All of this "Beta Uprising" talk screwed us over in the end...

All of this "Beta Uprising" talk screwed us over in the end. We should have just stayed alone and not attempt to take our anger out on the people who hurt us, because in the end it really fucked the rest of us in the ass. They are more powerful than us, and we gave them a reason to attack. The guy who committed this attack didn't do anything to help, it just hurt the rest of us.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Lol how? What are they gona do? They cant link us to him as incels arent all one person nor is Jow Forums or r9k. Its literally a serbian kalasnikov comparing forum with green frogs. Doesnt mean shit and will never be proven in court.

Retard a bunch of feminist idiots on twitter posting the same tired "men aren't entitled to women's bodies!!!!11!1!" shit isn't an "attack".
There is literally nothing happening and nothing will happen.

Fucking pile of fucking garbage couldnt even reach a high score. Your inability to fuck chicks is entirely your fault you moron, no one is entitled for sex.

The terms which sprouted here regarding the degenerate society are now entering the lexicon of the normans. This is what was abound to happen, and what was crusaded towards regarding the memery of "The Beta Uprising".

We weren't serious about doing any of the stuff ourselves, but to the newcomer it seemed more serious, it snowballed, as did the misogyny due to newfags coming in and parroting the previous newfags.

What's happening now is that all of this is catching up, and justly so. It's the end result of accumulative autism, and both sides are getting shit on. There is no going back from this, and I for one am glad.

You sound like a timid person op, maybe you should take this opportunity to grow some balls.
Dont be afraid of conflict.

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Finally some fucking sense.
I'm with you OP. The beta uprising was a stupid meme that shitforbrains idiots took seriously. It was supposed to be a funny joke and fodder for meme images. Now it's on the news and Jow Forums risks being removed or even further monitored.

The problem is that it takes a brainlet to get mad enough about his own failures to hurt other people, and brainlets are too stupid to notice a joke when they see one.

Every one of you that encouraged beta uprising posting has contributed to this and if you think your IP isn't tied to all of your posts all through the archives then you're stupider than you look.

>They cant link us to him as incels arent all one person nor is Jow Forums or r9k.
>hurr they can't link us to that not all incels are mass murderers
>they can't link us to that not all white supremacists are Klansmen
>they can't link us to that not all Japanese are kamikaze
>they can't link us to that not all Muslims are jihadis
And yet what does the media do?

Brainlets, everyone. Completely incapable of speculation or understanding the consequences of their actions.

nothing has happened, a few roasties on twitter started complaining

some of you are so thin skinned and overreact to everything

roastie is the best meme you guys ever made. You should all be proud.
The more people aware of roasties the better the world will be.

there's that fucking word again.

Anyway, I told you fags years ago that being the kind of fags you are would not only hurt you but everyone who looks like you. I'll see if I can dig up some posts. You think I have a crystal ball? No, it's sheer logic, you idiots. Memes control people these days and you've been doing nothing but creating ones that make the world hate you in ways that they didn't even know that they were supposed to.

Now look at what's come to pass. You've made yourselves lower than the filth you live in and it's all been your own doing. You think that getting together to whine about girlfriends and having virgin olympics to see who can be the most pathetic beta is somehow making you stronger but in truth it's only been making you lower while making everyone you hate feel better about themselves. You were warned and now you're the permanently untouchable laughing stock of the world and it's your own fault.

Worst "humans" ever.

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No someone just needs to speak up for betas instead of letting the Brad media speak for them. The Uprising is happening whether or not you're apart of it, but you have the power to change the tone and how it's projected

>reeree why did our jokes which were loosely based on reality become actual part of reality how could this happen reee
kek just embrace it user

Everybody now knows that there is a growing segment of involuntarily celibate men and is possibly the reason why many people snap.
Thats all that matters.

>it's our fault that normalfaggots are stupid niggers and spout "normies ree"
I think that's just more of a reason to hate those fucks

You really don't appreciate the level of damage you've done to other "beta" males with your faggotry. The orbiters, the thirstlords, the desperation, the "virgin vs chad" memes, the mommy and tendies shit, the wishing you were a girl who sucks dicks only because you think it would make your life easier... you've made yourselves the lowest possible incarnation and every day you steadily dig a deeper hole for yourselves.

