Tfw female

>tfw female
>tfw naturally weaker than almost all men
>tfw average man can easily beat me up unless i spend my whole life training to fight
women have it easier at some aspects but so do men. Women life is not easier

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do you think guys just walk around picking out girls to beat up? you don't need strength, you just need a fat ass



this turns me on desu. there's something hot about knowing i'm pretty much at the mercy of every man i interact with.

Yes it is. A women could smack herself in the face with a hammer and point at some random dude and randumb's going to prison for the next 5 years.
Women have life HELLA F*CKIN EASY.

get a gun idiot bitch

can i smell your dirty panties?

do you fight, op?



see? my point is that we both have our strenghts and weaknesses. It wouldnt be fair to say that one gender has it easier

Can I smell your dirty pads?

men get strong and fight each other to get women not to beat women up

also come to find out most women get off to being beaten and raped so there's that too

There are some women who don't know this feel.

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you can if you dont mind that they have been on my boypussy

what a fucking loser, go back to your discord faggot




Fighting isn't only about strength. A small girl can wrestle down a large man if she knows what she's doing.

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The dream woman is one that likes to get beat up

What a shallow platitude that is, OP. You have not realized the depths of true horrors of both sides.

The man becomes like an empty well with age, once full of purity, passion and romanticism towards the world, turning toxic with the community dumping in it, people abusing its plentiful generosity out of a genuine nature, leaving a dry bitter husk. It takes real warping of the self to turn a person toxic. People wonder how some of us become so abraisive, it's due to innocence being sold to us then stripped, turning some of the best people into some of the worst. The ones who are destroyed become the most wicked, and there has to be something good their once to be destroyed and warped.

Men's troubles are one of inherent existentialism because they have to face rejection at every step in life, they have to compare to their fathers, be tougher than the bullies, more successful than his peers, more charismatic than the loners, self reliant so not to show weakness, compete with other men who are shaped similarly, burden everything on their shoulders, and watch as the world is being torn apart by itself, and in today's age men are coming out of this development or lack of development into a world not suited for them, their traditional views, they reject it willingly and are bitter towards it.

Women grow up to be truly husks of a human being. Due to privilege they never better themselves, gain interests, being socially acceptable and desirable is the main goal, and they are herded towards it, the ones who resist face great problems, because society always chases women, the loneliness a woman feels is one due to surplus of compatible partners, but most people are trash, so the woman grows weary of relying on trust and intuition. While men get rejected by society women reject.

Just spread your legs and they'll lose all desire to fight ;)

you will never get beaten up by a man in your entire life you dumb bitch.

a 5'3 could kill her with one hand

Yes, there's plenty of women that are seeking manly men but they are hard to find nowadays, especialy in the west. If you dont attract any women chances are that youre most likely not that manly

if i was a weapon i could neet forever
just neet to stream a game and put gamer gurl xd in the title or cosplay
be a tall amazon and beat up guys to

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>Am female
>An average man could floor me with a single punch
>The strongest man in the world, and the best martial artist in the world could literally snap me in half with ease
>Doesn't matter because I could kill all of them without breaking a sweat with a gun

lol who cares in this day and age? Guns are called the great equalizer for a reason.

>Fighting isn't only about strength

No, it's also hugely about weight. A 100 lbs woman who knows what she's doing cannot wrestle down a large man.

And that is just the tip of it all, for there's the whole blade left to follow in the cut of mankind.

The warped social dynamics destroying ones preconceived notions relationships, to grow up as a man born after the 90's is to grow up lost, to continuously have your mind and soul torn apart by society because the world which created them is not like the world today. They are proven wrong at every step in their later life. Men are blamed and shunned, told they are rapists, weirdos, losers, weaklings, betas, that they are not "men", the whole structure of idealism which the concept of "man" rests on is being destroyed, and is all but collapsed today. Men feel true existentialism though this and the mentioned continual rejection.

Women face the hollowness of such a society, of being nothing, of doing nothing, of achieving nothing, of learning nothing, and it's due to them never having to do anything of value to get accepted. If one develops an iota of self realization in this world they trip into the spiral of despair, not coming back out till they are stripped of all their preconceived delusional notions of how life works.

Everything is a fuck today, men are arguably more fucked because they have lost the most, and have had to always try the most, but to look at how the woman is, that's true horror, but it can only be seen from the outside, the typical woman doesn't see how much of a non-person she really is.

Men still are better than women with guns, this has been recorded in all military tests across the world.

