>grew up in absolute shithole, determined to escape
>dedicate all my time to schoolwork, no friends or enjoyment
>get into oxford
>study constantly, wagecuck when I'm not, no friends or enjoyment
>fall for the btc meme in 2013 (while in uni), become a multi millionaire earlier this year
>live like a poorfag to save for school/inheritance for kids, very, very "successful" by this point but still no friends or enjoyment
>work constantly, never take holidays
>noticed blood in my shit a month ago
>go to doctors, terminal pancreatic cancer, 6 months to live
>everything I did was for fucking nothing
>not even in contact with family so dying alone
>spend every day drinking and regretting every fucking thing
Wasted my life and now have terminal pancreatic cancer
Other urls found in this thread:
Drown yourself in luxury and drugs.
Don't pay attention to the robots who will come to beg for money, or offer friendship with the same intention.
What do you wish you did instead?
Save someone. Drowning yourself with luxuries at this point would be dumb, since you wouldn't enjoy it knowing you are about to die. But don't save a robot, choose a random homeless guy, those guys need it more
youre lucky
id give anything to be in your position.
That's why I never wanted nor tried to be an overachiever like you. You never know what's gonna happen tomorrow, if even if there is going to be a tomorrow at all.
You chose to delay gratification because net on the future, I, on the other hand, an trying to get as much as I can now, because the present moment is the only thing I can be certain of.
These are two opposing worldviews, and they are both valid, in the end luck pays a big role in everything.
I'm waiting for this meme alcor.org
to get back to me. Vene though I doubt it works it gives a bit of hope
Half assed life and did things I enjoyed. My degrees, money all meant fucking nothing. I have never used them once, complete waste of fucking time.
Perhaps sharing your wealth with the less fortunate will make you happy
Get a really cool motorbike and see if you can die even sooner.
>he doesn't know stress causes cancer
>something wrong with pancreas
>drinking alcohol
Could you perhaps send me some bitcoin so I can continue your legacy
Where are you we can have a robot meetup and all stand by your side as you die
lol give me your money, you corpse
Post some kind of proof and I'll believe you.
I could be wrong, but this post almost seems like a very sneaky way of giving robots another excuse for trying to stop attempting to be successful.
Why someone would do that, I have no idea.
Liquidate your BTC and give it to a charity that resonated with you like autism, cancer, mental illness, or the Clinton foundation.
RIP on into the ether
Post BTC balance screenshot.
Oh yeah and i have testicle cancer. Double cancer. Better than you mr. Smartypant
>tfw still cancer free
Lucky bastard.
If you're rich, do something like getting your head frozen and stored till the future when they can revive you. You can pay to have that done and that sort of medical tech, barring like a nuclear war, is only like 30-50 years away.
OP is actually a poorfag dying of AIDS who wished he invested in Bitcoin in 2013 now it's too late and he's making up stories on the internet for sympathy/attention
I'm so sorry user. Fuck, man.
thats why i'm a neet honestly
At least you have 6 months to do absolutely anything you want. I'd just spend my whole time in other countries banging prostitutes if I were you.
contact me on [email protected]
its a temp email. i propose you leave me all your btc and in exchange I offer the secret of happyness today. ex-guru here of 10 years
go and buy the best hat ever and have everyone be envious of you for the rest of your life and then fight each other after you pass in order to claim the best hat ever
to elaborate happiness is a recipe that if you follow it you will achieve happiness. you deserve that in exchange for your wealth. aint that the reason you got wealth in the 1st place?
What's the secret, user? Did you write it yourself?
Jesus...have some tits
well after spending years in India and surrounded by like minded people and being part of a secret society you pick up some tips. the answer cannot be found by asking google. same way google cant answer if God exists or not. well I give OP this chance coz i also happen to be into btc too
At least you have money and some time.
Stop working now, travel to some cool places, fuck women and do every drug known to man.
Its not the quantity of life, its the quality,
you're in you're prime, have money and can go anywhere.
Fucking do something.
Can't you go to a different doctors. You have the money to see the best doctors in the world and see the best therapist in the world. If anything you could travel, maybe you can find a escort to travel with.
