Believes in sky fairies and noah's ark

>believes in sky fairies and noah's ark
>makes fun of people for asking to be called a different gender

this guy is such a fucking dunce

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Other urls found in this thread:

He never said he believed the Bible. He has only stated he is religious.

>believes in sky fairies and noah's ark
Wrong, he specifically states that people who take the biblical stories literally are fools.
Not even in favor of this pseud but find some real criticism.

>Is Resurrection real? Did Christ get resurrected? I don't know

he is a total fucking dunce

I don't get that. If you believe in a religion then how can you just pick and choose which parts you are supposed to take literally?
What makes the existence of God, Heaven/Hell etc any different from Noah's Ark being real?

He does sort of contradict himself though. I believe hes not sure if god exist, but he agrees with the principles preached in the bible. I feel the same way.

My grandfather has an IQ of 156 and he's religious and might be a creationist but I don't pry into his beliefs

Once you strip all the God/supernatural stuff away what's even left of the bible? What principles does the bible contain that you can't follow without being non-religious?

>believing there are a hundred genders and pronouns is fine
>believing in some kind of god isn't

is he going around peddling the bible and other insane shit to gullible neckbeards like Peterson is?

>What makes the existence of God, Heaven/Hell etc any different from Noah's Ark being real?
It's a fable, a parable. A story to illustrate a point. Keep in mind that the modern bible has been through literally hundreds of translations and at least three to four languages. Many of the finer points are obsolete or completely lost to translation.

I'm an atheist but I can understand this much. It's not a literal episodic story with literal rules, but more like a general guideline with plenty of nuance and fiction as illustration.

>waters down someone's beliefs into less than a sentence
>mischaracterizes their arguments on compelled speech

Petersen is hot right now, this is good bait.

>the bible
*tips fedora*

Hint: my grandfather is Peterson

the compelled speech nonsense has been debunked time and time again. it's well known him and other right wing retards misrepresent what the transgender law actually is for profit/to feat monger people like you

>makes fun of people for asking
Didn't you learn in middle school not to paint a big fat target on your back with "THIS IS WHAT UPSETS ME PLS DON'T DO / SAY THIS :3"

As for the memeprofessor, he's alright but the people who follow him religiously are cringeworthy

I believe he sees God as the ultimate ideal everyone should strive for. He says that everyone should have a goal in sight, and gives the example of the king: he's at the top of the hierarchy, there's nothing more up there, but maybe even him should look for something higher. Basically, he doesn't see God as a physical embodiment, but a set of "definitive" values worth pursuing for the sake of every level of civilization.

>libtard detected
>immidiate killing of self is requested

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the bible is absolutely insane, but peterson doesn't just stop there. he says insane shit constantly like maybe we should ban makeup in the workplace to avoid sexual harassment. he is a total nutjob

*tipping increases*

>you can't even anonymously talk about issues and flaws in people's behavior because it shows that you're sensitive and deserve abuse
I don't like normies.

>Once you strip all the God/supernatural stuff away what's even left of the bible?

Lots of things about how one should live their life, how to treat others, what practices to stay away from, etc. It really doesn't demand much from you, and most of it is just common sense stuff and staying away from degeneracy.

>What principles does the bible contain that you can't follow without being non-religious?
Jordan Peterson argues that the bible provides life lessons that even atheists can benefit from. Jordan's whole point is that religion is more than believing that a dude with a beard lives in the sky. The bible is a collection of metaphorical stories with morals in the same way that fairy tales are. Believing the literal interpretation is the exact idiocy that Peterson advises against.

do you have any idea how many insane rules are actually in the bible? the amount you have to ignore to get to the few things that are pretty much commonly accepted human behavior in modern society? there is absolutely no way to argue you need the bible to be a good person or that following it makes you one

>current year
>unironically being an atheist

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>it shows you're sensitive and deserve abuse
Being sensitive doesn't mean you deserve abuse - it's the practice of first revealing a big weakness and then trying to make demands to other people, people don't like being faced with demands and if you give them the strongest way to reject you by striking at your weaknesses, you're - dare i say - asking for it

Maybe not asking for it from a moral perspective, but from a practical perspective

So he's doesn't belive in religion. He however lies and says that he does because the stories have good life lessons.

>t. someone who hasn't read the Bible

>there is absolutely no way to argue you need the bible to be a good person or that following it makes you one

I never said that, I'm still studying it myself, but so far I agree with 90% of it, other than the magical shit.

I think it's the opposite. I think he's a total religious nutjob but has learned to hide it and trying to manipulate gullible people by using fear mongering(le marxism) and redefining things like truth

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But my point is what's unique to the bible that people don't already follow in their lives? Any examples of a biblical story with an actual moral that somebody could apply to their lives?
Preaching 'don't kill people' is hardly a life-changing lesson for anybody.