Poetic. Complete guff of course, but poetic nonetheless.

>A 100 lbs woman who knows what she's doing cannot wrestle down a large man.
Yes, she can, assuming he doesn't know what he's doing.

Get off Jow Forums cunt. leave us the fuck alone.

Why is that, you think? Men and women even have to be separated in chess competitions because the best women can not compete with the best men. You'd think something like shooting or chess would be an even playing field.

yeah but do you understand how rare fist fights are even in fucking county? Assault charges do way more time than the damage caused and only really happen in ghetto/redneck bars because those are the only people who won't snitch.

I've won every fist fight in my life never kicking a man with my foot or hitting him in the balls. I've worked my teen and early adult years working construction building roads, railways and homes where necessary doing the filthiest and hardest jobs for the lowest pay. I have a healthy body, great amount of body hair and I eat heavy and I drink hard but I'm not a drunk.

I never brag or talk of what I do in real life because it's embarrassing. And I am still a KHHV at the age of 23, now an architect who put himself trough uni withoit daddy's money.

So, a 100 pound woman never done the "pull down his pants and suck his dick until he falls over" move on you.

The gap between a man with a gun and a woman with a gun, either both trained or neither trained, is not even in the same ballpark as the difference physically in either case.

Besides, not everyone has a gun. Most don't have guns on them at all times. The point is a tiny woman with a gun can kill a strong fighter man with pathetic ease.

>people falling for the obvious bait
When will you faggots learn?

>women have given up their gender role and being "womanly"
>still demand that men live up to our gender role and be "manly"
I fucking hate the hypocrisy so god damn much. Anyone who doesn't, regardless of the reason, deserves to be shot

You basically described patriarchy. Gender roles are an attack on human individuality and human freedom. These are not in built biological traits you are describing, it is a fixable dynamic.

However, it requires that we do away with these gendered conceptions of the world since they are incompatible with the goal of being an individual agent.

No but a man has.

Take into consideration I'm talking about adult men and women here, and not the pathetic teenagers whining and being entitled.

Statistically, women are disarmed by unarmed men more often than they fight them off or kill them. Plus men CC more often than women, so statistically men have guns more than women anyway.
Guns are not the great equalizer. There is no great equalizer. In terms of physical dominance, men are better. We're simply larger. You're too small, and your bones are shaped stupidly, optimized for carrying offspring. You need to be like a full foot and a half larger than a man to equal his strength.

No, radfem. Gender roles aren't real, but the differences of men and women do not grow out of gender constructs, they come from the fact that men are biologically less valuable.
In a world with no gender, males get screwed even more. Fuck that.

get this jew bullshit the fuck off my board

There is no such thing as biological value in a world where humans define reality.

Humans are the first species to break the chains of the bioslavery. We are not lobsters, we are greater than every animal on this world because we can change and define reality to our will and the agricultural collectivism of the past is the only thing holding us back.

I'm aware it's the patriarchy, but the transition in society is destroying the people today, this is to much of a pain and blister upon society to endure.

Women are grabbing the power they are given and completely abusing it, the men are being torn apart emotionally, mentally and characteristically.

On top of that the oxymoronic gender agenda is throwing a wrench in all the progress by building more meaningless gender terms instead of abolishing the concept all together.

People today are being misguided heavily, it should be called abuse what children have to go through, and teenagers all for the sake of political games and gains.

Everyone is pointing the finger at everyone else but themselves, expecting others to take action, telling them that it is their fault, and that ones own cause is the 'just' cause when it's all based on the inherent social dynamics.

Gender is a false notion, it was invented in the early 1900's, but the patriarchy is not, it's an established thing within our species, within animals.

>t. never fought in his lifes
i sparred against a girl. same weight as me and pretty much top tier at national level. it was shortly after i restarted training after a 2 year gap so my fitness was shit.
i was surprised how easy it was to control the fight. this was also judo which is pretty much based upon using the enemy's momentum against him
video very related

You are foolish to give man such high views.

It's self evident by the ever increasing (((liberation))) movements that the predispositioned roles within society will always be the same, for women are more valued on an intrinsic basis.

Today women are given more than an inch, and they took far more than a mile. I do not vilify women here, rather just point at human nature at work.

You cannot shape man by will, you have to change the foundation on which man is built upon.

Nope. Males are disposable and less valuable not because "men are the strong defenders!" but because our gametes are essentially worthless via over-saturation in the market. You naively believe a world without gender would be liberating for everyone - it wouldn't. It would be essentially a death sentence for males, as there would be no role we can do that can't be done by females, and females, being more valuable as well as naturally hypergamous, would see us as worthless, and most likely enslave us for our gametes.