You should know better
OP I renew my offer. email me on [email protected] and i will offer the secret of happiness to a dying man in exchange for all your BTC that would otherwise be lost
You know that many people claim to have found the secret of happiness and the happiest ones are usually found giving away their secret for free.
It changes from person to person.
Some say live a simple life, some say be a hard worker, some say look out for only your family, or your country, or only take care of yourself.
Everyone becomes happy in their own way. What makes you happy might not make someone else happy.
But just the fact you would charge money for it makes you come off as not at all genuine.
Even if you're telling the truth, you got to understand that this is a very common scam in the world and that it would be wise to dis-trust a person making a request of payment for so claimed hidden knowledge.
>this is a very common scam in the world
well in my case its not a scam. I dont care about money but about BTC i care.
well if op wants it he can email me. if not its ok
what did you do to exacerbate it, if anything at all? my dad chain smoked for 40 years and only just got it in the past 6 months. i feel like we consume things without thoroughly giving them inspection and younger people like us are going to get more cancer more quickly.
i am this guy dear op of email [email protected]
donate me your bitcoins. the secret to happiness is to control your mind. think about it; its your thoughts that are making you unhappy not your situation even tho you are dying.
set a worrying time each day. for example between 8pm and 8.05pm. that way your worrying will ruin only a small period of your everyday
also I suggest you read quickly "the power of now" by Tolle
post btc wallet; you're another pajeet larping on this shit board right?
>terminal pancreatic cancer, 6 months to live
careful to not be too jealous robots.
mods should ban humble bragging here
If OP isn't LARPing I'd gladly go on a roadtrip with you. You don't even have to give me a dime. your life story sounds a lot like mine and it'd be an honour to stay by your side and watch the world pass by in a car/motorcycle/plane/whatever floats your boat. Post contact info op. srs
>shit that never happened and every dumb faggot responds seriously though there is no proof delivered by OP: the thread
Kill yourselves
There may be blood in your shit but at least theres not shit in your blood
Go out with style. Destroy your wealth.
You can't "save someone", no matter how hard you try. Littery winners always end up at least as poor as they were before. It take character to be successful, regardless of how lucky you get. Give your money to a honeless guy or a robot and they'll waste it all. If tgese were worthwhile people they wouldn't be in their predicament.
If you're gonna help someone, perhaps give somebody doing well already a bit of a boost to start a business or something. But don't give your money to people like me. Better spend it on yourself.
lmao how stupid do you think OP is
go run your scam somewhere else you fucking retard
Hey man your livin my kinda lifestyle and I have a little bit of money too. Wanna say fuck it and just party until you die? You should get a mansion is suburban Atlanta or something an we just drink and do drugs until we croak. I know how to order drugs off the deep web and Ill be your friend and I can get bitches to come over as long as we have a place for them to stay and some money to do shit with and stuff
>haha curves lmao
Imagine actually falling for this
> 6 months to live
>everything I did was for fucking nothing
Behold. The fate of the hard worker. Don't worry OP it's your time now
Fucking hell, the tulip bubble was something else...
always get a second opinion
Pancreatic cancer is probably the most painful way to die. At least you get to spend your money on good opioids. Fucking hell.
Why the fuck are you degenerates on my Jow Forums?
And to top it all off you cant even buy a gun to end it all cause youre in bongistan. Start up a pmc and try to steal a nuke then launch it for the bant.
my dad had pancreatic cancer
terrible way to go man
eventually you will starve yourself from chemo treatments
become a husk of the man you once were
then you stop drinking water and go insane
full blown hallucinations
then you die
sucks man
>Give me money for me to tell you to cure your depression by just not being sad anymore.
>Emotions are so controllable that if you set aside 5 minutes out of every 24 hours for one emotion you will literally never feel it again because that's definitely how emotions work and you're totally in complete control of all of it.
Good god it's the lovechild of a normie who doesn't get depression and a streetshitter-tier bad scam.
>study constantly, wagecuck when I'm not, no friends or enjoyment
>live like a poorfag to save for school/inheritance for kids
phahahaha what a failed norman.
