This race is superior

>This race is superior
>No no no, THAT race is!
>No faggots, our race is!

You are all a bunch of faggots and none of you is superior. It's not race-based.
If you are straight edge, only then you are superior over everybody else.
Anyone doing drugs, smoking or even drinking alcohol is human trash.
Prove me wrong.

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I'm defacto straight edge but I'm also human garbage.


tradfags are just straight edge kids who never grew up

so literally all normies who achieved more in their short normie lives than you ever will are human trash

You aren't wrong
I respect someone from abstaining from narcotics more than someone of my race that does narcotics.
Yes. Marijuana and alcohol are narcotics.

Trump has never drank alcohol lel

If you had any sort of other achievements you would mention them. Even fucking former drug addicts don't consider just not doing drugs to be an accomplishment, because it's so pathetic, I feel sorry for you.

>Money, power and fame are the standards for being or not being a human trash

Spotted a normie. Get the fuck out of this board.

>Caring what some litteral trash has to say and what do they think.

Nah, I'll pass.

name one thing you have actually DONE with you life. Do you have a job, have you gone to college, have you had any sort of sexual contact with a girl? I've constantly had a job since 16. I'm 23 and I earned a free A.S degree in biology from working full-time as a surgical tech instrument. While doing all that I've fucked 50 women and had 80 total suck my dick, only 15 were paid. At 19 I made 60k selling xanax and from my "bitcoin investments". I'm using that now to pay for my computer science degree, so I'll graduate debt free. Oh I also have a 7X5 inch dick, am 6'1 and 165 lbs. So I'm more than likely richer than you, taller than you, fucked more women, are more educated, and I've probably had a way better life. You don't take any illegal psychoactive drugs though so you're clearly better than me. Enjoy dying in the city you were born in, I'm sure Trump/Jesus will save it after the one corporation who employs people in your 'city leaves because some other shithole gave them a better tax deal.

>Being a straight edge supremacist
>In 2018
Even MacKaye called out you dumb fucks in the 90s

I discovered the cure to an adolescent onset disease.

>septum piercing
OP opinion discarded.

Not even a poltard.

Kek why would anyone care what opinion a former drug addict has? They're literal human trash. The fact that you unironically consider it a minimum requirement really says something of your critical thinking abilities.

This is where I stopped reading and this is why I won't even fucking respond. Why?
You are a buttblasted normie with a problem because I called you out.
The tone and the fact you wrote a book on Jow Forums to prove something
to someone is beyond pathetic (actually - more like prove to yourself).
Responding to you will do nothing. You only made this post to sleep well tonight
because deep down you got touched and you know why, because I was right.
Btw. I top your puny "achievements" easily.

>Oh I also have a 7X5 inch dick, am 6'1 and 165 lbs
Okay now I don't even know if you are trolling or really THAT pathetic.

You know that former drug addicts usually have friends, girlfriends, jobs and many other things that you will never have. Tell yourself whatever you have to keep from killing yourself. I know I would if I was you. You can think whatever, you want but it won't change your NEET status and it won't get you any pussy. Here is one of the girls I fucked. Since you're so much better than drug addicts lets see how great your life is.

Attached: Snapchat-2041013493.jpg (1242x2208, 188K)

>former drug addicts usually have friends, girlfriends, jobs and many other things that you will never have.
So do serial killers, you goober. But they are still garbage.

Lmao, nice cope junkie. But I have a gf (doesn't do drugs), a fairly large circle of friends (none of which do drugs), and a cushy job doing electrical engineering.
Tell me again why do I need to do drugs?

No one that is serious about this stuff claims that their race is superior. Each race has it's strengths and weaknesses. For example, whites are more industrious while blacks are better at dancing.

Is that roast supposed to make me jealous?
Are you high?

Aren't you the same kid who got blasted so hard in your last thread that you stopped responding?

Anyway. You sit there with a straight face and make claims that suggests you view value judgements as having any measure of objectivity.

>Prove me wrong.

what have you done with your life? I listed basic ass shit because if you're bragging about not doing something you clearly have nothing going in your life. I'm mad at how fucking delusional you are. The fact that you think you're better than me, when you're just not. Based just on my looks/height/wealth I would be what you call a Chad. I'm old money from the south, so when my parents pass I will inherit 2.5-5 million dollars depending on what the taxes are like at the time. I'll have my computer science degree in two years time on the west coast too, so I'll be making about 80-100k, depending on the city. Here's another one of the girls who think that I'm a loser. have you ever cum on a girl's face? She let me.

Attached: Screenshot_20180319-210840.png (1080x1920, 1.08M)

Even if not larping, why Jow Forums?

If you're life is so good why the fuck are you spending it shitting on people you don't even know on the internet. You understand that actually successful people would consider you trash right? People who have things going in their life don't spend their time shitting on people because they have better things to do and it's considered poor taste. I don't give a shit what you do, and no one else does either.