This would be true if we didn't live in civilization. Beating up a girl just leads to eternal shunning and 70+ years in prison. Who do you think the courts belive? A muscular, aggressive brute or a fragile female? Also you could always just have a weapon on you to fight with.

I just feel like there is a lot of room for patriarchy. Listen up:

>My dad cheated my mom and got a 19 to girl pregnant few years ago
>He never sees the kid but pays the alimony
>Mom and dad divorced at the age of 58 years old
>My dad is rich so my mom has enough cash to live a nice life and my dad has enough money to get girls
>He looks normal (idk he's an old guy for me) but dresses well
>He fucks and brags about going out with 18-22 yo girls all the time because he drives a nice car and dresses well

What do these girls think? Why should men fight for equality if my dumb fucking dad can fuck tons of great looking young girls just because of his money.

why in the hell is girl filtered to weapon?

You just are unable to see human potential because so many are blinded by the way people are raised.

The fixed mindset is no different than a long term cyanide pill as is. Your caste mentality is what limits you.

Women want to be allowed to give up their gender roles but still only go for males that live up to ours.
ALL feminism is hypocrisy and projection.

Obvious bait thread, but let me join in aswell.

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It's really more men enforcing them on other men these days if anything.

>Guns are not the great equalizer. There is no great equalizer.

What a fucking brainlet.

>average man can easily beat me up unless i spend my whole life training to fight
not true
as a professional fighter I can assure you there's 1000 mistakes average man makes during a fight that you can exploit and end the fight quickly, no matter the size and strength difference
the only case you're at a big disadvantage is if the man is trained as well, but 99% of people aren't

No it's not, again women project.
Women are the ones that empirically are hypergamous and only go for men who are taller, and make more, and stoic, and masculine.

Ok, nukes or fighter jets or tanks are equalizers.
In terms of ANY infantry combat, women are not men's equals even with guns. This has been tested, it's not an opinion militaries all over the world have found women are inferior at infantry combat.

Sure. But on an untrained fight, the average male would be able to win against the average female most of the times.

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the reddest of pills

oreganollius maximus

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true, but if that's an issue for you, you will be able to skew the odds in your favor significantly after just 10h of training

Checked and keked, we have the magic numbers.

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Just curious, what are your thoughts on the idea of gender dysphoria?

We're talking about untrained fight.
But if both parties trained 10 hours, men would still won most of the times.
What's your point?

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>not manipulating men into fighting for you
Lol get a load of this Gretchen, Stacey has you beat

Not him, but it's obvious what gender dysphoria is.
It's a fetish, they fetishize the gender role and because in our culture gender roles = sex for some dumb reason, they think they NEED to be the other sex. As a person who has had an incredibly strong fetish since I was 3 years old, I know exactly what it's like to think you were "born that way" and that it's part of you. It's still a fetish.

>it's a fetish
No, it's a mental disease.

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Are you really going to respond to that pseudo intellectual and not reply to my post Or is it too truthful and it shattered your idea's so you don't want to?

the point is that inequality should be irrelevant to you if winning fights is something you care about

>As a person who has had an incredibly strong fetish since I was 3 years old

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I'm well aware of that mental trap, user. I can offer you the same warning regarding carrying such bright hope.

I do not come from a pessimist side here, or contrarian to progress due to a fear of change. I welcome the natural development of man, but the artificial one today, not born out of good will, not based on principles and moral, not led by the just, abused by politicians, power bused to whom this freedom is given to, all of this is toxic for man, society is poisoning itself and the path it is on leads to the path of complete subjugation and lack of form or identity, of worker drones and queen bees, of conformity and streamlined existence. At this rate we will become an ant colony.

I believe in abolishing gender roles, and I hope you understand what I mean by that. Men were still masculine before gender roles, that didn't limit women from being masculine, all the gender terms were simply terms which one sex tended towards. I hope this world can become inclusive to how the individual is, but it is not and does not seem to be heading there, it's still trapped in the primitive mode of operation, of social hierarchies, of social roles, of power and dominance, of subjugation, of rejection and isolation, belittling, labeling and dividing.

Hatred and conflict stem from fear, which steams from misunderstanding, which stems from ignorance. And this is all intentional, and out of the modern mans control, for the framework which need to be changed lies in the hands of those who control the education of society.

