Attention Jow Forums. If you reject pic related, then you're volcel/normie

Attention Jow Forums. If you reject pic related, then you're volcel/normie.

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I think it's the pic who is a reject

i liek

i would get rejected before I would reject her. but I would reject her.

No we arent because shes fat due to her own pathetic life choices.

ALSO you should have used a pic of afat chick with no tits as tits that big make up for being ugly in EVERY case. The girl in the photo os literally a model so that makes her a stacey and is 100% fucking a chad.

>normies tries to makes a point and fails

Ops normals.

Nice tits sure, but they don't make up for that disgusting FUPA

I would take an unpaid personal day from work to fuck this gril t b h

I bet she looks a lot better wearing clothes. Definitely good enjoy enough to lure in the meatiest of chad cocks.

Of course I would take her but she wouldn't want me.

She's not a model. Just random whore from Jow Forumsgonewildplus

But i am into bestiality

her body looks like Homer simpson's face

I would only reject her for being a porn whore, she's pretty much perfect otherwise, except that she shaves her legs and pussy.

reject that?that's what i'm aiming for. and if she's got a good personality too boot would drop the MGTOW act and wife

I wouldn't
There you go

Id pick here over a skinny one
Fat titty girls are the best

Koakuma kunny reject

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I wouldn't reject that. It's a good starting point to get your confidence up. You don't have to marry the first girl you fuck, you know

Your obsession with sex, 3D women, and achieving normalfag standards of success makes you a normalfag, you failed normalfag. Robots are either above that, or the path to getting over it. Incels are not robots.

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Only if you reject it on account of its current state and not because it's a very accurate indicator of being a complete slut roastie, plus having very dangerous mental issues.

Fuck off normalnigger. Fuck off. Stop existing. Fuck off from existence.

Virtually all robots are incels, and those that aren't are volcel. Fuck off normalnigger. You obviously came here after having heard about Jow Forums from msm garbage.

>lose faith in current dating culture since 2013 and focus on my anime love, rather than women
>this makes me a normalfag in the eyes of an awkard teen who thinks the purpose of life is getting a girlfriend, which is an extremely normalfag mentality
That's fucking wild.

At least you confirmed you're a failed normalfag and not a robot. That makes you more honest than 90% of your kind. Now fuck off. You don't belong here.

would fucking destroy

I wouldn't reject. But girls like that don't pay attention to me either. No girl does. I've never been flirted with or given a compliment. I'm romantically invisible.

I have been rejected by women surpassing her in rotundity.


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>he has normalfag mentality and ideals, but fails to reach them
>he's not the failed normalfag, somehow, and the man who rejects normalfag mentality entirely and does his own thing is
Why are you so invested in being called a robot, when you're obviously not one? You need to stop and listen to yourself, saying that anyone who doesn't chase after women is a normalfag. Do you realize how fucking retarded you sound?

Stop ruining our board normalnigger. FUCK OFF.

She looks like me only I have red hair and I think my nipples are uglier than hers

can I milk you please?

Alarming post.

Koakuma kunny alarm

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A little chubby. But I do like the big boobs. 6/10 would smash.

eww painted nails EWWWWWWWWWWW

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I would probably date if her face isn't too ugly. Just going to the gym with her and making the landwhale into a normal women seems like my best bet.

But I AM "volcel". I have no interest whatsoever in sex. Like, most of this board looks so stupid to me because it's all about not being able to have sex.

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i'd butter her up

Would like to see face. If it is 4/10 Or better I would absolutely wreck that pussy.

These threads, are they made by females that have the pic related body types fishing for compliments?

Thought so.

if she wants to fuck me i'll fuck her

I'm gonna be completely honest, you might think that pic is hot but honestly after having sex with a girl like that I can honestly say that it's fucking disgusting. Respect your own body and a woman that doesn't respect her own body has even more problems that you can't see immediately.

If a woman had any respect for you, she wouldn't let herself turn into pic related.

Full stop. You see a woman like that, you run away, don't walk. The problems you'll have will go far beyond the simple lack of sexual enjoyment.

Attention, OP has shit taste in women.

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Disgusting fat ass, but milkies...tough choice.

Would probably come for the tits, and if she was worth it get her to work out with me and get in shape.

/thread original comment desu lol kek numbers letters etc

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