No, I am not and I don't know what you are talking abou even. Explain.

>I'm old money from the south, so when my parents pass I will inherit 2.5-5 million dollars
You are still and will forever be trash.
Btw. are you that one old ass dude who posted his pics here?

>Brags about fucking junkie women and assuming everyone is losers
>Loser happens to be a successful user
>S-stop bullying me1
Not even him, but get a grip retard

I am not him and I approve to that post. From what I can tell, this idiot is responding to at least 3 different people thinking it's the same person (OP).
Oh the idiocy of junkies.

>and I don't know what you are talking about even

That's the point. Because you're the definition of a brainlet. You literally can't be proven wrong because there is no objective basis for any of your claims. The discussion you're trying to have is the intellectual equivalent of two children arguing over which of their favorite colors is the best color.

>That's the point. Because you're the definition of a brainlet.
I was talking about that part of your post, litteral quarterbrain:
>Aren't you the same kid who got blasted so hard in your last thread that you stopped responding?

Really? That's surprising

I guess that's the trend with you sheltered types who never learned to play nice with the other kids then. Honestly, it's hard to tell you apart. Stunted and angry is such a bland look.

>People who have things going in their life don't spend their time shitting on people because they have better things to do and it's considered poor taste.
That's a myth.

>prove me wrong
Many successful and happy people use drugs and alcohol.
There, proved you wrong.

What do you define as success? How olfag someone is?
lmao at your life fag.

No, if you use drugs you hate yourself.

I agree with the racial part but what has straight edge to do with anything except abstinence from intoxicating substances?
The greatest people in history and the worst scum to have ever parasitized on our world were both frequent drug users

It's not all of those things and it's not whether you are successful or not that
indicates whether you are a shitface or not. 99% of successful people are trash
you litteral retard, just look around you. None of them is actually superior.
But they do have superiority complex. One thing that a superior person definately
has to have is self-respect, and no one, who drinks, does drugs, etc.
can ever say they have it.

No, sometimes people just like to party.

The world isn't as black and white as you think.

No, if you like youself you are not gonna degrade your body. People who use drugs hate themselves for some reason, enen if it's not apparent.

I was straight Edge for 10 years, Weed is better.

WOAH, you fucking killed me with that meme saying normie trash. Now literally consider doing what chris benoit did except go to the last part instantly.

Okay, whatever works for you user :)

They hate themselves probably because they know they are trash and nobodies.

So if the pedo rapist murder has self-respect and doesn't use drugs he can be a better person than Francis Fucking Crick, because Crick used LSD? No that makes sense.

>This is where I stopped reading and this is why I won't even fucking respond
>he says in a response
He got his (You)s and made a good point too.

Jesus drank wine.
Jesus even went around in the desert changing people's precious water into wine.
Checkmate asswipe.

>Strawman argument
I didn't say self-respect = you definately are superior. I said
that if one doesn't have self-respect and a sense of pride, etc. they are
instantly trash. And whoever that dude is, yes, he is trash because he
used drugs, which is the best indicator for it.

PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE TROLLING. YOU LEGIT DON'T KNOW WHO DISCOVERED DNA. hahhhahahahahahafh omg I"m dying I knew you were dumb based off the black-and-white thinking but I figured it was just due to your autism. Kill yourself now before your hick town dies, because trump isn't going to save you and globalism will destroy whatever shitty rural area you received your garbage education from. Did you at least get your G.E.D?

>"I bareback AIDS ridden prostitutes because i like to have sex."

Please tell me you are trolling and that you don't actually think that it was
a ONE FUCKING SINGLE PERSON that one day "discovered" DNA, like
it's some sort of a relict buried in the sands of Egypt, lying for the lucky
guy to find it and claim as HIS OWN DISCOVERY.
If you do, please, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, commit suicide right now.

>Kill yourself now before your hick town dies, because trump isn't going to save you
Holy shit, projecting THIS hard... Your life must be magnificent.

>Prove me wrong.
You don't have an observation or a logical conclusion to disprove, you just have an opinion.

What would make someone human trash, defined without any reference to alcohol?

>Stupid junkie says his life is good
>user says his life is better
>Junkie goes full retarded and says that no one with a good life comes here
>Basically prove his first statement is fake
Drugs. Not even once

Attached: 1524663092357.jpg (800x723, 67K)

If you need narcotics to have fun, that means you lack the capacity to enjoy yourself without sonethinf that will harm your body. That usuallt means you can't succeed at things or you are so flawed that any joy yoy might have is hindered. Also if you are willing to harm your body by doing drugs, it means you see nothing valuable in it in the first place.

