What is the incel view on sex workers?
Is she right?
What is the incel view on sex workers?
Is she right?
>It's the "owed" meme again
as long as the narrative "they think they're owed sex" is pushed, it absolves them from having to think and just makes us a hostile entity thingy boogie man.
demonize the boogie man, move along.
>sex worker doubles as a psychologist
lol is she retarded. What does she want virgins to do die in a ditch? Its well known sex workers will fuck virgins.
Not at all
Thanks to them i know longer have to go on a murderous rampage
>To get the female attention you crave you have to buy it
>It will be artificial and never as good as the real thing
This is why I despise prostitutes. Women are so desirable they can get paid for attention. Fucking hell.
>pay a sex worler
>not owed sex
crazy clown world
There is no meme or narrative. That's literally what it is. Prove me wrong. I'm absolutely open to any argument that isn't
>hurr because I said so
>dduuurrr I'm right because I said I'm right.
cool beans
What do you think of Average Annie?
How the fuck would we know what the incel view on anything it
Robots =/= incels, idiot
i don't mind prostitutes, honestly I respect them for being so honest, they are the pure female form with all of the bullshit stripped away
the problem is you can't make a life with a prostitute, being an incel isn't only about sex
i never felt owed sex, i always tried to earn it. i was also raised to wait til marriage for sex.
>why am i responding to an obvious troll
Too late for that, incel faggots have already turned this board into a dumpster fire
This is actually true, if you can't get laid with a girl you could theoretically just keep going for progressively uglier women until you do get laid. The problem is robots shoo feel entitled to a certain level of attractiveness in a girl.
Incels don't exist all incels are Volcels
Stop using the term incel. This isn't reddit. We use "robot" here.
It's not about being owed, it's about not getting it even though other peole are. It's like watching your friends play with this toy your entire life and even when you go trough the same steps to get it as your friends have, you just can never get it.
Escortcel here. She's wrong.
I don't hate women. I just want sex. Whores are the easiest way. It's simple convenience. Pay 50 Euro and fuck whoever I want. Whether it be blonde, brunette, white, asian, latina, ... versus going into bars or clubs trying to get some or messaging hundreds of girls online.
After the sex I'm more balanced and at ease. Seeing whores is way healthier than just masturbating every day. Intimate contact with another human being is important for mental health. You can't deny that.
I don't waste time and money on "Flirting", "going out", etc. I skip all the hassle and simple get to the desired result: Sex. I'm glad that I started seeing whores and I will only stop if I can't afford it anymore.
How come women that work dont get a beta guy to pay for comfort and sex while she works?
That could be a nice arrangement.
The connotations are not equal.
be careful, you're shattering what people desperately want to believe.
Maybe before trying to be debated you should show an actual argument you fucking retard.
Man 50 euros
We could have that if this country wasnt a feminist regime
Where are you from out of interest?
Start linking these roasties FACEandLMS videos
All these femnazi cunts with glasses makes me not attracted to women with glasses.
Germany. Prostitution is legal. You can read reviews of the girls online. That helps avoid burning money.
Had pic related sit on my face last week for 50 Euro. Licked her pussy and butthole and fucked her. She is way hotter than the fat single mothers on dating sites that require a huge amount of time and effort. Why should I jump through hoops for a 2/10 if I can fuck pic related for 50 Euro?
You can fuck better looking women in video games or sexdolls
It's not the same. Having another human being touch your penis feels completely different. And I own several onaholes.
It's another level of intimacy that can't be replaced with toys.
looks like a tranny tbqh bro
I fucked two trannies and she has a natural pussy. She had an innie and tasted great.
One of those does not belong.
5 months of saving and you could get a sexdoll and if you know about vr and games set that stuff up to supplement it.
Thats what most guys are doing nowadays finding alternatives to real women.
Hell even if its asmr or camwhores. Which im baffled why more camwhores dont make quality vr (as in no dicks) porn for guys
Why pay for a video if you can get the real thing for less? VR doesn't simulate smell and the touching.
>They also believe working with a provider would make them a loser.
>being the provider to hooker
you would either be a pimp or a cuck and there is no middle ground
A lot of guys don't find it appealing. imo unless the real thing is boner inducing beautiful but then shes going to cost a mint.
Robot is a now useless term that was used by both wizards and incels before you normies took it.
>progressively uglier women until you do get laid.
Even a disfigured woman with not enough chromosomes wouldn't want me, user.
I can't even get Below Average Betty's attention
That's the problem
I'm not rejecting anyone
Care for me and I'll care for you
put it this way if hot helen has coalburned and average annie hasnt.
Average annie is the 10/10 especially if shes a butterface.
>women comprehending what guys want
I believe sex workers shouldn't even exist, not even be a concept.
women selling their bodies for some cash is inhumane and we should replace the sex workers with robots or sell godtier VR.
I dislike them a lot but I have more respect for them than the average woman out there. At least sex whores are honest about it and put some effort in.
This is how the timelines going to proceed
Sex dolls and VR
Sex dolls and VR combined
Sex bots and VR combined
Sex bots perfected better than real women.
Its going to happen in less than twenty years.
