Tfw only emotionally attracted to lolis

>tfw only emotionally attracted to lolis
You faggots think you got it so hard? Try not even being able to vent to others without getting threats of death and caustration. I even think pedos are disgusting too, but now I'm stuck with this curse until I die.

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You've obviously never been around a real little girl before.

stop masturbating for a few days and then make your mind up

You act like this is a sudden realization I've just had. I've known this for years, hence when I specified "emotionally attracted." My be a good dad gene is entertwined with my dick.

I know, it was rough, when I still hung around the kinds of dipshits who'd let their sadism loose on me for my waifu's supposed age, while still sorting through my insecurity and thoughts that my love wasn't good, after all. There is nothing disgusting about your feelings, though. Just relax, and enjoy a or some loli, if you want to. You can generally talk about her here, on this board, if you're not making it into a debate about pedophilia and just appreciating your girl.

Being free from 3DPD is not a curse at all, and being able to relax enough to enjoy your cute and affectionate feelings is a blessing, even. There's plenty of young 2D girls who have a lot to love, in them, and it's natural to want to protect them, nurture them, care for their hearts and make her feel loved and desired. Having a serious loli waifu is very sweet and good, whether your appeal is in helping her grow up as your partner, or enjoying her being a girl forever. It'd be easy to go on about all of the appealing points of a loli gf.

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That makes perfect sense. I've had time to sort through my feels, for years too, and found that a lot of pure feelings or wanting to care for her, protect her smile and heart, and give her a good life, safe from heartbreak, were there and strong. I wanted a daughter to make happy, but with the particular character that I fell in love with, I still didn't see her so much as incapable of being my partner or equal in some respects, and wanted to be with her forever, because I love her so much, and not just ship her away to some other guy because it's been decided that I'm too old for her. In the end, I just think it's very cute and sweet, and good, to have a romantic and sexual relationship with her, while watching over her and having her feel safe with me. I know that I'm not just using her, in my fantasies, and that I intend to hold on to her forever, so there's really no issue. In fact, I've been with her for so long that she's not even a loli anymore, in my mind, but I still enjoy art that portrays her younger age a lot.

I dont like 3dpd lolis but I like a few l2d girls and people think I am a pedo for liking them and i dont even see them as being little girls or their age, im not attracted to their age but normies hate me anyway.

You dont sound like a pedo man as you hate pedos I also hate pedos but like some 2d loli.

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I feel that, too, seeing a great character as much more than their age, but everyone treats that like it's her defining trait, if she's young. Makes attempts at discussion or even getting a lot of good art very frustrating, when people, positively or negatively, just focus on "she's a little girl". Sometimes not even paying any attention to all of her development, because they have some stupid idea in their head that the development of child characters is worth less than that of the older characters.

Look at megumin.

She doesnt look 14 or whatever they say she is to me and I thinki ts natural to be attracted to her.

but people say "wow she is 14 your a pedo";....

canon age means nothing, I have a waifu I liked who is much younger than that and I always thought she was WAY older..

Not all people who like lolis are pedo

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My waifu can only hold my attention for so long since she only exists in my mind. I swear to go, she's almost a tulpa at this point, and I construct these wildly vivid fantasies we go on adventures though, but it's never enough. Because I can't hold her in my arms. I'm pretty crazy.

When I stared falling for a 3dpd is when i had to cut off contact with people entirely. I'd rather be a friendless pariah than a moster who subcombs to theur urges.

Most of these characters don't really have the minds of children, realistically, and are written to be more loveable and relatable to anyone, though dumb people reject the child characters entirely. Some say that my waifu is 8, or 11, but based on the personality that had me fall in love with her, she didn't feel that young at all, and people only reacted as if I was rationalizing my pedophilia when I said that, that she just doesn't feel that young to me. Even if she was 10 years old, though, I'd still be in love with her, because her personality and heart is the same, regardless. Not afraid of being a pedo for my love, but just always found it insulting towards her when most others view her as more childish and naive than she is. I never understood why this has been so difficult for people to understand, even after I've explained my reasoning for thinking she's not as clueless as they say. It's just sad that nobody else seems to see in her what I do, because they don't pay attention, and I can't even discuss the show without people being mean.

this. my cousin is a brat

what do you mean started?

did you like anime girls like me before you started falling for 3dppd?

im scared that even though im not a pedo they are right and I could become one for liking a few "underage" anime girl

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If it's entwined with your dick then it isn't purely emotional. You are a pedophile. Coming to terms with it is the first step to turning around.

Yes. I too like little girls and have thoughts about touching them in places I think they would like. If anyone wants to vent with me, please let me know your address and email so we can chat right away.

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Yeah pretty much, but I'm also a degenerate that gets off to everything in the book. I think Jow Forums ruined my ablity to form proper emotional relationships, I have a hard time forming connections with people rather it's superficial or romantic. I don't see anyone as a potential emotional partner these days.

I like other stuff too, I just can't get emotionally attached to normal people anymore.

I dont look at 3dpd and I only like lolis taht look like small woman like curves and tits like megumin.

I also like misty though.

you look at 3d degen porn???

