We'll make it eventually edition

Time for a wagecuck thread. Last one got buried.

All experiences are welcome and wagecucks big and small are free to post their thoughts here with no concern of ostricization.

Neets gtfo

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Tfw work for Chipotle. Just started training, it's back breaking. God how do people do this. I am miserable.

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>start retailcuckery roughly 2 weeks ago
>hate it after 2 days
how in hell do you guys stay in this kind of job? it sucks way more ass than manual labor

There's a reality where I could deal with the amount of hours/week that I have to spend working. The issue for me is working for someone else.

>Someone telling me what my priority is
>Someone telling me that my ideas are shit
>Dress code, cooperating with people I don't like
>30 min lunch break
>Have to ask for time off
>Performance reviews, irrelevant meetings

There's been more than one occasion that I've offered up an idea that was shut down only to have somebody else bring up the same idea and it being a great idea at that point.

I feel like I don't want to cooperate with others in order to make a living.

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I have horrible back issues, but I'm seriously considering Manual labor during the summer.... I am miserable.

>Mexican border town
>work as a carnicero in super market
>manager comes to the meat section in a panic
>asks if anybody speaks english
>after I come forward he explains that there is some negros asking for something
>a couple of obviously high unkempt niggers are arguing
>niggress starts going off how about we don't have the brand of cookie dough she needs
>per manager request apologize and tell her that we'll make sure to have it next time she comes
>gives up and says "that's fine I'll just pay for my shit"
>look into her cart
>mfw she had 7 rolls of aluminium paper foil, a dozen light bulbs and three(3) cucumbers

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Enjoy your 2 days of (unpaid) freedom, wagefucks.

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Jokes on you, I got my first full week of vacation time in 7 months.

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Retail is terrible unless you luck into something decent.

I work for Best Buy. My schedule is super comfy - Monday to Friday, from 6 AM to 2PM. I do the morning stock counts and research missing products. I get to wear whatever I want to work and don't have to be bothered by anyone, except for a quick recap meeting every Friday. Pay is above average and I'm up to 23 paid days off a year. I'm poor, but live a simple life with no expensive hobbies.

Ever consider joining the union or guild and getting paid a proper wage to do your work? Are you a clerk or a cutter?

>slaving away at a metroPCS call center
>thx for holding this is user how c-
>listen man listen this is very important, I was jerking off and I ran out of data, I'm high as fuck I just smoked some crack and need to jerk off please man can you front me a gig of data please man I need it!
>applied one gigabyte of data to the account and waved the fee under "service issues/customer satisfaction" just because he was honest

Quality fucking employee.

Grocery bagger since summer of junior year in HS, I've scooped vomit out of sinks (pic related) and cleaned shit splatter off of walls many times and taken in carts covered in food samples, I really want to quit but it pays better then most other places in my suburban area so I might wait another month until I start college to quit and get a job at my school.

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That actually sounds pretty decent. How far away do you live?

Further than I'd like, but since I live in a major city they pay for my monthly subway card.

>work 3rd shift 6 nights a week
>make 14/hr doing repetitive bs
>spend little outside of bills but still have little savings and no life
>took a week off and wasted it having agoraphobic panic attacks

outstanding man of society

Recently, I started working in a group home for the mentally challenged. Good hours. Not fantastic pay, but not too much effort on night shift. The worst thing I have to do is clean up shit and fight with the mentally challenged for their own benefit, but it's not so bad. Thank goodness for Saint John's wort destroying my stomach slowly but granting me the patience to improve the lives of the less fortunate marginally.

