Haven't seen one in a while. Let's go, boyos!
you are a massibe faggot
here's something for ya OP
>oral sex is about respect
Here ya go lad. Old but gold
>this is how women see sex
Must be easy when there's 0 pressure on you
fucking dumb roasties REEEEEEEE
That would be a great view of sex
Just make sure it's with someone you love and are committed to
Come on dude.
Woman hate threads are the reason we're call a "misogynistic" board now by the media
No wonder youre a worthless piece of trash without any true friends. Other people are true victims of loneliness, you have yourself to blame.
>muh completely original soggy knee
>half the post are triggered babies
Well, time to jump ship. They've invaded and laid eggs
>Be 22 year old roastie
>Fuck with stranger in facebook
>Gets pregnant, doesn't want abortion
>Hides from everyone that she's pregnant
>Delivers the baby home alone
>Throws it in the appartment shaft
>Gets arrested, admits crime
>Muh poor wmyn, she's a child, she dindu nuffin
>She's free to go
If you jump ship they win
Shitpost harder
If the dumb roastie didn't want a child she could have just not had sex
Remember, women date up, never down or across
this is where your child support is going normalfags
But she did want the baby, that's why she didn't aborted it. Then, when she delivered it, she decided to literally throw it in the shaft. Pic related, the dumb bitch, her picture is censored for some reason in the (((media)))
It's laughable that you think so little of downies. Do you really think they're like their own species, that they can only see other downies?
Says more about you than her, that.
Aren't there laws against this kind of shit?
Keep them coming, boyos
>this is the female mind
>being subject to laws
Haven't you learned anything yet?
there are no words for this level of depravity
Nope, they can spend the money how they see fit
>missing the point this fucking hard
Read my post again, you might get it this time.
they have no pride
No it's going to be more fun triggering. Just post the most deprived shit from pedo to fag killing.
I think Rasputin here is onto something.
>they don't like and don't want basic hygiene
I got what you meant perfectly. By saying 'dating down or across', you imply that she is worth less than whoever that guy is. You imply that she only has the rights to date other downies and that she's acting out of place if she doesn't
Consider suicide
>I got what you meant perfectly. By saying 'dating down or across', you imply that she is worth less than whoever that guy is. You imply that she only has the rights to date other downies and that she's acting out of place if she doesn't
>all people are equal and we are all the same and are worth exactly the same
>Consider suicide
After you
>muh social justice moral justice muh knee
>you can get more attention from women by killing your wife than by being a good person
I think after all these laws that rape having more penalty than murder I encourage all rapist to kill their targets and get less sentence and potentialy get away with it, its win win
On that note
True quote, women only virtue signal and are never serious internally they believe that acting externaly=internal value, in other words they are stupid and devoid of moral values just like philosophers taught us and then even psychologists/psychiatrists of the older times before it became pol incorrect thought
probably means respect for the guy shes sucking off
You really think she's as attractive as he is? You're fucking delusional.
Good job brother. I'm glad others have taken to making the title all capitals. It signals our wroth.
Women are subhuman trash
>People like this
Can't stand them. Child support is to support you and your children, if someone does this shit then the man should be freed from his obligation to pay. Clearly she can support herself and her children on her own if she's able to afford using the child support money to buy boots and crap, and if she isn't then she's an awful parent and the children should be taken away.
They are the most degenerate beings on earth
Stay alert, the enemy is overt
Don't ever fall for the cuckold meme
The world would be a better place without womens rights
they wish to exterminate you
There is a reason niggers call them thots
I found this today
apparently women except their boyfriends to keep the company while they kill their offspring
Love the numale's comment at the end.
Why do I keep coming to these threads? None of this shit is real, anway. It fucking can't be.
they don't care about making sense or having responsibility
never take a woman who calls men shallow seriously
It honestly is real. I've dealt with women I talk to them, they tell me what they do, they're true intentions and feelings. How? I am a woman as well, I have heard and witnessed this shit first hand. I actually didn't believe it before, but more of it kept popping up before me. Of course I don't ridicule them because then they wouldn't tell me shit. It really sucks.
Daily reminder that women are to blame for the decline of western civilization
thire cruelty has no bounds
Women are to blame for why we aren't immortal and living with God. Eve took the fucking apple. If Eve got easily tricked by Satan why do women have rights?
another one for this comment
they're the worst kind of hypocrites
Seems I just hear about girls cheating constantly these days. I think it's maybe because guys just go for pretty girls now, and don't care about personality.
In the past all the pretty, slutty girls would just have been fucked on nights out and gangbanged and stuff, you would wife a nice stable women. If you think about it, was your mom or gran hot? They weren't, right? But they were nurturing ladies full of warmth and maternal nature.
Because of porn we all want the hot girl with the nice body, not realizing that girls like this are generally psychopaths and attention sluts.
I hate to admit it but the reason I hate women is mainly because of my mother.
My mom jumped form man to man and had 6 children with different men, she was always drunk and so was her boyfriends. Constantly fighting and drinking with them while I had to endure it all.
