with me? Blowing my god damn mind here, user.

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That sounds like awful WMWF sex. I've watched thousands of interracial BMWF videos on Pornhub and the black male's sexual prowess is something to behold. And YES i'm Jewish but that has nothing to do with anything.

well for starters there are more positions than missionary.
thrusting technique and speed is important too, plus dirty talk and all the wonderful things you can do with your hands during sex.

I understnd dancing, but I don't understand nightclubs.
So, you go into a place that is dark on purpose, to stand in front of someone and move around a lot.
Are nightclubs just for sex? Or do people actually to this for fun?

>Are nightclubs just for sex?

>Or do people actually to this for fun?
Women will tell you this but you'd be a fool to believe it.

Sublimated mating ritual is what it is.

dancing is for fags and women

That's normshits for you

>coworker tells me every time she drinks she can't help but dance which she loves to do

immediately want to kms because i can't dance and am too ugly for it anyway

You don't have a problem with dancing. You have a problem with dancing in public, i.e. the social aspect of it. Then you rationalize it in your mind, saying to yourself that you don't understand the whole concept, even though you love music and your body dances with the rhythm everytime you listen to a song you like.

The problem is you hate social interactions. Why? Because you are awkward as fuck. Why? Mild autism and weak upbringing.

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>it's another retard pretends not to understand a basic "popular" concept because he thinks that makes him smart because he doesn't engage in popular stuff
You are so predictable it's laughable. Fucking retards.

>being bad at dancing or too insecure to dance
sure whatever
>claiming you don't understand dancing
retarded over-exaggeration for robot brownie points

damn this is good image, may I save it?

Try to make it believable user

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>I don't like fun therefore no one else does
>nightclubs are just orgies bro

Jesus Christ. Some people like dancing, especially with friends. Your parents probably do or did too.

I'm autistic so of course I don't understand it. I've asked a few people and most say something like "it's makes you feel good like exercising" or "you completely forget the world when you're doing it".

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

Different user but I genuinely don't see the appeal. Have tried and I'm like "that's it? Why do people like this so much?"

>tfw intentionally dance autistically around normies to make them awkward

the most fun thing

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>even though you love music and your body dances with the rhythm everytime you listen to a song you like
That's where you're wrong, normalfag.

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Die of AIDS, normalshit.

dancing is another abstract expression.

i never gave a shit about it, but i was always athletic. dancing felt inferior to me, like a pointless ritual or something.
sports is better because it's like a competitive dance with strategy involved.

in other words, dancing is for women.

>If you don't understand dancing, then there's something really
Gee who would have guessed?

You need to have better partners mate. I will admit there are more girls like this than I'd like, but there's some who will always perform. I've met girls that fuck like pornstars, they're worth staying with for a while

>hahahaha and then my huge dick went into her vegane and we had sexytimes XDDDD so relateable
Kys normalfag

you mean dancing in public with others I assume

you can't tell us you've never listened to music and sat and bobbed your head or bounced around. dancing and rhythm is ingrained in the human mind.

I really, really like this goth girl and she loves going to goth clubs with her mom and can dance like an angel. How the fuck do I learn to dance? Also do goth people do it differently?

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You havent heard the right song for you? You learned at a young age to repress yourself? You might enjoy that arrangement or pattern of notes and sounds but being obese disables your movement?

>Jesus Christ. Some people like dancing, especially with friends. Your parents probably do or did too.

Of course they like it; it's literally in their DNA.
You don't seem to appreciate the complexity of human social behaviour.

Nice straw man you've got there as well. Human beings have a few baseline motivations which animates them at most times. You've got the basic material motivation which can be summed up as self-preservation and perpetuation of your material form into the future. But even this is a secondary motivation when contrasted with the true goal of any organism: Passing on genetic material.

If you want to understand life and its substance you must realize this one simple truth: It's all about babies.

There isn't a single thing in your life which doesn't ultimately harken back to your biological drive to reproduce. Organisms will literally die in order to satisfy this need. The human social environment is an inticrate mating ritual and some aspects of it is closer to the source than others. Grooming is a good example of this; ostensibly 'common decency' but dig an inch and you'll find it to be highly sexually motivated.

Work, hobbies, your clothes, society: it's all one giant mating ritual. To understand this more clearly it's useful to recognize the absolute helplessness of a prepubescent human child. Our rituals is nonintuitive due to us trying to understand them from the inside out but also because they don't span a brief period of time as is the case with many other species: they span 15 years.

>I don't like fun therefore no one else does
Fun is what we call the felt sensation of pleasurable chemicals being released into our brains. Fun is what tells your 'ego' that you are doing what you evolved to do. What is "right" by nature if you will. (If anyone replies with some modern bullshit counter example to this which wouldn't apply to a mesolithic era human you can gtfo).

/autistic rant

"can someone explain to me having fun"

Well, first thing you need to do, OP, is stop fucking judging people. Then you need to realize that not everybody is judging you every second they interact with you.

Secondly, it's about the music, at its core. Thots and Chads go to clubs to score, but for everyone else, dancing isn't about the movement, it's about the music. People that practice dancing well are aesthetically pleasing to watch dance, which is why there are professional dancers.