Fetishes and mental disorders aren't dichotomous, but in this case it's not a mental disorder it's just a fetish.
I don't get it.

Most people don't beat eachother up. It is extremely socially unacceptable to beat a woman up, even when she starts beating on the guy, first. Your paranoia regarding this is unrealistic.

That said, I sympathize very much with fems and their actual difficulties, like how they're constantly flirted with and pressured to do normalfag shit and can't be left alone. For robots, it's really a perk for men to be less valued, since we can just choose to be left alone without having to be an asshole to drive them away.

They can also hit some randumb and send HIM to prison.

if you don't get it you should end yourself, 3 years old are incapable of independent thought and concious realization so no you didn't, you made that up

Well. Said that a highly trained female fighter is able to win against an untrained male. I agree.
A highly trained male is also able to win against a highly trained female.
My point is that if both parties are in an equal situation of fighting experience, men will most of the times win, because males and females aren't equal. Males are stronger than females, for instances.
>inb4 hurr durr muscle-lady can kill skinny-man
we're talking about equal situations, not one where one party has a training advantage,

I disagree. Unless you're telling me that It's natural and common for someone to want to be the opposite gender, which is not, then it's a mental disease.
Take it for an example: Asperges is a mental disease even though it only impairs your social interaction. Why shouldn't homosexuality be different since it's much worse?
It's a mental disease, and it has been classified in the past as so. It only got taken off the list because "Muh morals"

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How can you keep missing the point? Militaries have nothing to do with this. You're talking about infantry combat like it has any relevance.

The point is, I have a gun and I know how to use it and am a good shot. The only man who is a threat to me in my normal life is a man who I will never meet because I don't go on battlefields. I mean assuming I don't put myself in a stupid situation where a guy can be close enough to disarm me successfully. But I don't put myself in stupid situations like that.

>t. brainlet.
You learn independent thought between 3 and 4. I was slightly on the early side because I am highly intelligent.

>Unless you're telling me that It's natural and common for someone to want to be the opposite gender, which is not, then it's a mental disease.
There is no such thing as "gender" there is only biological sex.
Transgenderism comes from the fact that we associate gender behaviors to a specific sex and then, when a person prefers one set of gendered behavior but see that that set is only allowed for the other sex, they get confused and thing "I'm supposed to be that sex".
In reality, they're just a boy who likes dolls and dresses or a girl who likes trucks. It's all bullshit.

See, this is what I mean.

You define your value on biology as if humans haven't violated their biological roles countless times already through technology and science. The rules of nature apply to us considerably less. We make our own reality and natural cycles affect us a lot less than they do other animals. We fundamentally re shaped this world's biosphere for better or worse.

Maybe we aren't a long lasting phenomenon; but in the short span of our existence, sticking to the idea natural roles matter due to biology is a form of delusion in of itself. We've pretty much broke them, gender is a social concept made in such a different reality from today that it only exists because of cultural inertia.

Exactly. I couldn't say it better. if you prefer a set of behaviors from the other sex it's mostly fine, but if it comes to a point where you want to get laid by your same sex, then you're a homo, and thus, you have a mental disease.

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I'm not defining the value, the value is already defined objectively.
Humans have never violated any true biological laws - we still need to sleep, eat, shit, breath, not get cut open or crushed, and fuck. The gender roles are added on top of the innate biological roles, not in spite of them. The innate biological role of the male is effectively to just be a disposable sperm shooter, in a shitload of species the male has sex with the female and then she fucking eats him because he's no longer valuable other than to fill her belly.
In humans, we can only be equal BEACASE of patriarchal rule. In a world without gender, there is no reason for males to exist. The only reason we would is because women 'like us' or 'find us fun' or something (effectively we're slaves/pets) or because of some human moral structure that's really just a castle made of sand that can fall whenever the whims of the masses of females change.
I need gender to survive. Males need it to exist as free humans.

>Implying biology still doesn't affects us
A guy born with a dick is a male.
A girl born with a vagina is a female
There's no such thing as "Gender", because if you "Identify" yourself as anything other than Male or Female, you're mentally ill.

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Mental disease only to an extent. Gays still get viable offspring regardless, and often do biologically reproduce with some donor woman's or donor man's gametes to get kids even if they aren't directly fucking.

Gays are mentally ill. Stop fooling yourself.
If they have gender dysphoria, they're mentally ill. And gays do have gender dysphoria.
Stop lying to yourself. If you're a faggot, then you are mentally ill. There is no exception.

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Thats just not true.