You have always been the problem. Always. Yet you blame everyone else, women especially, for your inability to adapt to the real world. I didn't even know about his until yesterday but there's now an "incel support group" and you're letting this goofball be your "incel spokesman"?

This is how low things have gotten. You love your misery. You LOVE it.

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Ehh the most damaging thing has been the basedboy selfie look to guys.

damage to WHAT
caused problems for WHAT
you fucking cunt you normalniggers always say how this is so destructive but never say who we are actually hurting

Motherfuck a shit motherfuck a shit
Shit shit fuck fuck suck a dick

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>damage to WHAT
>the level of damage you've done to other "beta" males

He says exactly who you are hurting but you can't fucking read, you illiterate twat.
You're hurting YOURSELF.

Self hurt
No self hurt bad
Make hug poop

>to other beta males
>You're hurting YOURSELF.
what? hhahhahaha. mind telling me how?

lmao nigger newfag who probably has been here for year tops trying to act like some sort of Jow Forums historian nigger go rope urself

>All of this "Beta Uprising" talk screwed us over in the end. We should have just stayed alone and not attempt to take our anger out on the people who hurt us, because in the end it really fucked the rest of us in the ass. They are more powerful than us, and we gave them a reason to attack. The guy who committed this attack didn't do anything to help, it just hurt the rest of us.
Fuck off faggot, most robots here are fucking harmless and you masking threads like this just draws in more normalfag attention, giving weak pathetic people who have enough other people hating them more trouble. you're fucking scum op.

YOURSELVES, you obtuse reject. Before your faggotry, you could have easily been mistaken for maybe someone who's just a bit crestfallen. The picture you've painted of yourselves is not even one deserving of pity now. It only invokes disgust, odium and shame. You've made yourselves into something that no one can take seriously. You are a primary source of fuel for the feminist movement. You are human detritus.

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>implying anyone knows who I am and anyone knows I browse this shit normalfaggot filled site in real life

What the fuck are you even doing here normalfag? just leave the fucking robots alone.

>not realizing most of it is just mindless dumb joke
>thinking some dumb fucking faggots from /soc/ and discord is Jow Forums
>not realizing the whole whining thing is just robots venting about their shit lives. Bullied, rejected, abused,... share a common pain that they all share
>defending dumb normalfags
>thinking incel = robot
>thinking all of Jow Forums are neets
>LOL im so smart and better than everyone here, im such an intelligent person
Poor bait user, pure bait. But just in case you are actually this fucking dumb.

It doesn't matter. They know by looking at you that you're a social reject and there's gonna be a scare going around. You think normal people look at you and can't tell you're not normal?

All losers are now irreversibly tied to people like Elliot Rodgers and the truck kid. That's all normies know about you and it's enough to make your ostracization even worse. They won't get the whole story from the media, the media isn't going to say "well yeah these guys frequented a website that often jokes about killing and raping women and mass murder at schools but it's okay, because most of the people making these jokes are actually good dudes, and these guys were probably from reddit anyway"

You're delusional if you think you haven't been metaphorically tagged with a star of David after this Toronto thing. You're the bad guy now.

You like to watch the world burn?

Memes condition people on a large scale. Nice greetext, by the way.

The pictures you idiots paint will always be in the backs of peoples' minds now. They know you're a faggot and now it's going to be much harder for you because the memes are so widespread that it's actually become a source of motivation and empowerment for everyone you hate. They feel more confident and powerful, knowing you that you exist as you do. The feel more appreciative of their non-faggot boyfriends, knowing that they aren't losers like yourself. Every time they look at the likes you, they remember the memes and they hate you. You now have a label the same way that niggers do. You are the beta/incel/virgin and you are something to be avoided.

