Why not do steroids and make up for your shitty personality with a good body?

Why not do steroids and make up for your shitty personality with a good body?

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how am i supposed to afford steroids if I can't get a job because my personality sucks?

>im ugly!
why not be ugly with a good body?
>im an autist!
no, you have a good body and you are brooding and the strong silent type!
>i have schitzoid personality disorder
then you are a dedicated bodybuilder who's a bit eccentric

having a good body changes how people see you and gives you a new hobby to do. you might even make some... f-friends... with fellow lifters

steroids are cheap my friend

come on get a fucking robojob. My job for 10 years was collecting trolleys/carts at a supermarket

This. PCT is the expensive part.
Great idea OP. Unironically. Robots don't have the drive to achieve a nice body naturally, with gear it can be done much MUCH faster and better. It would probably help a lot of these dweebs out and to help them get pussy.

Because steroids fuck up a lot about your body and are generally only useful short term.

Stay natty, lads.

Because my dick works and I like it that way

because my body is already pretty good without steroids and my face is shit which is what really gets the girls anyways

>PCT is the expensive part.
no, even that's cheap as well. you need roughly 850mg of arimidex, you can get a bottle of 1000mg worth of 10mg tablets for like 20 euros where i am

you know nothing about steroids, stop pretending you do.

>pretending steroids have absolutely no negative drawbacks

Don't kid yourself, hack.

they can, but usually only in high dosages. those people who die from steroids are on multiple grams a week plus more orals and weird shit.

Why are you jumping to death? I'm not afraid of dying on steroids, I'm just reluctant to give up the benefits of being natty. Again, like I said, there are negative drawbacks to steroids and I don't want them. Girls literally do not give a fuck if you're "fit" or "/fit," and its not worth it to push myself that far.

Holy shit I was 99 away from

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>the benefits of being natty
being small and not having a good enough body to make up for a shitty personality or ugly face?

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>those who die have been on heavy doses for decades

Corrected that for you


I'm not ugly, I don't have a bad personality, but you're right I'm not fraud-tier big. I'm totally cool with that and so are 99.99% of girls. On the other hand, I also have a well working dick, and absolutely no skin/hair/whatever issues that can occur.

>lifetime natty XD.jpg
Go look at literally anyone on roids as they age. It's rarely/never good.

>I'm not ugly, I don't have a bad personality
then why are you on r9k?

Frank Zane disagrees

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youre fucking retarded if you think that looks good, its disgusting

Because I used to be autistic now I'm just a cyborg and wish I had stayed a robot

I said rarely/never. This would be an occurrence of rarely. I have no problem agreeing with steroids aren't inherently going to trash you, but generally you end of not like this.

women love it

and "natural" people are held to the same standards as steroid users now due to fake natties.

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most old people look like total shit and can barely walk

because I don't have the strength of will to accomplish anything good

some months ago I was heavy into Jow Forums, but only lasted like three months once my focus of attention became /o/
after wrenching my car until it becomes top notch then I'll get bored and switch to Jow Forums again or something else
my interests jump from Jow Forums to Jow Forums to /o/ to /sci/ to /x/ to /his/ to /fringe/ etc etc
this is the only place I end getting back to every single time
I don't want to consume roids if I'm going to stop lifting after three months to start doing /po/ or something

>why not be ugly with a good body?
will I get qt females if I have a good body but a 2/10 face?

yes. if you're ugly you either need to be rich, famous or have a good body to get a gf.

just build natty

I bet you could get a decent 8/10 body by eating a lot of food and doing pushups and riding a bike

this is what people who don't lift think

why couldn't you

seems like you could easily get pretty fit just by playing a sport and doing anaerobic exercise

I'm ugly with thin bones and narrow shoulders

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then definitely roid

come on guys, what's gunna happen? how would it make your life worse?

I respect my balls and don't want to destroy them to look good for 4 years. I also don't want gigantic organs that spill out of my belly and prevent me from having a small tummy for the rest of my life.

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Doesn't matter you will still look shit if you have awful genetcs

wide waist, chest gap, high bicep insertions etc

>old wives tales: the post

where the fuck do i get them? am i just supposed to hang around a gym for 8 months until someone broches the topic and be like "ey yo i want some" where the fuck do you people get them at. weed at least is easy af to get just drive by shady neighborhood and look for black dude on the sidewalk at 4 in the morning. but steroids?

>steroids bad gains lost meme

>being so much of a loser your live revolves around Jow Forums boards

jesus christ pal

Abuse cases prove a norm the post