Recommend me some anime

recommend me some anime

no harem or moeshit

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What have you already seen for starters.

*black girls whispering*

Cowboy Bepop

Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Dragonball Z, not much else

Taiwanese Ghoul.

paranoia agent
perfect blue
anything by satoshi kon really, i like how he portrays nips as actual nips instead of moe shit with exotic hair and eye colors

Okay then,
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Welcome to the NHK
Serial Experiments Lain
Berserk (the one from the 90s)

Ignore this guy and go watch Kaiji

you should read some manga instead desu, anime is fucking cancer in comparison

follow this guy's advice OP

came here to post these
>paranoia agent
>NHK ni youkosou

onihei is original

fuck man i skipped school to finish watching this
it soooo good

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If you're a robot, Watamote or NHK. If you're a normalfag then Hero Academia

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Made in Abyss is pretty great

bible black
has both a game and a series
thank me later

Moe moe moe i need some moe moe moe

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Tokyo magnitude 8.0
5cm per second
Tokyo Ghoul - Season 1
Steins Gate

I started watching anime and I don't think I can continue. I can't handle the fact that real life isn't like this.

dont worry i got this covered


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gross, do you have no shame

Just came to say steins;gate and s;g zero.

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The only anime you shouls ever watch is End of Evangelion. No you dont need to see the pile of cringey garbage that is NGE, just the movie alone. Also do not watch any remakes. Have fun

night shift nurses is pretty good

>Neon genesis evangelion
OP said no haremshit. Stop pretending eva is some masterpiece when it is just a glorified haremshit shonen with 2deep4u plot

In what way is it haremshit though.

Most people like those, I guess you're one of those edgelords that only likes the non popular stuff.

Death Parade is nice,
Only 12 episodes so its easy to just watching in a couple sittings.

legend of galactic heroes - the original OVA

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood
JJBA: Battle Tendency
JJBA: Stardust Crusaders
JJBA: Diamond is Unbreakable

The first three will have you so testosterone-packed that you'll make Chad Thundercock himself look like an estrogen-laced basedboy

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Do not get me started ironic weeb

Nichijou was moe, especially Hakase

>mature anime for mature men
Gets me every time..

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Get started, please.
I don't understand how I'm an ironic weeb anyway.

I've been enjoying Food Wars. Give it a shot.

>One month after finishing Evangelion

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this and one punch man and ghost in the Shell stand alone complex

Fist of the North Star
Gundam UC
Soul Eater
Hunter X Hunter 2011
Death Note
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Cromartie High School
Detroit Metal City
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Gurren Lagann
Hellsing Ultimate

this is the anime for real niggas, no basedboy shit

Do not listen to weebs when it comes to anime recommendation. These subhuman have lost all taste since their mother dropped their head in the fricking toilet. They are, basically, unable to differentiate between what is good or bad. No sane, normal human beings could ever watch all the cringey garbage tropes in anime and go "wow this is really fucking good, now im gonna spend the next thousands of hours of my life watching the same shit over. This is totally not fucking boring at all". Dont ever touch (((anime))), the damn thing is created for the sole reason to make you more and more retarded.

>no onionboy shit
>Death Note
>Soul Eater
>Gurren Lagann
>Hunter X Hunter 2011 over the manga
>Parasyte over the manga

trash, where is kill la kill

>Death Note
>Soul Eater
>Gurren Lagann
all great
>Hunter X Hunter 2011 over the manga
the manga sucks, Togashi is an awful artist
>Parasyte over the manga
maybe, but the anime is perhaps the only good horror anime so it is worth recommending

I want to cum inside Asuka!

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girls und panzer
it's moeshit but also a sports anime about girls doing tank warfare

>GTO Great Teacher Onizuka
>BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad

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>watches GuP for 'tank sport'
You're trying too hard.

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Beck is the most boring show of all time

what? i like both it's a beautifull combination
cute girls and stupid action what more can a guy ask for

I bet she likes being choked during sex :^)

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No one has said Samurai Champloo? I think it's better then Cowboy Bebop

wow actual weeb confirmed