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>They know by looking at you that you're a social reject
well FUCK THEM, I hope more of those fuck die just to get a good laugh then

Stop pretending you give a fuck, you're just here to give people a hard time. fucking kill yourself faggot

This. Meme magic just works.

trust me nobody knows in real life I browse here, you are incredibly delusional and gay

This is what normalnigger actually think. They shat on robot in highschool, took no blame for all the destruction and then dump it all to the robots.

why does it matter if normalfaggots hate me? why are you so fucking sensitive to other peoples opinions? I hate them, they hate me. and all is good. but oh no in your little self conscious faggot mind the only thing that matters is the approval of other faggots like yourself. pathetic and degenerate

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They did regardless
It doesnt matter

user just shut the fuck up already, you are arguing with a troll who is equally pathetic as you. I bet my ass that hes giggling like an idiot right now

I like to observe, it just happens to be burning.

I've been here longer than any of these idiots. It was they who ruined r9k to begin with. "Robots" are the infestation. They're so braindead, they don't even know that the board isn't FOR "robots". The board IS the robot. It's the bot that mutes you if you post something unoriginal. Has nothing to do with the posters at all.

They're an infestation and Moot deleting the board to stop their faggotry wasn't even able to get rid of them. Fuck em.

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I'm kept under surveillance by neighborhood watch. Every time I step outside the house, I am watched. Each time I take the garbage out, the same car drives around the corner and parks just up the street and then drives by slowly to watch me. Every week, no matter what time I take it out. The next door neighbors watch me and tip them off. I step out the door and the neighbor steps out onto their porch and watches me. They will stay out there for as long as I linger on my porch and then go back in when I go back in. As I bring the garbage barrel around, here comes the car. The few times I have left the house to go for a night walk, I was followed by cars I recognized.

>don't take the bait!!111
welcome newfag how's your stay

Whatever you say normie
This board is ours and will always be ours until it gets shut down

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Newfag. It was already shut down once. Hence the 900"1".

Bullying serves an evolutionary purpose to remove weak genetic material from the gene pool and to reserve resources for those best suited to use them productively.
>bullying: aggression enacted by more powerful individuals against weaker ones
>bullying might reflect a class of natural, adaptive behaviors, resulting in the bully gaining greater access to resources and reputation
>It's worse to select a mate unable to defend themselves from aggression ... not only would your mate (and perhaps you) be exploited more regularly, but such traits may well be passed onto your children in turn, leaving them open for exploitation as well. Conversely, the bully able to exploit others can likely can access to more plentiful resources, protect you from exploitation, and pass such useful traits along to their children.
>previous data on the subject is consistent with the possibility that bullies are actually in relatively better condition than their victims, with bullies displaying comparable or better mental and physical health, as well as improved social and leadership skills, setting the stage for the prospect of greater mating success
>controlling for age, sex, reported victimization, attractiveness, and likability, bullying not only emerged a positive predictor as to whether the adolescent had dated or had sex at all (about 1.3 to 2 times more likely), but also correlated with the number of sexual and, sometimes, dating partners; those who bullied people more frequently tended to have a greater number of sexual partners
>By contrast, being a victim of bullying did not consistently or appreciably effect the number of sexual partners one had (while victimization was positively correlated with participant's number of dating partners, it was not correlated with their number of sexual partners.

Hows YOUR stay newfag? Scared that i found out about your genius, ironic plan. Lol so xd amirite?

>Whatever you say normie
they're called normalfags cock sucker

NO U !!!!!!
pretty pathetic

Dumb argument
. Yeah then i guess people are totally justified to hurt others because weak people deserve it. Lets just throw away all laws and cops. We are people, not animals niggerfaggot. Not everyone was born a tough, muscletard. Robots are usually weak and frail compared those douches

What did you do to earn such an honor?

>no u meme again
Wow totally destroyed me with that totally, literally original meme you fucking nitwit.

Great argument

>you are new
>no you
>nice argument retard, you just said the same thing I did
>that's not an argument and not original
can you do anything else other than repeating what I just said?

>You're hurting YOURSELF.
>Implying its even possible for robots to get any lower than they already are

I never said that you must all be bad people.
I said that you are all idiots and fucked it up for yourselves, that now you look like a bunch of murderers and rapists and all for what? Some jokes?

Getting bullied is good for you, faggot princess.
If you're acting like shit and people call you names and push you around for it and you stop acting like shit, then bullying has done its job. If you panic and kill yourself at age 12 over bullying, then you were capable of that all along so who's to say you wouldn't have been the next school shooter?