If you are old enough to come to this site, but you have never listened to a song - any song - that has made you want to dance, then you're beyond saving. I honestly doubt that's the case, though, since that would indicate that you have a crippling mental disorder. Nah, instead, I bet you're just critical of people that go out and dance and go to bars and clubs and shit, which has little to do with dancing and more to do with how you "hate normies".

I honestly pity people like you. After reading the thread and the comments, it really does appear that the only reason why you don't "get it" is it's because dancing is something normies do at clubs. Fuck the normies. Go to a goth club, see how they dance - nobody gives two faggots of a fuck about how they look or who they dance with, and yes, goths dance. If a person who wears only black and reads poetry all day while shooting heroin and crying themselves to sleep at night can get up and dance, then your fat ass has no fucking excuse.

Stop being such a prick to people. This is why nobody invites you out dancing.

Wrong on all accounts again, friend. I'll let you know if you ever get close.

Wow look, he's autistic and retarded.

I've got a feeling you'll never have any kids with that attitude.

>more autistic

>Wow look, he's autistic and retarded.
Fucking DUH, mate.

>I've got a feeling you'll never have any kids with that attitude.
That's where you're wrong, kid. As far as my outward appearance goes I won the genetic lottery.

There a subliminal motivations to dance that dont involve a need for sex? Like I see ur trying to sound smart but if u think otherwise u really arent.

Bruh ill clue u into something, while this is a bit coubter-intuitive (especially for an autist like yourself), attraction is a much more subjective thing for females. In other words, personality matters alot.

There are no subliminal motivations that don't involve the need for sex. If you think otherwise you're ignoring the only thing natural selection actually selects for: procreation.

You evolved your form in order to procreate more efficiently. That's literally the only thing seperating a dead end in the tree of life from a branch which reaches ever outward.

Do you think I deny this in myself? Do you think I don't realize that I'm a fucking organism? You seem to be under the impression that I look down at organisms for literally doing the one thing they were designed to do. I'm not trying to sound smart. I'm telling you: if you don't get this then the world is a god damn mystery to you and you haven't got a fucking clue.

Being a defective piece of shit is nothing to be proud of.


Man, this subject seems to really trigger normies hard.

>I honestly doubt that's the case, though, since that would indicate that you have a crippling mental disorder.
...and? Mental disorders exist. Anhedonia is a thing. You think theres no mentally ill people on r9k?

Uh what about the one that underlines your need for sex? You know, your need to fucking persist? People can enjoy dancing because it feels good, it feels good because its healthy, its healthy because you move your body in ways you would not typically do so, thus excercising it in a novel manner which will marginally improve your longevity... Keeping up?

Also your metaphor was fucking terrible, I really hope you dont write

Let's presume here that the reason people dance is because it releases chemicals associeted with physical activity.

>it feels good because its healthy
Why is it good to be healthy?

>thus excercising it in a novel manner which will marginally improve your longevity
There are many behaviours which are far more intuitive which promote longevity. An genetic material is selected for by process of reproduction. What do you not understand? If you have a gene that makes you drop dead from a heart attack the day you reach 20 but somehow, inexplicably, also makes it so that you reproduce with 100% success ratio and has your seed bearing triplets 10/10 times then that would be what a human being was.

If the marginal gains to longevity gained from dancing could account for more successful mating among the individuals inclined to practice this behaviour then your reasoning would make sense: but it doesn't.

Why are you even trying to deny the fact that the only relevant qualification for behaviour which is selected for is whether or not individuals which exhibit it were more successful in passing on their genes than their non-inclined counterparts? Nigger, this is biology 101

You say
>Uh what about the one that underlines your need for sex? You know, your need to fucking persist?

As if you're not inclined to persist exactly because that is a valid reproductive strategy. Some organisms are born, reproduce and die in the span of a single day. This is the nature of life. The need to persist does not presuppose your need for sex; your need for sex presupposes your inclination to subsist (because we're not born fit to reproduce and thus we inevitably have to enact behaviour which leads to subsistence).

>I really just don't see the appeal...
>how DARE you dislike dancing? You disgusting INCEL?! That's unforgivable! I'm going to kill you!
Normies, everyone

>skill ceiling is phenomenally high
Normalfaggots will go to any lengths to "prove" that their vain activities are somehow hard work.

'The only relevent qualification' spoken with such confidence, how amiable. Anyway youre psuedo intellectual rants have quickly become boring, im off to pick the brains of more comically flawed autists.

I don't get it either. At most I nod my head to the beat and even then it's rare.

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Wasn't spoken. But yah. You've been told. Fuck off now.

Goth girls fuck differently yes. Usually they know only two moves. Bending over and taking it in either a dingy toilet or dark alleyway, and riding up and down very hard and fast like a rabbit.
They're still nice though.

>anyone who disagrees with me is a normie

Where the fuck do you think you are right now? There are no normies right here fag

lol. I don't even dislike dancing but this is normie tier af rhetoric

I was asking if goths dance in a differemt way, but thanks for the info