Smaller opponents can defeat larger ones, but women have a lower muscle density and bone density than men. Theyre also physically smaller.

This is why that trans wrestler in Texas went 50 and 0, because she was on testosterone therapy, making her more masculine, and thus a better fighter.

Unless OP is black widow she doesnt stand a chance against the average non onions boy man.

That is fundamentally wrong even by natural standards since you don't factor anything other than gametes. Biological males do so, so much more than be "sperm dispensers" in many species out there. Yes there's animals where this is the case, but humans by and large are not one of them. Again with defining your life value by gametes and shit. The mind is greater.

As for eat, shit etc. you have really no idea what's coming lol. You'll be like a dinosaur crushed by an asteroid at this rate. You just don't get it, it's hilarious.

I almost pity you and your inability to see how much we've already transcended much of nature.

If I wanted democracy in the USSR I'd be declared mentally ill. Gender dysphoria is also recognized as an illness even by transgender people, you just don't agree with the cure.

What happens if you have a prison without guards? Do you expect the prisoners to behave well? and only leave it when their sentence is served?
Men are physically stronger than woman, and thus, we have always been the "warriors" of our race. That's why our brain if focused on perception and critical thinking, while female brains are focused on social interaction. A female will take more time being a good carpenter than a man will, and a man will take more time being a good psychologist than a woman will.
If you remove man from society, you're essentially hindering the whole society. There will be less good carpenters, less good scientists, less good medics, etc etc...
And the same thing is valid for females. you won't have good psychologists or other social-related jobs.
The truth is, females are worse at NEARLY everything than men, but since they're the only ones who can have babies (Until artificial wombs are made), we still NEED them, and we probably still will, although men are better for nearly any other kind of work. But better doesn't means "Only capable of".

>you just don't agree with the cure
I agree with the cure. You can go to a psychologist or a therapist and get treated against gayness. The thing is, thanks to the libtards, on most countries that's now considered "Illegal".
What's your point?

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I can think of 4 examples in nature though:
>no strong sexual dimorphism between males and females, in which case the animals are effectively the same and there really is not difference at all
>non-mammalian species where the female is larger, in which case the males are basically sperm launchers and food (other than birds where the female is larger but the males and females mate for life and build a family)
>non mammalian and mammalian species where the male is larger, which forms either tournament species where only 20% of males and 80% of females mate or monogamous species
>mammalian species where the female is stronger, which is basically a giant clusterfuck of everyone living in a pod under the alpha female (mom) and everyone just bangs each other all the time
In all the cases however, the gametes are the defining factor.
Also, as for your little thing about 'whats coming': the singularity isn't near, we aren't anywhere close to AGI or trans-humanism, and genetic engineering stuff will never make us immune to death or needing to eat. As a person who is actually in graduate school for stem I can tell you with certainty that that shit is peddled by snakeoil salesmen (Kurzweil, Yudkowsky, Bostrom etc) and it's not real. Deal with how things actually work in the real world.

wtf this thread had 0 replies just a moment ago

No, you're arguing from the point that gender is real. Its not. The only difference between men and women are our reproductive organs and our strength. Mentally we're the same.
Women are only better at psychology and men math, because little girls are given dolls and play tea party and little boys are given blocks and taught math. Now with computers and ipads and shit being ubiquitous the future generations will be much more gender-neutral and shit.

Too bad we live in a pussified pacifist society where any sort of violence is punished harshly so nobody gets to use that strength for shit.

>The only difference between men and woman are our reproductive organs and our strength
That's not the only difference. Our brains are also different. Like I said, women are better at social-like activities and men are better at activities that involve perception and complexity. This is not caused ONLY by the way we're treated, this is caused by the way our brain has adapted, thus, it's a biological factor, although it CAN be influenced by the way we're treated.

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>Mentally we are the same.
>Implying hormones don't affect neural pathway connections, IQ, and emotions/thought patterns.
Gender is a social construct in the same way that parenting is a social construct. We don't have to parent children we can just leave them to the elements since we are all the same and we will all act and behave the same if we have no outside human influences, sure, keep telling yourself that. Genes matter and so does sex.

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if i was a bitch i would be knockin niggas out every night

Oy vey it's the partriarchy!
Dumb bitch, if all this "women liberation" bullshit didn't start we would still have a livable enviroment with degenerates like you still hidden under the rag with the dirt and insects that's your kind, instead of waving flags around the streets and being used by (((the usual suspects))) for their agenda for the enslavement of the western nations.