
So, who else here is a legitimate schizoid? Honestly, 99% of the traits of a schizoid apply to me. The only exception would be the fact that I sometimes want a girl to pop out of nowhere so I could cuddle a bit, cum and then have her disappear till the next time. Sure this alone would make me not a schizoid, but really this is just cause of my hornyness. Being a khv 22 year old means the hormones are working overtime.

So, who else is a schizoid?

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How does it feel to be diagnozed with being boring

Boring? Being boring is the last of my problems. I'm also dumb, which is rare for a schizoid, so there goes the only upside. I'm ugly, legitimate 2/10 on a good day. I'm poor cause I pissed away the little that I was given. I could go on. But boring is not something I really am worried about.

I prefer to be alone but at the same time i feel so worthless knowing that im such an autistic loner. Having no friends makes me feel so pathetic. Am i a schizoid?

Me. That doesn't disqualify you from the diagnosis, in fact, schizoids are known to have very colorful internal worlds, much to the contrary of what said. Schizoids can even be driven by sex, they're just not comfortable with the intimacy that it entails.

It doesn't make you a schizoid, but it doesn't rule you out either.

I don't even have a colorful internal world, I'm just wasting my time reading shitty web novels or playing games that I'm bored of or rewatching shitty sitcoms for the 36th time.

What does that even mean m8? So im a schizoid and not a schizoid at the same time?

>its another self diagnosed mental illness thread

>it's another MD butthurt over google being a more efficient diagnostic tool than he could ever hope to be

you're never getting your 20's back, sorry

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Cause you need a fancy degree to be able to use your brain.

im 21 and not butthurt. atleast see a doctor if youre serious. self diagnosis is just attention seeking

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Why? We're not complaining we're schizoids, we're just talking.

well yeah they do this for a living.

>tries to invalidate our entire life experience with one sentence

normos think we're trying to steal attention away from them. better stay hidden in the shadows.

No, the degree is there to prove you have one. Guess you failed the test.

>he thinks MDs don't use Google all the time
we are just more qualified to evaluate it with critical thinking. Most self-diganoses are wrong.

Daily reminder that self diagnosis of personality disorders are incredibly false. Dont even read about them because you will go to a psych and start reading off the list. If you think somethings wrong go talk to a doc. If not fuck off tou attention seeking faggot

I was diagnosed with schizoid personality.
I thik they guy was full of bs though. I don't have a problem with intimancy or anything, I just get incredibly bored of most people very quickly.
I also think people is pretty shitty, so is better to avoid them.

>how to kill a thread lol

Good larping

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I don't know if I'm schizoid or avoidant, or if I just have chronic depression or something
I've always been a loner and I don't want friends, but I kinda want a gf and at the same time I don't

It's a very abstract feel and I don't understand it

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If you need to socialize to function yet not feel the drive to do so it's a good sign you're schizoid

It's like not feeling thirst but having to drink

If you kind of want a gf but don't at the same time, that means you want to fuck a girl and maybe cuddle but you don't want anything else related to that person.

Personally i went to the meninger clinic in houston texas. It is one of the best institutions in the world. I was there for 3 weeks in the diagnosis wing, and they gave me both autism and avoidant personality disorder. See before i went there i thought i might have schizoid or something else, i even thought i made every one of the requirements. But i had to speak to an actual psychiatrist (several) and do many psych tests to get a valid diagnosis.

I guess I feel like I'm missing out too. You're right I'm not interested in the more banal aspects of a relationship, I essentially want sex and physical affection. But I also want to feel validated if you know what I mean.

I know what you mean, but I don't really care about the validation. My needs are purely sexual, and the cuddling part is also kind of sexual, I just find cuddling kinda hot.

But it's not a huge problem for me, I've been becoming impotent slowly but surely for years now. Although the sexual desire is still there, I'm slowly getting older and that is fading away too.

Like at no point at all do you just want to be with a girl for the non-sexual "warmth" that provides? Guess you're a true schizoid then.

Nope. Just her body. Couldn't give less of a shit about anything else.

Dunno why a sex doll isn't as exciting though.

You're talking about avoidant disorder, not schizoid disorder. Schizoids voluntarily burn bridges and avoid forming any relationships.

I ghosted all my friends and I still don't know why I did it
Maybe I'm not schizoid but just an asshole

Wow, I do in fact burn bridges. At first impression I'm pretty nice and people even want to hang out or chat, but then I'm like a stone wall and a bit of an asshole cause I really really really don't want anything to do with people as long as it's not directly beneficial to me.

I have a funny mask so it's alright.

Im diagnosed with schizoid PD and all these people thinking this is the cool disorder they all want to have is infuriating.

Schizoid life sucks. Its not that we dont have desire for human connection or that we not feel lonely, we do feel lonely, more lonely than others. Its just that human contact doesnt do anything to decrease the loneliness. Its like drinking water with salt, youre still thirsty after drinking and it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

Its not only loneliness and not getting anything out of human contact. You cant get anything out of anything. This is called anhedonia. You cant experience pleasure, joy or even genuine interest. There is nothing in this world for you but a black hole in your body that sucks all the life out of you. There is not a single fuck you can give because you have no fucks and thats a bad way to live.

A schizoid has no self, he has no identity or personality. No concrete self is visible. The schizoid feels that his name, his memories and his current experience is foreign to him. Its like depersonalization/derealization but on a deeper psychodynamic and extistential level. The schizoid is a bored observer of life.