No? Look into this thread and see the retardation, the indicators of all the
drug and alcohol abusers being litteral trash. This thread is the best proof for... well... this thread.
This user said it best:

This is a perfect example of Dunning-Kruger. No that isn't proof. You don't even understand what the word literal means. It means actually. So no the drug and alcohol abusers are not actual garbage. they are figuratively garbage. See the garbage drug addict learned you some language dumb fuck. Can I ask where you're from? I'm guessing U.S, from a small town in one of the flyover states? I ask because you have the exact same believes and ignorance that is so common in those shitholes.

>I'm guessing U.S, from a small town in one of the flyover states? I ask because you have the exact same believes and ignorance that is so common in those shitholes.
Wrong by MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILES and miles. Further proof of how ignorant of your erroneousness you are.

Straight edge people are just scared of losing out out on their deluded perception of self that they have built up on layers of mental dissonance throughout their lives. Just cowards who believe they have intregity that sets them apart when in reality they're just another hypocritical human being.

>Arguing semantics
>With some random user that just wanted a thread to troll alcohol and drugs users
>Assuming things about a random anonymous user that could lie to his face
Op was right. You are the epitome of retardation

straightedge made sense to me because my mom was an alcoholic, but other people didn't know that so they just made fun of me. my really close friends did, but they didn't say anything.

i actually ended up in a straightedge crew. almost all the guys in it ended up in the military.
i ended up a dumb pothead faggot.

>a group actually has integrity and keeps their shit together
>"n-n-no, y-you don't have integrity! y-y-you just think you have it"


You think I actually care about your background? I don't I was wasting time because I couldn't sleep before work. Have fun with whatever you do with your worthless life. I"m going to work at a job I love all day and tonight I'm going to eat some great food with this new hipster chick. I'll have some nudes for you tomorrow if you want.

>You think I actually care about your background? I don't I was wasting time because I couldn't sleep before work. Have fun with whatever you do with your worthless life.

>Get proven you are a retard by a couple of people.
>"Y-y-you thing I really care? N-no! I just couldn't sleep, that's all, I swear!"

Thank you for proving my point again and again.

>I'm going to eat some great food with this new hipster chick. I'll have some nudes for you tomorrow if you want.
Literally pic related.

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I meant "think" of course (not a native English speaker).

i don't think that there's ever been an argument about whether white people are superior, look at the last 1000 years of history. no contest.

>If you are straight edge, only then you are superior over everybody else.
>Anyone doing drugs, smoking or even drinking alcohol is human trash.

But you can be straight edge and human trash. You can avoid drugs and alcohol and eat shitty food and be a generally greedy fuck who needs to be shot.

But I agree that racists need to take a dirt nap and sobriety is the best state of affairs for most people.

No I thank you, you response was just as pathetic as I hoped, gave me a lovely shot of dopamine the good ol fashion way, lul

"keeps their shit together"
Oops you projected a bit there friend, kinda proving my point a little there, not that you'd conceive why, just know the irony didnt go unappreciated

Based drug apologist. Gonna fuck another white trash girl today? Maybe get infected with AIDS because of sharing inyections?
Druggie lifestyle is best lifestyle.



Fuck yeh dud lifes a risk and whatnot

>Gonna fuck another white trash girl today?
Well he actually and unironically said it himself before (or at least one of them):
>I"m going to work at a job I love all day and tonight I'm going to eat some great food with this new hipster chick. I'll have some nudes for you tomorrow if you want.

Yeah nah im a different junkie

yet we still enjoy our lives more than you ever will. is that why you hate us so much?

do you prefer tits or ass pics? or are you a vag man?

more white trash bitches that I fucked and you didn't.

Attached: Screenshot_20180312-044102.png (1080x1920, 1.22M)

I got more white trash if you want it, you know they would never let you near them. you seem like the rapist type.

Attached: Screenshot_20180204-114403.png (1080x1920, 1.64M)

This isnt Jow Forums op fuck off

It's all about the face and test
Asian Chad Black Chad and Latino Chad all have the same aesthetic but different color


Wrong, I am the best.

>muh current year
Islam is straight edge as fuck amd they are unironically the best religion
GTFO you cocksucking homo

>or even drinking alcohol is human trash.
no you mean abusing alcohol, not consuming it. otherwise every catholic priest would be trash. consuming alcohol as means towards getting drunk is degenerate. treating alcohol as an agricultural product and consuming it because it is linked to culture and or religion is not degenerate. also the drug issue is complicated, what about those straightedge Mormons addicted to painkillers because they are prescribed by a doctor?

>your standards for superiority aren't MY standards so you're wrong and I'm right it's obvious

Attached: hmph.gif (500x375, 493K)

Wait, you HAVE to be that disgusting white old ass dude who thinks he is a chad. Please post pic. You already have done this numerous times here :D.

No, I don't like beata cuck numales. Hope he gets his ass blasted this july.

What about dipping OP?