Those are rare. How about one with too many?
yea this time is pretty much the 50's except for grilz
notice how you don't view women as people, but as a a sex object. Well if she is a commodity she wants to earn the proper price.
You missed out the part where Sex bots are made illegal before they are even available
>unironically licking prostitute pussy
Thats never gonna happen no matter how much dumbass feminists squeal.
They are the video game consoles of the near future.
This woman's stupid for shaming, lying about, and putting down so many people who'd have an actual reason to see a prostitute, but prostitutes are alright. True love and monogamy is long dead, in this culture, it doesn't matter at this point. If those incels really wanted something pure and romantic, they should accept a 2D already.
Koakuma kunny prostitute
this prostitutes are famous for being caring to virgins. Probably their best customers.
That's called an analogy, user, i could have used literally anything other than a toy and it would be the same.
That's rather like saying narcotics shouldn't exist. We'd probably be better off without them, but prohibition does far more harm than good.
>You losers better be thankful we allow you to have sex with us in exchange for money!
The absolute state of this world
Considering the state of the world, do you honestly think disallowing it would be better?
>Well if she is a commodity she wants to earn the proper price.
Objects don't get to earn proper prices.
I just wish normies would be honest and say fuck the fattest ugliest bitch you can find, instead of implying we could pull average girls or are chasing after models.
every original fucking time
I'm an incel because I want my first one to be a virgin. Why the fuck would I want a roastie who has a job of being dicked?
The trick is to ask these girls if they are friends with any single "average Annies".
Average Annie's arnt single for very long. They do well with men.
Women who have problems finding relationships with men usually don't have many female friends because they are literally mentally ill. A 5'4" nerdy manlet incel should be matched up with a 300lb girl with aspergers who bathes once a week and eats whole onions, according to twitter women.
FUCK roasties. I may not be owed sex but I am owed some form of physical affection like cuddling. You literally can't function as a persin without it, this is proven science. Fuck these stupid fucking whores jesus fucking christ. This is like saying someone isn't entitled to sleep. Sorry bud but people are entitled to it, since they can't function without it.
Elliot said in, I think, as many words that the entire female gender owes him sex.
Average annie doesn't consider us worthy of her time. Most of us would be trapped under Big Bertha raising her seven mullato kids.
Is right mostly, but that doesn't diminish our plight in any way. Also, sex IS a commodity.
>it suggests sex is a commodity
is she implying it's not
>prohibition does far more harm than good.
Not if you make the penalty for breaching prohibition death.
>(((sex workers)))
Professional roasts use this term to quell the cognitive dissonance they feel from being so utterly worthless as human beings that they have to rent out their diseased flaps for other degenerates' pleasure. Make sure to correct anyone who uses the term "sex worker" and call them what they are, whores.
Notice how you completely miss the point of his argument
b8/8 but I'll bite anyway.
It's about companionship. Society says: get an education, get a job, don't be fat, and keep hygiene. You will then invariably find a woman whom you'll fall in love with. No sex involved, it's love - companionship.
So you do all that and then some, by all metrics you're in the top 0.05% of all men worldwide. And you get nothing. Not only has no girl ever been interested in you, you have no friends.
When you dare mention that you don't have friends or a girlfriend, the world doesn't say "that's sad, but not everyone is meant to be with someone else". Instead the world says "you're a disgusting loser! How can you not have a girlfriend, loser! Die! Dirty virgin! You're the reason 9/11 happened! You're fired! Go be homeless somewhere else!". Of course, in the same breath, society says "it's men's fault that I'm a 30 year old woman and committing suicide for being alone after having fucked 50 men last month".
In the end, all we ever wanted is someone who could love and understand us. Not only does it have nothing to do with sex, not only does society constantly say everyone is owed that even if they make no effort, but it turns out moving fucking mountains and oceans is apparently not enough to be considered a mere human being if you don't have it. But of course performing those acts are also not enough to get it.
- Society says you're not human if you haven't had an intimate relationship at least once before
- Society doesn't care about personal achievements in any way UNLESS point 1 is satisfied
- We don't even have friends
- No amount of effort WITH (overwhelming) RESULTS has managed to change that in any way
- Unlike society, we do not think we are owed friends or girlfriends
- Society vilifies us for that reason
- Humans being social animals, coupled with society's undeserved bullying of us, has the effect you would expect
- We just want to be accepted for who we are
- Failing that, we just want to be left alone
Average Annie is portraying Cool Chad as an incel because her standards are so high up in the skies the moon is looking up to them. She doesn't even physically notice normal people, let alone incels. Of course, Cool Chad has the pick of the litter so he doesn't care about Average Annie (who is actually a 3/10 landwhale and not average at all).
>start fucking hookers
>get addicted
>get out of your shell, start dating
>find a qt gf, fall in love
>stop fucking hookers
>she's a bit squeamish about sex
>you respect and love her, you give her time
>urges come back
>they override everything again
>back to being miserable, she notices, you don't tell her why you're like this
>you don't tell her about hookers because you don't want to hurt her feelings
>you don't tell her you're sex obsessed because you don't wanna pressure her into sex because you love her
>it just grows worse and worse
>she leaves you because you're miserable and depressed
>omg why are women are so evil
And if you tell her about it, she's just going to start sperging out about how you're a disgusting creep.