>on a call with a qt named Veronica
>by the voice alone I know she is a fucking qt
>starts chatting up and eventually asks me to write down her number
>use the ol' "sorry ma'm, not able to gather any sort of personal information from an account"
>text her as soon as out of work
>we start talking on the phone
>after a few days of hesitation learn that she lives just 2 hours away
>arrange a meeting
>sitting on my car on the parking lot of the walmart in front of the place we were supossed to meet at
>a fat old hag arrives, not even a MILF, just some random old someone's mom
>dial her number
>hear god laugh as this croon in front of me pulls her phone out of her purse
>block her number immediately
>I go home, smoke a joint, jerk off to some hentai a fall asleep with my dick still out

> Work at amazon slave center, packing your boxes of trash
>7:30a-6pm, 10hr day, thur-sat, at least I have a 3 day weekend
> Work can be pretty intense with us having to pack 110 boxes per hour
>Occasionally see some good anime weeb figures or a dildo and have a laugh
> Most workers are fired or quit after 2 months, you are considered a veteran after 4 months, and ancient if you last a year
>quit yesterday, 5 months in

I just got a new job doing quality control at a circuit board company as an actual engineer! I'm upgrading significantly! woo! I did my budget and i'll have 1k free money a month now to spend on whatever I like ! Life's lookin' up finally!

used to wash dishes manually at a shitty yet popular mexican restaurant
I would smoke half my days wage in marijuana to numb the physical and mental pain

I don't know how you wagies do it, I would fake a mental illness and try to get neetbux
society is broken and fucked no point in contributing anymore

My story is I got a license to sell real estate and tried so hard not to sperg
I made a little money and put it all in crypto and gambled my way to making enough to never work again
I'm not rich but I figure if I limit myself to 30-40k spending a year I won't ever need a job again

Spend it on nothing for a few months. So that if things (inevitably) go wrong you'll have an option.

>fight and struggle to be wagie
>only jobs offered are intense labor work where they only pay minimum wage
>end up in hospital several times due to heat stroke, broken arm, and torn tended.
>last injury prevents me from walking properly.
>Jump on welfare, give up finding work
>all of a sudden job centre doesn't have anymore jobs for me cause im basically fucked physically, they dont have any desk jobs

>im officially collecting neet bux without complaint

all my life i worked towards being a neet on government bux, best decision ive ever made.

>fight and struggle to be wagie
>only jobs offered are intense labor work where they only pay minimum wage
>end up in hospital several times due to heat stroke, broken arm, and torn tended.
>last injury prevents me from walking properly.
>Jump on welfare, give up finding work
>all of a sudden job centre doesn't have anymore jobs for me cause im basically fucked physically, they dont have any desk jobs

>im officially collecting neet bux without complaint

pointless working when the only difference is having 5000 extra dollars a year but you fuck up your health.

What skills do you have at your job that people appreciate?
>count money really fast, like a machine

Cool bro, I met a mentally unstable qt that lives on a hefty monthly allowance from her mom, I haven't worked in 2 years now but I have a decent amount saved up just in case i need to bail.

Finally saved up money. 3k I am going to quit my job and go to a music festival and trip balls.

>work 80 hours
>tfw paid tfw paid tfw paid

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Not a bad idea, though I am going to have to spend some of it to fix my car. It has a power steering fluid leak and I can't get to the leak without getting under it. Otherwise yea, I should build a just incase fund.

This NEET chimed in anyway.
Teehee~ :3.

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Quit my McJob last June in hopes to get something I'm getting a degree for, gues what, I fucking failed and now I have to get out of mom's house because she's a bitch. I'm desperate lads.

Why do people quit their jobs then regret it? I used to be like that. Quit and think i'll have a better opportunity but nothing comes up and now I'm broke and almost homeless.

>Started new office job
>Manager is a kinda cool chick but she is super pasive agressive
>Like all the fucking time even if just casually chatting
>annoying as fuck "workz is funz, le boss is ur friend b4 ur boss xDD"
>tries to be your friend but can't take the banter AT ALL
>texts me one day saying she has something of utmost importance that needs to be discussed with me
>calls me and after a minute of hesitation tells me that she knows it's wrong but "want to fuck you so bad"
>she's not even hot
>mumble something about work ethics and her husband and shit before hanging up
>starts spamming my phone with "i'm sorry" texts
>showed up at my place an hour after that
>roomate told her I was out
>It's been a week and altough she hasn't mentioned it she is obviously treating me like shit
>coworkers all notice
>she tried to make me clean the bathroom because "janitor didn't show up and you were the last one to use it"
>fuck it, told her in front of everybody to calm down or i'll show her husband the text messages
>dead silent
>she fucking apologizes for being moody and gives me rest of day off
>today I woke up to a text message saying she "want to suck your whole cock"