She talked shit about my dad to me and I never even got to see him for more than a couple of days each year, my dad isn't the best dad but he's 100% times better than my mom. Mom also talked shit about my friends and my friends parents and always made fun of things I did. In the end I was too scared to get friends and proper hobbies because mom would just bring me down.
Now I'm 25 and I turned out to be a useless, socially inept retard, and now she's blaming me for being lazy and childish when she didn't even care about rasing me properly. She's still being a destructive and passive aggresive bitch and I fucking hate her
>hurr just get a job and move out
shut the fuck up, it's not that easy to jsut get a job especially when you're like me
But don't get me wrong I've been with other women than just my mom and they're all toxic and destructive whores, I've never met a women who has had any redeemable factor. Even the fat ugly will chose Chad over you even when she knows that she doesn't have a chance with him.
I'm surprised I didn't turn out to be a serial rapist
Is this a woman love thread? looks more like it
>Mfw this gigathot is going to be sodomized in a crater of sulfur in hell for all eternity
She either a really smart MRA falseflagging or very, very stupid
Totally get what you're saying, my mom criticizes my reclusive tendencies but when I question her rage I'm just told to keep quiet.
>coping by pretending hell is real
That kid is gay and he's dating her as an insult to his parents
>That cuck bottom left
I wonder if he thought he would be swimming in pussy for supporting those hambeasts movement
look at who the check is addressed to. she's the child
lmao they're mind blown acting like 600 is a lot. prob never worked in their life
Let this be a reminder to the retards who say "LOL DUDE JUST FIND A CHURCH GIRL!"
Church girls are just repressed thots, and when they're no longer repressed they'll go straight to slutting it up.
that's not the issue
the issue is that 1 there aren't any christian girls
and 2 they are low IQ
>the issue is that 1 there aren't any christian girls
That's my point, women don't understand any of the virtues espoused in church.
Women have never known self-sacrifice, introspection, any kind of real thought of how our material (or immaterial) world functions.
They are shallow in every sense of the word, the only deep thing about the modern woman is her vagina.
women are whatever the jews tell them to be
i'm finding it hard to be optimistic but I guess making yourself more desireable will attract women who are more submissive and then you can sortof convince them to not be human garbage
should I not even bother going to church tomorrow? I've been trying my hardest to motivate myself to start going but I just don't see anything coming from it
Go to church for yourself, not in the hopes that some dumb roastie will throw you a pity fuck.
>not understanding that making earth your own personal hell isn't just as bad
that isn't the point. you imbecile. I'm trying to remain positive about the quality of the community there, not just the women. because I'm not convinced that the people there have much virtue
Most people in church have little to no virtue, again, just go for yourself and look out for the 20% of people that are actually there because they have some form of virtue.
>I am a woman as well
post proof. i want to know if this is all a meme or not. and if you're a woman, why are you here in this thread?
What kind of mentally ill freak dates a downie.
>sell your father's heirlooms, our WEDDING is more important
>guys its current year God and Satan don't exist
>just accept you are made from nothing and your existance is to waste resources guys
>it's so much better guys lol
Do you guys remember that lesbo that posted screencaps of her own posts with some man hate content?
Wonder if she's been beaten to death yet lmao
>message a girl on tinder
>no reply
what is the best course of action to get these sluts to atone for their mistakes?
>try to find the post to see ledditors reactions
>entire subreddit is private so only people invited by the mods can even see it
>account deleted
Originally originality is original
If only you knew how bad things really are. Just look around, once you do you'll see thisbshit all over.
It's biology, not "da ebil jews"
I posted this in another thread and some anons got mad, but it got archived before I could respond, so I thought I'd post it here and see some sparks fly.
"This [referring to an infographic showing men being okay immediately after breakups but gradually becoming sad and the inverse for women] is honestly so true. I broke up with my boyfriend after a fight at a party on New Years Day. Went home, cried my eyes out in the bathtub, ate an entire tupperware of vanilla frosting I was planning on using on his birthday cake and slept for two days. Then I realized he was garbage, felt better, and moved on.
I went away to university. He still hung around being a NEET after graduation with my high school friend group. He got cucked when an acquaintance of mine fucked every single guy we knew except him. She even offered to let my brother and a drummer from a local nu metal band double team her and she wouldn't fuck him after he bought her drugs for over a year.
This was January 2013? It's been literally more than five years and I still see him creeping on my social media accounts. Last I heard of him, my best friend (who is his cousin, so they chit chat) said he is starting art school and got super fucking defensive about her making fun of trannies because it turns out he's dating one.
Needless to say, I laughed."
Come on, give me some (You)s.
I wonder how many people falsely accused of rape have been put in jail.
I unironically believe this. Fight me.
Why are women so nasty and hurtful on social media, I wouldn't sperg out on Twitter if I had all those followers
What is the point of this post? You dated a faggot. So what?
if i became paralyzed i wouldn't want my wife to stick with me. no point ruining two lives at once
>>it's so much better guys lol
>beliefs should be based on what is 'better' and not what's true
Women are literally designed to be whores.
He gave up his life for her
>haven't had one in a while
Really, OP? Seems like there's one up every time I check the catalog.