Getting called names and excluded from a social circle is not even mildly comparable to being murdered. But here's a robot here to tell me how he deserves to have a safe space and gibs just because he feels different from everyone else and he doesn't think that's fair.

>Robots are usually weak and frail compared to [normal people]
Which is why you are bullied. No one wants you to reproduce and if you were thinking about it with more than your dick, you wouldn't want to reproduce either and curse a child with the shit genetics you already were cursed with.

Lol at least im not the "lol im so like such an ironic genius" retard who also like literally posting the same dumb argument that has been used a billion time before.

Draw suspicion because I'm a recluse

What the concern troll is trying to do is to get you to become a good little feminist cuck.
Day of the fork is coming, roast.

>If you're acting like shit and people call you names and push you around for it and you stop acting like shit, then bullying has done its job.
And what if someone is getting bullied for being short, ugly or for something else outside of their control?

>lol im so like such an ironic genius
>Scared that i found out about your genius, ironic plan.
what the actual fucking fuck are you even talking about brainlet

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we must do it

for the future generations

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This thread needs some big milkers

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oh now I get it you think I am the guy I as arguing with. right?
you are really really fucking stupid aren't you

Milk milk milk
Watermelon watermelon watermelon

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Yes, and? Incels are social outcasts anyway, it's not like anything changed. I literally couldn't care less about media perceptions or what happens next, but it sure as hell is fun to watch. You're acting like this place is some sort of social institution when it's just a board for shitposters to shitpost. The shitposts that spill over into real life are the highest quality of shitpost.

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Normie is a fucking term coined and spammed by newfag redditor trash that didn't want to use words with fag in them since it offends their delicate sensibilities and other dumbass newfags, not knowing any better, followed along.

The board used to just be awkward nerds sharing greentexts. Now it is a bunch of meme obsessed underageb& ironic shit posting redditors having a contest to see who can pretend to be the most pathetic with the occasional fucking turbo autist that takes it all seriously killing themselves on camera or going on a sperg out murder spree.

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>r9k misogyny was ironic

t. normie who started posting and browsing in 2015

>literally defending crimes
Im not scared of all the bullying you moron, im just disgusted by it. Its human we are talking about here, not some braindead animal in the wild. Everyone is supposed to be respectful of each other and not pointing their nose in place they are not supposed to. You dont see teachers going around classroom and pushing the mentally retarded kids around, its always the dumb and immature normalnigger kids. Anyway i do agree with you that some robots here are whiny bitches who happen to have no balls but the way you defend those immoral dumbass makes me think of you less than a person.

Read again niggers,

Then you become a robot, unable to pass on your shitty genetics to make another generation of ugly and short people.
If you think you went through hell as a kid for being short/ugly/fat/autistic whatever, then you should be totally all-for any social mechanic that prevents more children like you from being born. The bullying prevents more outcasts by shoving the current outcasts farther down the ladder. Unfortunately for evolution, men long ago saw this trend and didn't like it, and all the betas teamed up together to start enforcing "only one woman per man" because they were tired of being 20 lame dudes in the tribe doing all the work with one Oonga Boonga Chad banging all 15 of the village women.

For a long time even shit men were guaranteed wives after that because women were traded like property. If you were horrifically ugly, a midget, and mentally and physically ill, you could still get a wife if you could pay a dowry, and the best part for these ancient betas is that you can kind of pick, and she doesn't get to reject you so it was foolproof.

The farce of monogamy is social gibs (take from those who succeed to give to those who failed) enforced by religion and far removed from the original human trajectory.

Id listen to these roasties
But i got a feeling theyre all just a bunch angry ch*stlets
It must the extra testosterone they have

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you are probably one of the dumbest people I have ever seen

Koakuma kunny milk

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This can be flipped otherway aswell. With your logic massmurderers serve a purpose aswell, because they indicate that there's something wrong with society and it should probably be fixed.

Guess they're just doing their job.

