Do you support gay and trans rights, Jow Forums? What do you think of them?
Do you support gay and trans rights, Jow Forums? What do you think of them?
Holy shit why did trannies have to ruin everything
It's a hilarious internet meme that doesn't exist in real life as far as i'm concerned.
Of course not.
Supporting that shit is supporting them brainwashing your children into having buttsex.
>be gay
>hate gay culture and the whole lgbtqiap+ bullshit
>hate trannies with a burning passion
>hate gay education and liberal child brainwashing
>hate hookup culture and male roasties
>just want a nice monogamous man to have a normal relationship with that isn't a degenerate
>realize this is probably an unattainable goal with the state of gays
Of course I support them, the more supported it is the more likely people will transition early and become qt traps instead of gorilla looking uggos
>tfw gay virgin and feel the exact same way
You're probably in the US though and since I hate the community so much I doubt I'll ever find a bf...
This must suck.
I have no problem with people being gay but I can't stand mincing fruity fags.
>It's a woman's penis
We took a wrong path somewhere.
lol anyone who falls for this deserves to be gay
I'm actually Canadian but I have a feeling you're outside NA
Thank you Satan :)
Yeah I'm from Ireland so my options are limited outside of the scene...
They should be able to work and vote but they don't get extra rights for being slightly different. Your sexual identity and preferences don't define you and if you think they do, you're worthless and have bigger issues than gd.
I used to. Then I saw their true side on Jow Forums. They are the worst insufferable faggots and need to be gassed.
I think gay people should have all the same rights as straight people, and dysphoria should be recognized as a medical condition to be treated, none of this I dont need to have dysphoria to be trans nonsense.
I don't even know what they are.
I don't see how they need a separate set of rights to anyone else.
>be me in 2011
Gays are fine I guess they're normal people who like the same sex and they should be able to marry
>be me in 2018
Gays are flamboyant degenerates who can't function without expressing how gay they are all the time and should be executed
They only have themselves to blame.
Why don't more people understand this?
Through the power of the internet and transportation you could meet one another.
So much this. They are asking to be hated.
A Canadian bf would be nice but LDRs have never worked out for me. Also I'm a poorfag and on autismbux so I can't do much travelling.
what the fuck is up with those mental gymnastics.
>Supporting children destroying their bodies
Sounds like a perfect reason to improve your living situation desu lad.
>have online LDR
>improve self + finances
>happy ever after
I'm the canuck, I agree, I could never do LDR sadly. It's just not practical, it's nice to dream but I've seen how these things end and they don't end well.
God sent you an opportunity and you decide that it's not even worth a try. Truly you upset the Lord.
Send him your discord or email or whatever already, you fucking faggot.
Had that dream at least twice and they crashed hard.
Yeah. I mean at least if you were UK or I was USA it would be a lot easier, but timezones on top of distance...
I don't have the strength to go through it all again. I need a local bf.
>It's a woman's penis
Holy shit that is just as much denial as the trap faggots
ALL trannies must die. Who's with me, boys?! I'll start.
sure, I've got a gay pal and he's a swell guy
>fruity camp YASS QUEEN obnoxious faggots and trannies
Sadly the bulk of gays make up the latter.
I do support their rights.
I am disgusted by them.
wrong. it's just a loud minority.
spoiler: you know and interact with more gay people than you realise. the only ones you do notice are those that are loud and camp.
Hey hey who's the man with the digits here? Them being a loud minority still impacts on our overall image. Being quiet and closeted makes you harder to find so unless you tell everyone that you like cock, it's unlikely you'll find a closeted gay or a "straight acting" gay.
I support gays and trannies because the more of them there are the more chances of ever getting pussy I have.
Go ahead and mutilate yourself as much as you want but don't expect people to see you as a potential mate like they see biological females. To use roastie speak "they don't owe you sex".
did you just assume my gender, cis shit?
I support their rights but that's just gay.
Doesn't appeal to me personally but whatever, it's their life to live. No reason the government should mistreat them or whatever.
i'm a fag and hate the ever-loving fuck out of fags
some of the worst, to be honest
I oppose their rights, not because I disagree with them having rights, but because offering resistance helps prevent them from going too far.
ie Social Justice safespace crap.
Yeah gay guys don't care about that, only mentally ill furry psuedo-marxist creatures do.
Agree, only tumblrites and "allies" care about that bullshit.
t. tranny fag
>be me, think exactly this
>fast forward to a year ago and family member who I have known as a normal guy and shared many a beer with for decades tells us all he's been trans this whole time
>confused, some people in family won't even talk to him, got on HRT and literally looks like a fucking insane monster
>did it all for attention/the memes
This move rn is a problem, for cases like this. It's his fault too for being that fucking weak but still, my GF teaches high school and it is sad to hear there's fifteen year olds shaping their lives around something like this. I'm just scared someday in ten years, he will realize the tranny right hype ended and that he can't go back, and kill himself
>Do you support gay and trans rights, Jow Forums? What do you think of them?
No all this shit needs to be stopped right fucking now. Jow Forums needs to stop putting up with this faggot shit.
>A man sucking another man's penis is straight simply because he identifies as a woman
Gee, why do people think liberalism is a mental disorder?
I oppose their rights, because I disagree with them having rights
I actually think very few people should have rights. Only wealthy landowners.
*reee's in libertarian*
Hey faggot what's the story with trannies in this country?
I keep telling myself we're still a good few years behind all the gender unicorn bullshit but I don't get out and can't gauge how far along we are.
Do the colleges have organized tranny groups led by buzzcut bulldykes or are they still rare enough that even a fag might only know 1 or 2?
I'm 6'2 and Scotch Irish hmu I'm in South Carolina
We need more fags like you. I applaud you user and hope you find a bf