What do fembots think of guys who jerk off to anime?

I only jerk off to anime girls and im wondering what fem bots think of that.

I dont jerk off to anything weird, maybe a bit of loli looking characters but thats it.

Do you think we are weird?
I cant imagine telling actual females I jerk off to anime.

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You already do not exist in their perception of reality, let alone as an actual male so I doubt it would do much.

This. Fem"bots" don't think about you at all. When they give some feel good answer they're imagining a hypothetical "flawed" chad, not your ugly ass.

I masturbate to 2D too occasionally so I really don't care much.

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>discovered Jow Forums when I was 11 years old
>basically only ever masturbated to 2D for my entire life
>mostly ecchi/beta fetish stuff
LOL it's over before it even began

KHHV and I think I honestly might struggle getting an erection from a typically attractive 3D woman

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Haruhi does not look like that. God, or not.

I don't think there is anything wrong with it, We all have our things we like. I don't really enjoy hentai because a lot of the audio is bad but if my bf or husband liked it I would support him!

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Actual loser, stop watching anime and get a job.

What do robots think of my loving yaoi and hentai? Am I unredeemable as a fembot?

Yuri is better desu.

I think 2d is less degen then 3d porn.

im hjealouse that you found hentai when you was younger I waited years before I did.

be nice

Fembots would probably understand since most of them are ironic and unironic weeaboos. Some of them probably flick their beans to Chinese cartoons too. The real question is why do you care what they think? You do you, you stupid faggot.

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I like men, is that not a good thing?

> Actual loser, stop watching anime
Never! I'll die before I give it up! Anime and hentai are amazing, and I love them more than I will ever love a woman!

Well I'm not a man so it's not to me.

OP here.
this 100%

I love anime girls fuck 3dpd

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You would not like me as a woman, either, though.

I am short, with freckles, poofy red hair, glasses. My body is okay, I guess, but I have a bad scar on my face.

The only people that would be sexually attracted to me are anime porn addicts desu

Women hate men for jerking off to regular porn let alone anime

>I love anime girls fuck 3dpd
>He says after making a thread desperate for cumdumpster approval

Why is Haruhi dressed like a slut?

user, you might want to sit down for this...

I still want a GF i just meant fuck 3d porn its so gross

Why not

I don't want to know what you jerk off to full stop.

The first gorram episode said she dated every guy in her class at like 14, user...

She also prances around in bunny girl outfits.

Sounds like me only my hair isn't puffy.
What's the scar from?

My mom cut into my face as a kid for using and spilling some of her makeup.

do you think asa fem bot that its weirder jerking off to whores getting ass fucked or cute anime girls?

depends on what it is, but I only get off to hentai so I can't judge

Jesus Christ user. That sounds awful.
I have some scars on my back for similar reasons.

Thanks, user. Things got better after that, ironically. Dad got full custody of me and my bros. They are good people. I just wish I wasnt so damaged, physically and emotionally.

i wouldn't consider you good boyfriend material.
if you regularly view porn, let alone masturbate to hentai, you wouldn't even like to have sex with me anyway.
this might be okay for a short term relationship where we aren't too serious, but wouldn't be okay for a marriage. if things started to get serious, we would have to end the relationship.

let's be honest here: someone who likes hentai that much wouldn't really like their 3d gf. why bother dating someone you don't even like?

>People with jobs don't watch anime
Tipycal normie bullshit

>2d is less degen then 3d porn.
hmmmm, care to explain? if something, there should't be that diferent

I like 3d girls I just think porn is disgusting of 3d girls

I only look at still images of anime girls

I'm sorry user, but I'm glad things got better. Your mom sounds like a right cunt to be honest.

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how can you be so sure that you like 3d girls if you cant even stomach porn of them?
porn is an idealization of what a 3d girl could be if she was genetically blessed and was seen only from the best angles with good lighting. you might be disappointed by the 3d girls you find around you in regular everyday settings

Because im not virgin been with real girls before I just think 3d porn is degenerate but 2d is fine

if you've been with 3d girls then what are you even stressing about? clearly people have wanted to be with you before (assuming you liked 2d when you got them), im sure you'll have no problem getting some girls who are okay w 2d in the future.
sorry i assumed you were a virgin

No i didnt like 2d back then and I wasnt a full on robot like I am now.

I thought girls would prefer guys jerk to cartoons instead of otehr girls

not at all?
i suppose true s tier would be only thinking or doing things with the girl you are with, but thats unrealistic
2d doesnt really look like 3d, so in terms of likeness, 3d tends to win out
but even though i might prefer it if my bf were to look at 3d, im sure you could find a girl that thinks otherwise

Be my gf pls
not original

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Sorry user, I'm already my gfs gf.

if I look at real girls its only /s tier stuff.