I question her main assertion:
That incels hate prostitutes.
Where the fuck is that coming from?
>Hey, pimps beat us and get us hooked on drugs and take all our money, and some johns beat us and rape us and steal our money too, but it's those incel nerds who REALLY hate us!
What the fuck is this nonsense?
Why the fuck do women get so outraged when we see them as sex objects?
Women are ultimately attracted to men who are better than they are so of course the only thing we see in them is their value as sex objects. I ain't dating a girl for her life skills or her humour, cos fundamentally she's worse than me in these areas, and that's why she's attracted to me in the first place. If women don't wanna be seen as sex objects then start dating guys below you.
Feminists tend to be the most vocal supporters of legalizing prostitution, in my experience. They see the ban on it as patriarchal legal control over their bodies.
Because they know looks aren't forever, and when her looks fade, she's afraid you're going to leave her.
Feminists want prostitution to be legal, but they also don't want men to ever use it
Sounds like your ex was raped or molested or some shit, classic symptoms of it right there
Except that's how all girls are.
>Why should I jump through hoops for a 2/10 if I can fuck pic related for 50 Euro?
because you pay them forthe affection and the latter fuck you for you. sex is for your soul, not for jerking off only. prostitutes will never give you the feeling of winning somebody
The term "owed" was introduced by and large by the media to cause outrage.
If anything, the fact that many incels don't want to "cure" themselves by sleeping with sex workers proves a larger point - they want to earn companionship and sex just like "normies" do. It feels degrading as a human to be unable to achieve things that should be natural, and the feeling of being forced to PAY for only a portion of the experience a normie has. The idea of earning the norm and being owed something are two different concepts entirely.
I also think the incel movement has been misbranded by both incels and the media. Incels have a tendency to focus on the need for sex because it's the deepest and most physical form of intimacy, when in reality it's a more mental form of intimacy that they are seeking: Love.
Quite frankly it's disgusting that these "heroes of justice" don't wish for everyone to find love in their lives and just choose to villify them instead. In reality, it's a social problem that there are no real support structures in place for young men who don't quite have life figured out. Of course, not to say incels don't have their own problems they need to deal with themselves, but it's a complex problem that requires a little bit of help from multiple directions.
>the latter fuck you for you
Ahahaha. No, she fucks you in return for money, gifts, emotional tampon duty or status. Women are always using sex to get something. It's a commodity for them without any deeper meaning or emotional component.
Even when you talk about love they give out the meaningless platitudes and think thats enough to end the discussion. "There's someone out there for everyone", "You'll find your soulmate eventually, just keep looking"
I don't visit whores because I'm scared they will reject me
I mean they profit from peoples misery and desperation, so yeah they kind of are evil
Uhh they just want sex. Just like every other male on the planet
Wtf I thought that was the actual purpose of hookers
Average Annie wouldn't notice me, I am invisible.
This is true, however I disagree with the idea that every incel is looking at women in a strictly "Pointy elbows 9/10 wouldn't bang" way
I think a lot of self-described incels would be more than happy to be in a healthy relationship with a partner of average attractiveness, the issue is that even that seems impossible to find
>average annie
I never even got average annie, I got Two Outta Ten Tammy.
I'd rather be an incel than fuck a girl whose physical appearance disgusts me.
they're the same thing, they always were. Most of the robots moved to incel communities after normies shitted up r9k and turned it into the trap filled garbage fire it is today
This seems shallow but I get it.
You can settle for a woman with no skills, no talents, no sense of humor, no self control, no understanding of health, and a disgusting pig face. But this only works for so long.
There comes a time when you realize that you objectively deserve better. A 4/10 men should not have to settle for a 1/10, when he has a good job, works out every day, has good mannerisms and habits, and is a good person overall. Women can get away with being shitty, while men get put in prison or shunned.
Even Subhuman Sue would probably reject me
>Average Annie
I think what he really means is Fatass Fey.
>What is the incel view on sex workers?
Why rent a human female when you can just buy an artificial one customized to your aesthetic preferences? Women are not special, just holes and warm bodies, the sensation of which can be easily replicated.
How is that shallow? You're in a relationship with someone who can provide nothing, who is a pure drain on your resources (especially mental). If she had unique talents or a soothing personality or could cook, at least.
Physical appearance does matter as well due to genetics. Look at someone and your dick literally rolls back into itself? How are you supposed to ever have kids? Hell, before that, how are you going to not have a mental breakdown trying to go to a restaurant with her?
I'm guessing this is the American average which is actually Ten Ton Tessy
Underrated post. I agree 100%
First of all, don't try and dress it up, they are prostitutes, not workers. They like to use the term "worker" because it helps delude themselves they produce something of value rather than being parasitic leeches.
Whores are degenerate animals who should be executed.
They need to try and flip things around to fit their evil male oppressor world view and so that's all they're going to spew.
I was always wondering if normalfags just pretending to believe in everything they say, as a defence mechanism for their psyche, because deep down they know the truth, or are they actually stupid.