>muh kids
do you really want to have kids?
you forgot to add the "have kids" meme. this world has become a shithole, don't have kids, poor bastards will live in hell.
live wild, man. spend all your money on fun.
try weed and shrooms (be careful for the non-natural stuff, you never know what it is unless you send it to a lab to be sure)
get a buddy for your trips and it's garateed fun and mind expansion.
Give me money nigger
Your story sounds exactly like Fritz Zorn. You should read the book "Mars" by Fritz Zorn.
I want to put you up against a wall and machine gun you until you're nothing but blood, pulp, and lead on the pavement.
If this isn't bait, do urine therapy. Your cancer will be gone without having to pay a cent. Just the only catch is you need the will power to do urine therapy.
Sounds fake boyo.
>he thought materialistic goods will satisfy he needs.
O user, have you seen that all famous people are depressed as shit and are never happy, especially celebrities? The goodness of this world will never feed what's in your inside (call it your soul yes). And no I'm saying not be a lazy poor bum but you shouldn't let your main goal be materialistic things of THIS WORLD (getting a gf, having a good job, being liked by people around you etc).
Now if this is not b8 then your only goal should be to not die spiritually illiterate without having learned anything. Research yourself, read the Bible, Qu'ran, Hindu texts etc.
But first you'd probably want to meditate for a month or two since it's been scientifically proven that it releases stress and depression, make you have a higher pain tolerance and some people like to believe that it helps treat cancer, although there isn't much scientific evidence but you what do you have to lose (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Secondly, surviving shouldn't be your main goal but there is a lot of natural methods that laymen and some scientists think may help treat cancer, so you should look up those. You're gonna wanna quit the drinking and stuff also and maybe try to eat quite healthy. Karma is a thing so you might want to be kind to others and act in a way that makes them want to be closer to the one who created them. If you do good you do it to yourself and if you do bad you do it to yourself.
6 months is a short amount of time but you can do it surely if you try.
And anyways there is a kind of high chance you will survive any ways due to modern medicine so you shouldn't worry too much.
Peace be upon you friend, you will be in my prayers.
And no I'm not a Christian or anything like that piece of propaganda.
Watch some yuri anime before you die, user. It's gonna be worth it.
why you so mad?
normie rage
get as many hookers as you can afford before you die, brah
if youre going out you might as well take some with you
no, thats fucking moronic and evil
not if they are deserving
FUCK cancer, cancer is some whack ass trout ass shit son, flex on cancer and keep it zero hoots by find a $5 crack ho hooker and tongue her asshole for 20 minutes instead and die off diseases related to that cuz we boolin on cancer senpaitachi. Respect
This is going to suck cock, isn't it.
Holy shit. You're one heartless bastard. Fucking sicko.
Sorry you feel like wasted your life OP. You don't have to feel like you missed out though. We're all in for a wild ride and we will all one day open our eyes and find ourselves trapped in the husks of our former bodies. Some of us sooner rather than later. None of us leave this earth without paying our dues in the form of deep, senseless suffering. Godsped, user.
DIE! gjcgjnvvvfaggot
I'd take your cancer from you if I could. I wish I had cancer, to be honest.
Pancreatic cancer is a side effect of certain medications, what were you taking?
>tfw wasted my life
>dont have terminal cancer
life is so unfair
>Already guaranteed a shitty death
I mean, why the fuck not drink to your hearts content? I would honestly up the ante and attempt to get ahold of heroine or something at that point
that's why living for the future is stupid, live for the present
Don't mope around. Hire a personal assistant to plan your days.
Travel, eat at restaurants, find experiences, etc.
You can live more in your time remaining than many will live in their lifetimes.
There is a cure for cancer,Id tell you but I prefer If you do the research yourself
sorry to hear that, OP, my father died of pancreatic cancer as well
>terminal pancreatic cancer
very unlikely
stop lying, OP
Homeless people are shit. It's not some Joe that got laid off from a factory shut down looking for work in hard times, it's a boozing, drug addicted, degenerate who doesn't have the mindset to not end up back where they started