I want to have a family so bad

I want to have a family so bad
With a loving marriage and 5 happy children.
But I have to go through university, learn a language and then move country, then find work and a nice town to live in and only then try to find a wife who loves me as much as I love her. But right now I can barely even talk to other people let alone girls, I have no social skills and I'm trapped as being a NEET so I can't condition myself through a job or start making money to do it all
I'm so scared it will never happen or if it does it will be too late or I will make the wrong choices and ruin everything. Everything feels like it is balanced on the edge of a knife

How do I find peace of mind?
I really wish I could stop time, robots

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Same senpai
Why do you have to move country?

Or you could just marry some white trash girl

>I want to have a family so bad
>With a loving marriage and 5 happy children.
kill yourself faggot, a robot wouldn't want a fucking family

>How do I find peace of mind?
Jack off to numb your mind, watch moe anime, play vidya.

I want to start a family too user, but what you're thinking of in your head doesn't exist for people like us. We're in a different caste in society that can't experience that.

>no true robot
Why not?

I hate this place so much even just for myself, I would never think of raising children here

Where you at and where you wanna go?
I feel the same way about England. I hate it here but as far as I can tell, America is retarded in a totally different direction, Canada is worse than here, I can't deal with Australian heat and wildlife but I'm too lazy to learn another language.
That basically narrows it down to NZ, which tbf does seem pretty comfy.

iktf OP, painful isn't it?

Don't fall for the NZ meme, it's just as bad as the rest and is only going to get worse.

>it's just as bad as the rest and is only going to get worse.
How so?

Exactly the same for me, but I really want to get far away from the Americanised culture in western countries. I'd like to go somewhere Eastern Europe if I can learn one of the languages well enough,

Koakuma kunny family

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There's an ongoing meme that NZ is some sort of "based" isolated paradise. In reality we have the same sorts of people, politics and lifestyles that you are probably trying to get away from.

on the plus side, the climate is good and we have great scenery.

i hate living in England too, the only thing keeping me motivated is the thought of moving away

Obviously I'm not stupid enough to believe it's a perfect paradise. But it really can't be worse than here.

I try not to think like a Jow Forums user but thinking about the future of my people keeps me up at night. Why can't we be like the rest of the world who can just live their lives and never have to worry about whether their race will still exist in a few hundred years

The UK sounds like dogshit, I'd come here if I were you but it is so hard to get in.

I try not to think like a Jow Forums user but thinking about the future of my people keeps me up at night. despicable git.

forgive my confusing shitpost I am drunk and 4am.

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I'm in the same boat. I'm trapped. I want to be free. I can never have nice things, bad shit keeps happening to me like some kind of curse. God save me

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I got a girl pregnant in Spain and she is raising my bastard daughter so I know my genes will live on, i:e not worried at all fampai

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Well, the good news is that your cummies will work well into your 50s, so you've got time to get off this shit board and try a few things.

Do you see her?

cute larp animeposter

this is true op. Get off this site asap

don't worry I've quit Jow Forums already for the most part and took a bunch of hobbies instead.
>try a few things
I wish that I could but for now I'm just trapped as a neet and have near 0 social contact. and it's not like I'm the sort of person who can approach random girls in the street.

Not easy is it. Keep keepin on my man