I just want to be left alone so I can shitpost and get high

Tell your roommate to bring your lunch to work and introduce him as your boyfriend. At best she will leave you alone. At worst you have a backup if she tries to pin a sex assault on you, which she might inevitably do because cheating women in unhappy marriages can do retarded things

>work 80 hours
Are you alright? You wanna sit down and talk about anything? Play some vidya maybe?

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Currently posting this from my wage slave convenience store job I have two and a half hours left root for me boys.
I'm so sleepy I was here at 8 in the morning.

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I'm a salary cuck I get paid 2840 euro after tax no more monthly no matter what.

>b-but they'll make you work extra hours for nothing

This is true

>white collar job
>relatively easy, any joe could do it but position still requires college degree for some reason
>manager is extremely hands-off, can fill in my days however I want
>mix of lab work and PC work so I don't sit all day
>very large deadlines, never need to rush anything
>paid reasonable salary, full non-temp contract, have extra holidays because slightly longer days

I really lucked out having this as my first real post-college job. No retail jobs or back-breaking labour for me in this lifetime, it seems. I worked 2 days at a factory assembly line and it was hell.

Does anyone work fast food jobs at night in a quiet enough area? Like a 24hr McDonald's.

There's one down the road from me and it's in a retail area with some industry mostly truckers heading to the depots. Always strikes me as a chill place to work as good only get people coming in working nights or passing through. No junkies or street rats

mcdonalds is never a chill place to work. find a small movie theater or bowling alley or something

This area is chill though. It's not residential

I'm so tired of working 40 hours a week and going to school. I feel like I don't have enough time for hobbies anymore. I can't quit my job or else I won't be able to pay for school and I can't quit school or I'll be cleaning up after black people and samoans for the rest of my life.

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Working at an Amazon warehouse is so soul crushing. I've been working at one for 6 months now as a stower and it's the easiest job I had but also monotonous as fuck. Amazon will fire you for anything too and a lot of the people I started with got shit canned or quit after a month like you mentioned.

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If I can accept working 80 hours a week regularly then I'm sure that I've already been broken and have completely given up on everything in life. How do you do it?

There can't be that many shitty jobs out there right? I'll accept my lot once I fail a few times at least since I don't have much to lose anyway.

neet here

was wagecucking for just over a year at a call centre, decided to quit once id saved up a bunch of money

fuck call centres are worst girl

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I'm a linen porter in a 5 star hotel. I'm responsible for all the stock in the accommodation department, I have to stocktake every day and order and distribute it to the storerooms around the hotel. Mostly I'm just pushing a trolley around for 9 hours a day. I don't like the job and I hate my boss more than I've ever hated anyone, but I feel like I lucked out because while it's hard work I'm on my own most of the time and can work at my own pace, also I'm guaranteed 2 days off every week, sometimes more. I have to work the weekends but I don't really care because I have no friends and never leave the house anyway. Also I get to talk to the qt housekeepers. I've learned a lot about talking to girls, it's ironic that I never talked to girls my whole life before this job and now I spend 8 hours a day around them. Still a khv though.

>tfw too tired to play vidya
>only thing I talk about these days are shit about work

Fuck. But on the bright sides, I want to work so I can get the fuck out of my house.

>quit dumb call center job
>get zero interviews after sending hundreds of applications
>gf's dad gets me job where he works for government for $2 more than what I was making at call center + full benefits
>happy I finally have a safe government job that doesn't need quotas or to interact with customers, just other government employees
>sad only got this job through nepotism, not by merit or accomplishments

I wish I lived in euroland where the workers had equal rights as employers and you weren't just a cog in the machine

iktf bro

I just need another $90k saved and I'll finally be able to embrace the real estate jew and rent out condos to non-blacks

>euroland where the workers had equal rights as employers and you weren't just a cog in the machine

Good joke user

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>I wish I lived in euroland where the workers had equal rights
More like euroland where the workers are all eastern europeans shitheads immigrants who work for nothing

i live in a shitty middle eastern country, i work as a quality control engineer at a poultry company 8 hours per day, 6 days per week, and get payed the equivalent of 2000$ per month. it fucking sucks.