Schizoids are corpses that manage to breathe. And thats it. I don't wish it on anybody and please for fuck sake stop self diagnosing yourself just cause you're a introvert and stop glorifying this disease like it's something cool.

>what is a spectrum
Aren't you a special snowflake

Cool? Nobody thinks it's cool, believe me. You're kind of a disorder hipster "YOU AIN"T NO REAL SCHIZOID I"M A SCHIZOID YOU POSER"

Where is that original picture from?

I have something schiz-related. I don't know exactly what.

My mother is a borderline catatonic schizoaffective and my father is a socipath with chronic pain problems.

I've been emotionally damp, depressed, different, solitary since my family problems began to affect me, but some of the other symptons of SPD don't really apply to me. I crave love. I crave companionship. But even when I have it it feels, off? Like I'm riding a bike facing backwards. I can ride it, I can travel on it, but it doesn't feel quite right.

I know I'm not full blown schizo, and I am immensely thankful for that, but I also know there is something wrong with me.

I want help, but what help is there for something of this nature? When the problem is who you are then what can be done.

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I turned schizoid due to PTSD and am diagnosed with it but now its petered out but i still have it because of technicalities. AMN because fuck off.

>The schizoid is a bored observer of life.
This sums it up perfectly. I have been diagnosed 4 or 5 years ago (but I've been like this since forever), and it's really NOT something to be proud of, in fact I don't see a single positive (or even non negative) thing that has been added to my life by SPD.
The worst thing is that sometimes I feel lonely but at the same time I want to be alone. I don't get that all the time, but when it happens it really drives me crazy, it makes no sense...

what is this, a rolecall?
i've been diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder. what now?

I remember calling myself an observer when I was way younger, and before I even knew what schizoid is. I've felt like this since I've been, idk, 14?

Yeah, I always said to myself that it's as if there's a glass between me and the rest of the world, I can see but I can never be part of it.

Any other schizoid find that they keep attracting BPD people

I never attracted anyone in my life.

You're not schizoid, you're just retarded.

My most recent ex was BPD.

Because it was long distance I don't know the full extent of how our different personalities would have gelled if we'd been living together but for the most part it works. As the "schizo" I found that for the most part it's great and uplifting having someone so energetic and ready to go around you. But some parts do get frustrating, for example understanding why some things that I did were a problem for her, understand her emotions. With all that I still wouldn't have traded her for the world.

I think it's a yin and yang deal. The emotionally dead and the hyperemotional...

its fucking interesting to me how common this is. a schizoid rarely gets a gf for obvious reasons, but when they its always bpd or bipolar or some other mental problem
my gf is also bpd and thats how i went to a psych to get eval for shcizoid

You don't feel worthless when you're a schizoid. You actually feel complacent. I think you're just depressed, or just sad.

Schizoid needs extremes to feel, BPD needs someone who is emotionally consistent to fan the flames of their emotions.

Imo at least. I always found I was the calm rational one helping her process her emotions, while she was the one who told me how I should be feeling and when my feelings were off kilter.

That sounds much more like avoidant personality disorder with comorbid major depression.

True schizoids don't feel lonely, and also don't feel anhedonic. They think their lack of affect is normal and think that they're fine. True schizoids almost never seek out treatment on their own, because they don't realize anything is wrong - they end up drifting into psychiatrist offices only because a relative demands it.

You sound like you're suffering way, way too much to be schizoid.

Uhh, interacting with a normal human being is exhausting enough. A BPD girlfriend? That's a schizoid's nightmare. I'm getting PTSD from just imagining all the drama and shit.

and yet statistically, there are more married schizoids than there are single schizoids, and most commonly to BPD.

Must be a normie flavored kind of schizoid. I know for a fact I'm never ever getting anything resembling a relationship, unless it's some ugly as fuck woman who is so desperate she'd bang a manatee. In which case I'd rather kill myself than be with such a woman.

Shit you perfectly described it. I destroy everything I build just to get that rush again

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>tfw got officially diagnosed with depression and also it stated I had "schizoid" behaviour.
>mfw whenever someone claims I'm a self diagnosed retard
I may be retarded but at least not self diagnosed.

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sry but thats because you're unattractive. attractiveness has nothing to do with being schizoid

Well, yes, that's true.

To be clear you dont have schizophrenia right? These are two different things?

i was diagnosed with schizotypal, but my doctor had said at the time he didnt want to give me the full schizophrenia diagnosis so i didnt have to have the stigma. thanks doc. it manifested pretty hard when i was 18 or so and its just been getting worse and all my physchologists tell me if got a good grip on life so i didnt ever get treated after my first schiz attack. im 28 now, and its been kind of shitty. plus with unironic autism its a certain kind of hell.

yes they're as different as autism and asbergers. but its hard to tell the difference to people. ive got full on schizophrenia. why do you need to be clear on that for OP?

Ahh yes I'm also one of the deep and damaged folk. No I've never been diagnosed but a test did call me depressed once. Who else is /soTotallyAMess/

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Cunts like you in every thread. Ohh well.

Well will be here as long as the self diagnosinging
people stick around. And we can only get rid of them by mocking

"Hurr durr get off my board I'm the true robot"

Never said anything about being a true robot. I just dislike when people self diagnose.

I'd get a diagnosis but the idea of going to a psych makes me anxious