What greentext are there to share
We do nothing interesting throughout the day

Big boobies feel nice

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It's not ironic, it's more pathetic than that since it's legit. The robots of today whine because they are entitled, the misogynists of the past hated with true passion and reason. The way of greentext and memes paved the way for using women as scapegoats to justify their own failures.

The once inhabitants of this board were true misogynists, understanding the flawed nature of society and striving to overcome these hurdles by disregarding the trash women and pursuing the betterment of themselves.

To say misogyny is a meme is taking pity on the term robots latch to.

Its read you retard

I can understand the importance and function of something even if it is unpleasant. The worm is cleaved in twain by the bird, and the bird's neck is broken by the jaw of the fox. Prey and predator, weak and strong, you can't have one without the other because they enable each other to exist.
There is no utopian society where no one gets killed and no one gets called names. It's unrealistic and beyond fantasy. I have come to terms with the rules of reality and no, it's not ideal and no, it's not perfect even for how it could be, but it is how it is. It's ignorance to push for an ideal that can never exist, like communism. Great in theory but you have to take human nature into account.

>Everyone is supposed to be respectful of each other and not pointing their nose in place they are not supposed to.
Supposed to, sure. but this is not Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.

You see with your eyes so you can read, user. They are not wrong.

>you are probably one of the dumbest people I have ever read
hihihi trolled hard!1

There's a fucking slit I wanna get my dick in, but I am not allowed

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Who's to say the bully or the average beta can't be short or ugly? Those are characteristics people remember you by so they are used to refer to you whether it's aggressive or friendly - even in a friend group there's always "the short guy" or "the fat guy" that get friendly joke comments about it while everyone appreciates them being in the group

The tall, strong retard in the special class wasn't one of the popular kids. If you're a handsome metrosexual but you act like a fag you'll get bullied as well. The trick is to BE NORMAL and FIT IN and people will not bully you for who you are.

When's the last time anyone here got laid?

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That's what made them relatable.

Imagine how much better your life would be if you were sexually active

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Whose that desufgxd

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It's a flaw in the current system. Someone with the mental capacity/mental illness to do something so heinous without just provocation would have been abandoned as a child or clubbed to death by the tribe for being weird. Even in more recent society anyone dubbed quite strange was locked up in an asylum hospital for life.

There are always going to be "glitches" within the human brain. Some people were abused as kids and some were born fucked up, but whatever the reason, and no matter how unfair: society is better for everyone when normalcy is enforced.

If you were getting sex, then you wouldn't be a virgin

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>Now it's on the news and Jow Forums risks being removed or even further monitored.

But that's a good thing.

Exactly, there are great greentext stories of just a small interaction with the cashier girl - or the attempt to avoid even that encounter, what makes them so funny is precisely that someone who has no friends and never does anything actually gets very nervous and thinks a lot about those types of minimal interactions

You are the delusional one user. We are absolutely capable of being respectful to each other if many of us werent so fucking stupid. What i mean by this is that all the mindless name calling, bullying just to access dominance or on a whim is something totally avoidable if the school actually try to fix it. Of course we cannot get rid of all the violence that stem from disagreement, but this is not what is being discussed about. We are talking about physically weak loners being bullied solely because the strongers can. Its stupid, childish and pathetic. Do you not feel a thing when a fellow human being is being mistreated?

Even as a normie (by Jow Forums standards), i must say that this is a good point

>see people
>read text
Get it right

>evopysch garbage
if you believe this, you're a retard.
Also, by your own logic, the incels shooting up places and running over people with vans are now the dominant ones you fucking brainlet.

If we lived in patriarchy this could be true, sucks that we have given so much power to females and faggots that they defend the weak to the point where it comes back biting their own ass.

Once again you're acting like it's all of Jow Forums that was in that van. Not all of us are misogynistic. This is literally just a place where people vent out their frustration. You can't just call a whole group something if that's not what they all share in common.

Though I'm really confused on why this is a thing since the media uses this same exact talking point for muslims

I like how there was barely any talk of a beta uprising for the past few years, r9k was mostly about basedboys and wanting to be a harmless girl(male) then all of a sudden this guy shows up and now we're all potential terroists . really makes you think.

>I like how there was barely any talk of a beta uprising for the past few years

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