>rent out condos to non-blacks

that's racist

Cogs or not

>paid vacations that aren't just like 2 weeks a year
>holidays out the ass, not just Christmas and Thanksgiving (which I didn't even get off at my cuck center job)
>fucking bank holidays what the fuck does this even mean
>mandatory sick days
>health benefits for even part time workers
>Unions that aren't worth jack shit
>mental health is treated just as importantly as physical health

I fucking hate the "You should be honored that I'm giving YOU the privilege of having a job Johnson now get back to wagecucking for my new yacht!" mentality we have in America. Literally the only way to truly be free is to own your own company, as at least then the only thing you answer to is your own wallet.

nuttin' personnel they just make shitty tenants in general and bring property values down when moving en masse into neighborhoods. There are plenty of non-ghetto blacks out there that would make great tenants. But they likely have friends and family who'd be around all the time ruining shit for them. I'd rent out to a college black girl or a black weeb, but that's about it.

Talk to HR and you can get a settlement if you still have the texts. You could sue them for sure, and companies don't like that. They would rather keep things quiet and give you some money or paid time off.

i work 10 hours a day at a lumber yard and 4 on saturday. i have a database administration degree. i would kill myself if it wernt for my family and few friends. my mom just shit talked me about my lack of social life. i was actually gonna try to do something today but now im just laying in bed crying

Pretty sure this is a gay LARP but I already wasted my time reading it so if you're for real and still have the texts you can sue her for sexual harassment, or wait until you get fired then sue for sexual harassment and wrongful termination

what type of engineering did you study?

Fucked up my wrist doing the same goddamn motion hundreds of times a day. Factory slaving is hurting my gainz. If I can't lift, what am I supposed to do?

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What job?

Also desu even in shit jobs, it's all about management

I can handle shit jobs but a shitty overbearing manager just makes me want to kill myself and I always end up quitting.

I wish managers weren't so dogshit. Just because someone performs well at a task doesn't automatically make them suitable to being a manager. Employee morale should be just as important as customer satisfaction/job performance.

>can't get neetbux
>can get quads

its an abstract feel

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What the fuck???

originally wtf dude

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nice script

>oneitis was spreading her legs at work yesterday

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what the fuck, explain yourself wizard

N-n-nani the fugg??? DDx

You can click the post number to link it in your reply you absolute newfriend

What program are you even using to get these quads

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WFH for an investment bank... corporate jobs are fucking bullshit, even when you have to work 2 hours a week.. i don't understand why older people give a flying fuck about ""productivity"" or micromanaging people, they're not getting paid more for it... is it really just a power trip?? i have seen so many people quit or get laid off for bs reasons, how the fuck does anyone feel """loyal""" to a corporation? if they don't like they way you look they can fire you in a fucking heartbeat.

>tfw the retail store you work for is understaffed so you're literally all they have left

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how do i make 40k in ayear as a 19.4 year old

fuck off you stupid normalfag

hardcore crypto

>Does anyone work fast food jobs at night in a quiet enough area? Like a 24hr McDonald's.

I did during college

>have McJob
>gives me spending money while in college
>took it because of hours (6-midnight)
>soccer mom type is manager
>shut down store
>she asks me to stay while she does the cash
>sit there chatting
>she pulls out whisky and we take a shot
>she's working and complaining about her husband
>sounds like an asshole who has been cheating on her
>expects to divorce once kids are out of school
>tells me how small his cock is
>this goes on night after night
>finally she asks me how big my cock is
>I've average and tell her that
>she wants to see it
>suggest that may not be a good idea
>she insists since all she's seen for years in her pencil-dicked husband
>against my better judgement I open my pants
>minutes later this 45-year old soccer mom is deepthroating my 23-year old cock
>becomes a ritual
>she never asked for anything in return
>except on my lat day there she asked if I'd take a picture of my cock in her mouth
>she tells me she's going to show it to him when he asks for a divorce

>sad only got this job through nepotism
Don't be. I used to be anti-nepotism and all that, but after seeing just how harsh the job market really is the only thing I can say to people who used nepotism to get their jobs is "good for you. You're lucky".