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by this I didnt eman do you look at 3d lolis I meant 3d porn in general.

I meant I dont look at any 3d porn

>have sexual fantasies about my cousin
>whenever I'm with her I completely forget about them and just want to make her happy by playing Mario Kart with her and shit

Nothing illegal, only stuff like traps, amateur, nipple piercings, anal, etc. I mostly fap to loli doujins or erotica stories. I have too much self respect to look at the other stuff, but I will admit to 3d's catching my eye when I'm walking about. I always feel like a disgusting loser when I catch myself gazing, so I don't go out much.

So to answer your question, no

what age 3d catch your eye?
because if it is like 14+ and it looks womany its not really pedo you just have to rmemeber not to go for underage.


I'm a failure

I really hope you're not FBI baiting, because I actually do want to change

do you think liking megumin is pedo?

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Op, there's nothing wrong feeling attracted exclusively to 2d loli. As some anons stated here, their personalities have nothing to do with 3d lolis and are designed for the sole purpose of being relatable/lovable/whatever. Hell, even their looks are completely different from 3d loli, having thicker tights and more adult-like features. So, if you don't step out of the 2-dimensional boundary, you're good.

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Her body is perfect, but I don't really consider 14+ to be pedo since even normalfags get caught up for that

>Sexuality has nothing to do with emotion
Do you also think it's corruptive and disrespectful to masturbate to waifu, and that you should only look at random sluts, for your lust? I'm at a point where I feel no tempation to look at anyone but waifu with lust, because it is very much an emotional thing, when you're not just looking at general porn all the time.

I'm never going to stray from 2d for my and everyone elses good, but I can't deny where the attraction comes from

what did you mean by the last half please explain

I've got a problem and I'm trying to be realistic about it

but did you like 3d loli before you liked 2d loli or?

I am curious man, no judgement

I started with 2d then I noticed when I still was in highschool that I was attacted to the real thing too

So would you say that 2D loli makes you like 3D?

also what age loli do you look at? or start with?

I like 2D loli that dont look too young and im worried I may as you have, start liking 3D if I continue, I dont like 3D atm though

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I've liked loli for at least 10 years now, had loli waifu for 3, never felt temptation for 3D kids, of people any age after getting serious about her. It's not good to let individual circumstances make you fear for your own, in cases like this, because everyone's history, current feelings, and all that are different and unique. It's not going to be just the same for anyone. Most of the normalfags are just trying to make you question yourself, and sometimes causing a self-fulfilling prophesy by beating innocent loli lovers down so much, into believing they're evil and feel this and that way that they just weren't aware of but the super smart normalfags were. It's just sad.

Thanks user, I dont wnat to stop liking lolis anime girls but it got scary when other user say they where like me then turned pedo.

thanks, whos your Waifu?

>Most of the normalfags are just trying to make you question yourself
Do not talk about loli irl. I almost got into serious trouble because of this. If you need to talk about it, do it here.

OP here, I'll say for me it was a gateway drug, especially since I became obsessed with it. Eventually there came a time where I couldn't deny the obvious any more. I don't really look for a specific age, but todcon disgusts me more than anything else.

If it puts rhings in perspective, here's the first doujin I've ever fapped to.

r9k is a board for funposting

part two of previous comment

Yeah, I'm just thinking about on the internet. People trying to tell others how they really feel, deep down, brushing off the good truths and trying to replace them with sinister lies, messing with people's heads for pure and good feelings they have. I think it's important to make sure people don't fall for that.

I love Apple Bloom. At any age, too, genuinely, it makes such a minimal difference to me, if she's drawn as 10 or as 20, so long as it's her. I did go through a brief time where I worried, too, because of what people would say, but you can't let them ruin something that makes you happy, like that, because people like unleashing their sadism on an easy, socially acceptable target.

Is any of you anons the one whose waifu was Alice in Wonderland?

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that link wont work user :(

I think most /b tier loli threads has pedo disgusting kinda shit where its obvious the girl is meant to be young.

for me I never look at the lolis I fap to taht are meant to be really young like 10 or something, as actual kids you know what I mean?

een online especially discord if you say you like a loli character even when you preface it with not liking real 3d girls.

They freak out and call you all sorts of stuff.

Apple bloom is a pony anyway, you like any non pony loli?

I like her in human form, too, and my favorite view of her as my own AB, as my partner, is white freckly human. I don't like characters or people, in that way, that aren't involved in the relationship, but we do have another girl involved, an anime character, who wasn't a loli to begin with, but was 15 in canon.

Context is what matters for me. I can never fap straight up to pictures, it's the narative that gets me going. I live stuff that's nurturing and positive

Stuff like this

thats cute user.

She doesnt look too young like sure she is loli but I like Misty and she is young but you look past/dont see taht.

I think only loli I could kinda judge people for liking is toddler shit, but even then if its 2d who cares.

Thanks for sharing user

bumping for more robots to chat about lolis

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No problem, I just like people able to vent about this stuff sometimes. I usually don't care, but then the negative emotions tend to build up and remind me of my faults.

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dont worry user, I know normies hate people for thoiught crimes but thought crimes never hurt anyone.

only reason negative emotion builds up when people like lolis or 3dpd loli is because they know being monster is wrong.

