Why not just pay sluts to fuck you? Pic related, $250 next weekend
Why not just pay sluts to fuck you? Pic related, $250 next weekend
It's highly illegal in my country (USA).
I'd rather spend my neetbux on video games
>Pic related, $250 next weekend
I can literally fuck three good looking girls in Europe or five in Thailand for that money.
US prices are completely fucking retarded and that whore is ugly as fuck. Save your money and visit Europe or South East Asia on a vacation
You are getting ripped off. I hope she's staying the entire night for that price you complete retard.
Are you in Europe or Thailand, though?
Well, do you see any cops around?
It's illegal almost everywhere, the business is still thriving in every country.
not you again user!
why the fuck don't you hire escorts? they are cheaper and better looking than these random tinder 4/10's you keep showering with betabux!
Here in brazil with 250 dollars I could fuck a literal model. That bitch is ugly as fuck fampai.
I am in Europe and visit Thailand at least once a year. I can get flight and a normal hotel for 700 Euro (ten days)
But I'm scared of transoceanic flights and South America is too dangerous.
>But I'm scared of transoceanic flights
stop being a fucking faggot
brothels everywhere over here in good ole australia
would prefer to not waste $350 on a dirty whore though
>But I'm scared of transoceanic flights
because crashing into a mountain is a lot safer than crashing into an ocean
>being this assblasted
I am a petroleum engineer who makes more money than you soft whining faggots, and I get off on the fact that she isnt an actual prostitute, that she is just a normal everyday thot who will one day marry some beta who has no idea she once barebacked a stranger for cash
She looks like la creatura. You could do better.
Why would you pay for sex with someone on Tinder? What's stopping you from getting it for free?
>she isnt an actual prostitute
>accepting money in exchange for sex
Want to waste your money on her since you're rolling in money, its your money. The point is you can get better girls for that price. Why not spend more and get a top tier escort if you're so well off?
It's fun convincing 'normal girls' to be the whores that they are.
Paying for THAT? LMAO she should be paying you bro
less risk of herpes with normal girls and the bareback is almost worth it. He could find better ones on okcupid though. or real escorts on 3roticMonkey dot domain.
>Say I get off on the fact that she isnt an actual escort
>why dont you just hire an actual escort??
How god damn stupid are you? FFS
If something goes wrong over land, a skilled pilot can safely make an emergency landing on a highway, field, an airstrip, or even a harbor. Over the ocean there are no options for a crash landing.
Dude... that female looks gross. I would not bang her even for free.
Shitty taste user, shitty taste.
Because it wouldn't solve my loneliness problem the other 364 days of the year
>Say she isn't a prostitute
>is paying her for sex
How god damn stupid are you? FFS
this. i just dont get off on crackwhores or even good looking fulltime hookers. college girl looking to make an extra buck is really hard to find tho. where do you look user?
>I drink bong water to get lifted
I would fuck her just for those pierced nipples alone.
It's my fetish, imagine actually being in a relationship with a girl with pierced nipples, though, that's like the reddest of flags.
Paying a woman that much for sex and you call other people betas
You're an omega
Yet another STEMnerd who can't get women to physically desire him.
Buy whores twice a year. Now you have only 181.5 days of loneliness between each session.
Also whores don't really help with loneliness, they just help with sex drive.
No, wait, that .5 shouldn't be there, I'm dumb.
dats the joke.
haha trust me a stupid roastie like that has not idea what water solubility even means
Look you either spend your or time or your money. I prefer hookers because you can get a new pussy/ass/tits every week and don't have to invest any emotional energy.
How are sex workers illegal in the usa? dont you have call girls and escorts?
no that is fucking retarded and you are stupid for thinking with your dick. women like to go after men if they have money. they will blackmail you or try to get a free meal ticket by sperm jacking you. also you have to worry about abortion scams so they can get more money from you. women are the modern day jews.
The most enjoyable part of sex is knowing she wants your dick deep inside of her. She needs it on a physical level.
I've fucked hookers and it's pure shit for that reason. These girls don't actually want to fuck you, and anyone who has ever attracted the interest of a woman can tell.
statistically you're more likely to die on your way to the airport than in a plane crash. Your boring life isn't worth living anyway, so why not try something, anything, to change that?
>implying betas are that stupid to trust a whore on a hookup app and with nipple piercings.
well at least I hope men are not this fucking retarded and do a background check.
Nigger I live in eastern europe. It would cost me half of my monthly salary.
Do native Australian girls work in them? Or is it mostly foreigners, Southeast Asians, Eastern Euros, etc. .
What I always wondered is, if female advertised that she is looking for a partner to shoot porn and that it would cost 500$ per video, would that be legal to do it ?
I mean, you could say that the product video will be something ludocrious like 100 trilion dollars so noone ever buys it period.
Boom, legal prostitution.
>not enjoying the knowledge that she would rather be doing anything else yet here she is taking your dick, to please you
It's not enjoyable. Being reminded that you are physically unattractive is humiliating for most normal people.
because some-fucking-how my wires got crossed and my arousal now comes from prudishness, the most self defeating garbage fetish to stack ontop of a host of other personal issues that conspire to ensure I never get any
Just get a sugar baby, they actually look decent and not like low caste trash. I wouldn't fuck an ugly cow like that if she paid me.
We have them but they're also illegal. Sort of like how drugs are illegal but they're so easy to obtain even a literal social autist could. All the cops are crooked and speeding tickets are a better racket.
People already do this. If too many people take a legal loophole too blatantly they get shut down. It's best to decentralize and diversify your approaches.
Tinder obviously...
Lmfao you fucking incel dipshit
/thread hhhh