>work at a freight company
>sit on my ass driving a forklift
>move freight from one trailer to another for 6 hours
>$19 per hour
>every weekend off, every holiday off

Not a bad gig. The only issue is that it gets cold on the dock during the winter.

how do i go fast ioriginal

>looking for job for months, start getting desperate
>finally get hired at an run down DG
>manager is a fat old cranky lady who's letting the place fall to pieces
>entire backroom full of boxes, nearly every endcap in the store has a rolltainer full of boxes
>all the top shelves crammed with overstock, items dating back years
>find out from assistant manager people often quit within a few weeks
>one of coworkers quit because they're tired of manager's shit
>I get all their hours for a week
>end up clearing a good amount of space in the back room like a good goy
>come back a few days later
>ask manager wtf happened and why others aren't doing their job
>"Don't worry about them worry about yourself"
>all my efforts wasted
>find out from assistant manager I'm the only male in the entire store since she was hired
>once took common sense classes on the computer so I could be cashier
>never finished
>apparently decided to keep me as the nigger stocker for eternity at minimum wage, probably because I'm the best one
I can't wait to quit

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>70 hours a week
>Everyone hates me
>I hate the job and everyone, also the costumers
>Cant even eat in peace in my lunch break because they keep having breaks every 15 or so minutes,and they get mad and start to yell and complain when im longer than 10minutes in the eating room

I want to off myself so bad.
There is no job for me.
I went to the job centre multiple times and nothing. No degree no anything.

rreeeeaaalll hhhuuuummmaaannn beeaann

Spotted the amerilard

who here /grocery store cashier/

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>aluminium foil
>light bulbs
She's growing weed.

>thinking you can grow weed with plain ass lightbulbs

I just got hired as one after being a neet for a while.
How soul crushing is it? What is it like exactly?
I'm terrible at handling money in the first place not to mention extreme social autism.

I'm the kind of person that overpays at a gas station, then quickly just tried to stuff everything in my pocket while simultaneously dropping every bit of change.
this happened last week
I got bullied for it

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I've been working as a security guard, for the past three years. Not much goes on since I mostly do the weekend's night shift, the long hours can be killer. One time I worked 64 hours total via double shifts thanks to the holidays.

It's piss easy to do and relatively stress free, but it's painfully monotonous and boring.

mother fucking witnessed

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>work at mcshekels
>make it clear that I'm only here for the money
>people get angry that I don't work my ass off
>they compete with each other on who can make burgers fastest
>manager sits in office all day counting shekels ignoring them
Why are normies like this? I genuinely don't understand.

kys faggot I was here before this board was virgin central and I'm never fuckin leaving

don't you get to play video games?

Cool story brother. I enjoyed it.

they're trying to make the most out of a shit situation, i don't blame them.

Mcdonalds has this weird hierarchy. if you're completely useless and slow, they seem to punish you by making you work lobby or maintenance and do grunt shit like fill baggies with condiments for the salads and breakfast.

the people who work fast and hard get to be in the kitchen and you get left alone for the most part.

these Mcdonalds are over-managed as fuck. the title Manager there is really just "crew member with authorization to count the safe".
Crew member is like "temporary employee who we won't give benefits or hours".

>sucks way more ass than manual labor
What's wrong with manual labour? I love it. Minimum wage dream job. work out all day, outdoors all day, no customers, get to carry around my knives, listen to music while I work, solitude.

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You left out
>Not getting hired until you have a masters degree
>Only Eastern slav shits get hired even then

Dude I completely know how youre feeling I worked at a run down dg for a year place is a fucking nightmare

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