Why do journalists take this seriously?

Why do journalists take this seriously?

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>tfw my post will never end up on the news

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normies have a pitiful sense of humour.

sensationalism brings money

It's only It's not like anybody is going to do shit except speculate

same reason they took trump seriously

it brings in views/money

Americans can't into humour

I would say they're not intelligent enough to examine the context of the threads and decide what is posted ironically and what isn't, but in reality they don't care and just want something to produce so shekelberg pats them on the head.

video: youtube.com/watch?v=BKNUf-qcqlc

What matters, none of their audience is young people.

Is this fucking serious? Did they actually put us on the news?

In that case I have a few things I like to say.
1.) Fuck roastie whores for being impure and sluts throughout life, this is the retribution they deserve.

2.) Stop brainwashing the current people into thinking women are pretty little angels when infact they are very malevolent beings for the most part.

3.) Your propoganda won't get to me news fucks, suck me off.

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Just remember the spin they put on incels when you read the news regarding any issue in the world ever.

Imagine the exact same article but swap incels with muslims
If anything the incel guy they featured said he wants to work on getting rid of the violence and hatred from the community. That's more than any muslim has ever done

Of course fucking normal fucks and roasties who control the minds of the modern people will put a spin on the people who are in the right, no fucking shit. It's a loosing battle but I will stand firm against their lies.

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Yeah, the (((normal fucks))) control the media.

everyone makess fun of uss

>not even a charity girlfriend for looking good and being her little accesory even when you dont have much to offer social wise like having normie tier hobbies or a intresting personality when your whole live is based around lifting heavy things up?

Fit is not making fun of you - what the fuck? That is a run on sentence with no grammar, no spell check, and it's not even a full sentence.

You're on Jow Forums, not in a forth grade classroom.

Lmao and they have the nerves of talking about "entitlement"

Filthy hypocrites

>"The ONLY way to fix this problem is to take away women's rights"

I can't believe that made it to the media. that is the cause to many of the problems. influx of single mothers,high taxes,crime,no jobs, and massive welfare spending.

Probably because people keep being killed.

it's just a fucking joke get over it

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>tfw genuine and emotional posts of mine have been lumped in, numerous times with meme posts just trying to be edgy, and the normalfags viewing it have laughed at it, just the same

>keep being killed
incels are lynching people every single day, holy shit my mom just got shot by one last week its crazy out here

What a waste, kid.

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waste of digitals

oof. You were close but, too far. Would have been a waste anyway

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I bet yours were even worse

Remember what a disappointment the 4x8 GET was?

>the fundamentalist terror sect of known as INCEL

He deleted it, what a fucking nigger monkey.


>The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!

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test originiggerasd

>he deleted it
oh no no no no


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>peepee the frog
>all hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!

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Owned, oppa gangnam style!




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Damm those digits and the shitty post

They didn't take Trump seriously.

They still don't take him seriously. They portray him like a kindergarten kid that wandered into the oval office

Iktfb. We're the true robots (assuming you're also an EV without friends snd either NEET or dead-end worker).

Probably a mod or janny deleted them.

I find it strange that they think we're all white, most robots/incels are ethnic minorities.

>most robots/incels are ethnic minorities.
You wish nigger, but knowing you shitskins suffer with me is nice too.

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I'd say it's a 50/50 split 2bh

They aren't familiar with the internet beyond the most superficial levels, that's it. Kids have grown up hearing their peers shouting about niggers and rape on xbox live. Young people understand a little more about how this all works. Some 60 year old roastie boomer journalist doesn't have a clue. So when they're exposed to shit like this for the first time, it's shocking. They're finally being taken out of their sheltered bubble and dipping their toes into the ocean of piss that we're grown up swimming in.

One of my professors, an old sheltered roastie like these news anchors, was talking the other day about how she (years ago) got her son's password and went on his facebook page. There were messages from his classmates talking shit about how nobody likes him and he should kill himself. Normal highschool shit. She was appalled. Like, completely blown away. To her it was this huge thing and he'd never even batted an eye over it.

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it fits their narrative against le evil white man boogeyman they've created.

(((souther poverty law center))) conducted an (((analysis))) showing that most Jow Forums and reddit users are white men

so Jow Forums/reddit users= incels according to them

>e. rodger - mixed race
>oregon shooter - mixed race
>alek - armenian

I imagine the demographics would be the standard demographics of the countries using Jow Forums. So majority white but nothing disproportional to the US/Europe demographics.
Being a robot transcends race

>Being a robot transcends race
Blacks cant be robots, girls will fuck em just for being hung even if he looks like a fucking ogre.

You don't actually originally believe that do you?

It's not them, it's their sponsors. As we've seen with this whole #metoo movement a surprising amount of anchors and showbiz people do not care the least about women's rights

Pretty much explains it I think. good post

Its true, black robots are only robots cause theyre retarded and cant market themselves when they got 9 inch chocolate dicks that girls are fucking raving about these days.

>wishing to speak to Sgt Jow Forums please
>pic of Jow Forums image board
>cut to guy standing outside mom's basement
this is why i get my news from pol now

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>Elliot rampage
>Lanza rampage
>Waffle Lad rampage
>Bus Boy rampage

I mean, I see your point. A few dozen people were murdered to some internal anthem about virginity but that doesn't mean people shouuld take the threats seriously.

And shit.

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>every black man has a 9 inch dick
Is this some subversive jew posting?

We're gonna be running out of of parentheses and pills here soon..

I always do my best every time we get attention to make posts that will be on the news, but it never happens.

Even if youre one of the 5% of black guys with a average dick you can still get a girl cause they think you're hung and once your pants are off theyre not gonna cancel the whole thing knowing black guys got violent tendencies and would murder a bitch for backing out just as theyre getting to the good stuff. Theyd be pretty much obliged to get it wet.

>grow up in privileged family in a bubble
>have daddy's money but an IQ of 83 and no work ethic or wider curiosity
>decide to go to college for communication or creative writing or some other party-major so you don't have to do any real work to study
>graduate, no idea what to do with life
>decide to be a journalist because it's just longform gossipping
>write the literary equivalent of a facebook post and masturbate over your inflated sense of self importance
>encounter something outside your tiny world view
>go full retard and completely misunderstand it, get super hyper triggered and pull your hair out while crying for likes on social media
Any media personnel reading this, please make the world a better place by killing yourself.

Why would they give a shit about facts or reality? They've been given a narrative they are paid to shill to the masses. Le ebil huwhite males feminism good diversity is our strength. Deviating from the script gets you fired.

This was Made in Canada using taxpayer dollars (CBC or canadian broadcasting corporation is government-run)


Basically the same people and ideas are behind the news everywhere.

>this is why i get my news from pol now

Yeah no shit

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dude, there's tons of butt ugly black dudes. You watch way too much porn if you think that BBC shit is real

>there's tons of butt ugly black dudes.
Who still get laid cause they got 9 inch schlongers.

Digiteedoos happened

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Because they are serious people live in the super-serious real world, where everything and everyone has to be taken seriously. They can't understand the concept of shitposting, for them if someone writes something then they always mean it.

That's because wh*tes have zero excuse to be a robot/incel.

They're out of touch. They just don't understand that most of this is a joke, mostly one for coping with a harsh reality, but still a joke. They want to search for demons user, and there just aren't many around these days. So they have to make due with the likes of us.

>those comments
normalfags man i swear

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