I feel shame after jerking to 3d which is why I like jerking to 2d

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Loving 2D is, for all intents and purposes, the same as having erectile dysfunction. It sucks.

That's a weird opinion I think. If you're in a relationship with a guy and offering sex he should always take that over jerking off. Jerking off is lonely and mechanical. I've found the same thing personally. When my relationship was long distance i jerked off more, but I have the chance to be with my partner, so I don't really masturbate.

Please describe how you would fuck Megumin

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i haven't seen my bf in a few months, and the next time i'll see him is in october, so i hope he jerks off as much as he wants
to be honest, i dont think he finds me attractive so he'd probably prefer jacking off to me anyway? oh well

where can I find that censored hentai thread that was here before

kind of odd that it's shameful for you, but to each their own i suppose

As she is laying down, I would come over to her and compliment her and then run my finger through her hair parting it as I lean in for a kiss.

I would work my way down to her neck as I loosened her clothing, near her breasts.

As I climb on top of her I bend down and kiss her nipples and play with them with my tongue,
I wouldnt remove her clothing but explore her body with my fingers as mouthed her.

Next I would look her in the eyes while I start to expose her, taking off her pantys slowly.

Gently I would find my way into her, and hold her tightly as I slowly fuck her, making sure my hands where still fondling her and saying nice things about her.

3d porn viewers are all being cucked.

In 2d porn they are all fake and hentai allows for self-inserts. No pun intended.

Its more like after I cum i feel kinda shameful and I dont even jerk off to weird shit just /s when I do look at 3d.

I find for many reasons 2d is better as I dont look at real woman as if they are the whores I fap to.

Also anime girls are not whores

real porn is boring and a little bit disgusting

>that cute little nipple leaking out
goddamn it OP, why did you have to reawaken my fetish?

Nothing wrong with 2D fetish Mr robot :)

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Thanks, user.

And dont get me wrong, I like who I am and I am comfortable with my choices, I legitimately love anime/manga, video games, d&d and I fondly remember playing early MMOs, but it does hurt that I have a decent figure but a face with a scar kinda ruins your social options as a girl.

Yeah I can imagine it does. At least my scars aren't in an obvious place.

Baka! Esplorusion!

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seeing how they are on r9k in the first place they are probably used to far worse things

DOnt worry I always thought a scar looks cute on a girl and most guys dont like the look of pamela anderson type bimbos anyway.

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>Hear his voice when i read this

That is something. I hope you are okay otherwise.

Here you go, user. It 404'd, so you'll have to make a new one if you want to keep things going:

>It 404'd

Got archived, whoops.

moar or sauce plz

If you have a nice body any decent guy will overlook teh scar as you ant change that and im sure its not as bad as you say :)

found on /e , I like it a lot though.

sorry user, a user in this thread mentioned her name though

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Dude, you were the guy I talked to the other day on discord!! I blocked you! Hhahaah

Stop liking Misty. She is underaged you dumb faggot

It depends, if you had a bf would you want to put him in yaoi situations?
Where do you see yourself with a bf?

>she is underaged

She is 2D and doesnt even look like her canon age.

What one where you?

>playing csgo with a friend who knows i watch a lot of anime but hide my powerlevel from normal people
>invites a girl to the party and our teamspeak
>asks her if she'd ever date a guy who watches anime
>"Ewww, no, hahah!"

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Goddamnit user now Im hard

Thats what Megumin in there for :)

Yeah i didnt even know you blocked me I just checked then, MR hentai artist but dont wank to henati.

keep chill man.

that sucks user everyone loves anime who cares what roasties think

>face scar
That's badass

Fckn normie, let people watch what they want

Stop feeling bad about yourself, I'm sure other people already do that for you. You could be Freddy Kruger as long as you're a nice person, and someone will feel attracted to you.

What a lovely family.

>tfw you cease to exist just like how your animu waifu doesn't exist

At last, we can finally be together.

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Not as a girl, but in guys yeah it is hot.

All guys want is the perfect girl, though. Even robots hold out for the impossible Rem-rin.

Just my mom. My dad and bros are nice.

Haruhi is pure.

Haruhi is god.

Fuck you, OP.

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I hope you don't actually think that all boys want the perfect girl. I know that not all girls want the perfect Chad.

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you are wrong.

because I like imperfections in girls as im imperfect seen a girl with bad skin and really liked her

such a bait

Scars are cool on girls too. Perfect is relative, people have flaws that other people like.