>"'Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard.
>"'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.

You have a very rigid definition of the word 'believe' that is absolutely not compatible with Peterson's very nuanced argumentation. There are ways of "believing" something other than literal belief. Literal interpretation is what idiots resort to since they can't see the bigger picture.

Maybe watch some of his lectures on the subject and then you'll know. I'm not going to spoonfeed you his entire hours long series of youtube lectures just because you're too lazy to explore them yourself.

>keyword: maybe

>I read a "Top 10 Weird bible quotes" article on buzzfeed and now I know the bible

Sorry OP, you're a brainlet
Truly smart people like Peterson and myself are smart enough to understand that religion is bullshit, but the masses need it to keep them in line

>what's unique to the bible that people don't already follow in their lives?

>I don't like normies.
You're one of them normalfag cocksucker

>being this much of a memeing religious retard without an argument

so do you cut your hair? do you wear clothing made of two different fabrics?

>implying I'm a right wing moron

>religious = right winger
But user, you ARE a moron.

You're the retarded one for not believing in God, OP.

You can conclude that there is SOME sort of god based on logic alone, brainlet

I do. What of it, faggot?

>hurr durr old covenant

No his nuanced "beliefs" are just a way of sounding better than he actually is. You can either belive in the bible and all it says or not belive it at all. You could also consider the stories to be good life lessons without thinking that they actually happened. Nothing about this is nuanced or some other deep way of "believing", people calling it that just want to sound smart.

>>religious = right winger
pretty much yeah, at least socially

Jordan Peterson actually calls male to female transsexuals she and female to male transsexuals he. He doesn't support non-binary gender expression or language policing. He has no problem with trans people.

JP never said that religion is bullshit though. He even argues for some kinda of ''alignment of all levels of being'' after we die.

The bible tells us not to consume blood, which also means blood transfusions are a no no. Initially people thought this was nuts, but found that alternative methods were just as effective at saving lives and even less risky in certain aspects.

Of course its against homosexuality, which people interpret as god not liking fun, but in reality that's the easiest way to catch deadly STDs.

Its against fornication, again, NO FUN! But taking sex so lightly is exactly why we have so many single parent households and children being raised poorly. I don't even plan on getting married and even I can't deny that this is one of the biggest problems in the world.

>Of course its against homosexuality, which people interpret as god not liking fun, but in reality that's the easiest way to catch deadly STDs.
>while also being against contraception that prevents STDs

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That's what I'm saying, moron. Smart people need to pretend religion isn't bullshit for the benefit of the masses, but secretly they know it's all a load of crap

He still lies and misrepresents what bill C16 is for profit/to fear monger impressionable neckbeards tho.

>Of course its against homosexuality, which people interpret as god not liking fun,
faggots should fucking die you little homo

Hi Jordan.

How come Christians always act like the opposite of what the bible teaches?

They're always so hateful and stupid.

>Any examples of a biblical story with an actual moral that somebody could apply to their lives?
A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan (hated by the Jews of the time), as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. "Look after him," he said, "and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have."

Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?

I don't think any of them believe the bible preaches tolerance.

>makes fun of people for asking to be called a different gender
Yeah we should just enable their mental illness.

>You could also consider the stories to be good life lessons without thinking that they actually happened.
Yes, that my point.

>You can either belive in the bible and all it says or not belive it at all.
Extremism at its finest...

>Nothing about this is nuanced or some other deep way of "believing", people calling it that just want to sound smart.
Well they're doing a better job than you are right now because you sound like a literal minded fool.

>>while also being against contraception that prevents STDs
Dude you're a fucking brainlet. Christianity is against all forms of sex that don't lead to procreation. So people who have STD's shouldn't have sex at all.

But he DOES believe in the metaphysical, you dumbass.

Does that not make the gender shit absurd as well? Its a bigger issue because of the implications of legislating it and the social changes that will occur.

>criticize someone for believing in make-believe, unscientific characters in the sky
>also criticize them for not believing in make-believe identities that go against biology itself

huh... wow oh wow... that... really made me think...

>people calling themselves different gender without harming anyone is a bigger issue than religious retards

lmao, yes keep believing that my simple-minded friend

>criticising hypocrisy makes you a hypocrite

>make-believe genders

Transsexuals only represent themselves as men or women, they depend on a two-binary system. There is substantial evidence to suggest that gender dysphoria has biological causes.


>You can't just pick and choose which parts of the bible you want
That's where you're wrong kiddo.

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all trans whatevers were a fucking mistake, they're human garbage.

>makes fun of people for asking to be called a different gender

He never did that. He only said that he doesn't want to be legally compelled to use their gender-specific language as that is totalitarian. He even said he would use someone's preferred pronouns if they asked.

>Without harming anyone
Have you ever watched him talk about the canadian gender laws or gave it a thought? Because it seems like you havent.

>Yes, that my point.
Then it's not some other level of beliving. It's just him thinking that some stories are good.
>Extremism at its finest
Almost like extremists are the only ones that belive in it. You can't take just the good parts and claim that you belive in the bible.

He behaves as if his his moral beliefs that are based on metaphysical concepts are true.
Ask him he that means he believes in those same concepts :)

Yes you idiot. He blatantly misrepresents what the law actually does. It's called fear mongering. A very popular tactic with people like Peterson.

>1 in 20 people are left handed
>1 in 100 people are mentally retarded
>1 in 100 people are homosexual
>1 in 1,000 people have down syndrome
>1 in 3,000 people are transgender
>1 in 3,000 people are intersex

There's room on planet earth for everyone, so long as they treat other humans with civility and respect. Nobody asked to be different. It's normies like you that isolate people until they feel like going on a killing spree. You are the worst kind of person that exists.

Things peterson has said unironically:
>Women defend islam because they are subconsciously seeking total male domination
>Activism was a useless fad where people would use signs and shout things, by this he meant the civil rights movement
>Inequality is a cosmic constant and any politician who tries to change it is not pessemistic enough, ignoring that inequality differs greatly between societies
>You are not allowed to be a socialist or study Marx because Stalin was a meanie

Also lets not forget that his whole ideology is based around conspiracy theories concerning a "neo marxist plot" that he has never proven or even tried to prove existed.

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Sure buddy, it's not just theatre to keep you lot in line! whatever lets you sleep :)

You forgot his creepy obsession with violence. He seems upset that it's not as socially acceptable to beat women as it is men because it means he can't "control" the feminists attacking him. He also says people who defend communism should be beaten but constantly defends nazi sympathizers,

That image is so retarded. Obviously an ideology unable to defend itself is one that doesn't work, retard

>It's normies like you
normalfag cock suckers like you shouldn't even be here. fuck off cock sucker.

He and everybody else behaves like that so they must be faking it according to him :)

>Then it's not some other level of beliving. It's just him thinking that some stories are good.
Believing that a story is good is a form of belief.

>You can't take just the good parts and claim that you belive in the bible.
Peterson has never said that he believes in the bible. He has said that he's 'religious'. As far as anyone knows he could be a jew or a hinduist or a muslim. He considers certain parts of the bible to contain meaningful advice for how to live your life. That doesn't mean he necessarily 'believes in the bible' as you put it. He believes in certain morals that the bible happens to contain.

Is this guy the epitome of the bootstrap mentality?

China is unable to defend itself?
Veitnam is unable to defend itself?

I mean im not a tankie but are you not forgetting that the USSR was literally the second world power after the US

Also no ideology, not even fascism has faced the amount of resistance from world powers than anarchism/ actual communism

Peterson is a complete hack

>Believing that a story is good is a form of belief.
star wars is now a religion

you're so fucking clueless...

>star wars is now a religion
You have no idea how correct this statement is. The entire story structure of Star Wars is based on medieval fables, which have their roots in Christian Tradition.

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market economy doesn't negate the fact that theyre run by socialist parties who employ socialist policies and actively sticks their nose in the private sector. the communist party also holds significant amount of stock in the biggest companies in the country.

I dont know too much about Vietnam, but i would guess they follow similar principles.

>The bible tells us not to consume blood, which also means blood transfusions are a no no.
The most nigger tier argument I've ever seen. He's asking for morals, and you not only completely misinterpret the point of why the bible would say something like that, but it's not even about morality.

>A and B are wrong
>if you believe A, which is wrong, you must also believe B on the principle that it's wrong too and if you want to believe one wrong thing, you must believe them all

If the line about gender identity was only provided for the purpose of context, it was completely fine, but I interpreted it as being one of the criticisms, in which case it would be wrong

You're making the assumption that OP doesn't believe in the bible, but does believe in gender identity crap.
OP was just pointing out that both positions are unscientific and it's hypocritical to defend one while berating the other.

>he's religious
Whew now I don't have to waste any brain cells thinking about his arguments!

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several of his arguments and insane beliefs have been brought up in this thread. also being religious is very much important for someone who's preaching religion as the cornerstone of morality and in Peterson's case, truth. He literally believes truth is inherently linked to believing in a god.

Your reply would sound so much better if it was sarcastic

he has always been a hack, only gen z Jow Forumstards with no powerful father figure ever paid attention to him

he basically caters to the lowest of the low, no surprise he is popular here