LOOOOOOOL Lolis Are GodTier Senpai Don't Worry About it
~Apotheosis Here

I don't want tonbe a monster, I want to be a good person over anything else. People even tell me I'm a good person all the time, but it feels hollow since I know myself. I feel like I'm living in a cage and I can get exposed for being an animal at anytime.

Excuse the melodrama, I've been drinking.

whats your discord ill help when i can ;3 fuck the haters, lolis 2d/3d are godtier

Sorry but this sounds like a trap

no im apotheosis dw here respond and ill give u a chaika face on your post

OP, Dont even look for help, you will ruin your life, just continue to jerk off to drawn images and keep your mouth shut. Dont even try to talk to other pedophiles because it could enable you.

Sorry your life sucks, but your sexuality is only one aspect of your life, as long as you just keep jerking off to drawn images, you will be able to enjoy a somewhat normal life.

no he just wants friends and a normal life like me

Lolis don't judge.

sure, but I dont think pedophiles should talk to each other ever. It should never be a bonding point between two people.

its a trap user
loli is against TOS of discord anyway

yeah man dont tell your pysch you like anime lolis because they fuck you.

dont tell anyone just dont touch kids if your a real pedo

I appreciate the offer, but I can't talk about this without anonymity. Sorry if I'm being a pussy

This. I don't want to cope with it, I want to get rid of it.

You bring up an interesting point.

>flat chested
>absolute loli (inb4 hebephelia isn't the same)
>most popular and fetishized character by a hilariously large margin

Lolis are cute, both 2d and 3d. Just don't let it bleed over into reality

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Your loli thinks you're really cool and nice, and trusts and believes in you, and loves kissing you. Normalfags love spinning this cute thing into something about insecurity, but really, it motivates me to not disappoint her and to be someone deserving of the love she naturally has, to make her even more proud, rather than feel like I have to earn it.

one of the first things i ever masturbated to before i could even ejaculate was a doujin where a little boy goes around raping as many little girls as he could
i "used" it so many times. from there i found a lot of other doujins like that too. and you can probably guess how that made me end up
i don't really care that much about it anymore. what people call me, think of me, whatever. i guess it's nice that i don't have to worry about having a "real" relationship. and i know i'd never do anything illegal, even if i have irrational fears sometimes about getting in trouble for something i didn't do because people don't like me.
whatever you think you are, it's alright. humans will judge and hate you for anything. just do what you think is right, and as long as you aren't hurting anyone, nobody can stop you from liking what you like.
thanks for listening

I bascially bonce around from being in this mindset to full on self resentment. I know I'll never crack, but the fact that I have to even put up with this is the first place makes me skin crawl. Like I'm not clean. I feel like the whole world is Jow Forums and I'm a nigger, anyone could turn against me at any time. Especailly when I hear my own friends demonize pedophiles, I fight back not to cry.

well AI think I like 2D lolis because I like modest or small boobs and they are petite.

if a 3d girl has gone through puberty she is obviously attractive but we know not to break the law, liking a 14yo is not same as liking a 7 year old 3d girl

watching porn as a kid is not good

You're fucking psychotic.

fuck man, i get it. it happens to me too. but it comes back around to the "humans will judge you for anything" part. the world is a shitty place, and sometimes you just get dealt some shitty cards and shitty people will shit on you for it. there's going to be a lot of times where you feel like the absolute filthiest degenerate scum of the earth, and there will be times where you feel like the luckiest person in the world for being able to see beauty where most other people don't. but you just have to keep pushing through, despite everything.

>watching porn as a kid is not good
oh yeah, definitely. i still feel sort of glad in a way that i never got into any really gross 3d stuff like so many kids nowadays are being exposed to, but it affected me pretty heavily. if the pornography people are usually exposed to for the first time was something a lot nicer and more natural i think i would have less of a thing against it, but thinking about a kids first experience with sexuality being a "hot MILF gets POUNDED and PUMPED full of CUM" video or something just makes me sad

Nice kneejerk shitpost, normalfag. It's very unique and smart.

>only romantically attracted to my waifu
>sexually attracted to lolis
>3d kids gross me out
Damn it feels good to know I'm not a pedophile

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Why because that user expresses he likes a 2d loli?
you normal fags dont understand fuck off

I didnt watch porn until I was like 14 and it wasnt even hardcore porn.

I read kids watch porn where the woman has her ass spread open and tehy piss in it or cum in it and then she drinks it and all types of weird shit.

Thats why I think 2D is more healthy because its fake and its not fucked up.

kids watching hardcore porn man that is not good.

This leads me to another thought I like very much about loli love. I went through rough stuff as a result of my experience viewing hardcore porn regularly, in the past. It was damaging, to say the least. With a young cute 2D girl, if you take her as your partner and nurture the love and good, healthy sexual ideas, you can save her from a lot of pain and confusion that comes from a long history of consuming that kind of stuff. Like, sex should be a good and healthy thing, for people who really love one another. Instead, we have people who think you shouldn't masturbate at all to your waifu, because sexuality is dirty, and instead should masturbate to random other characters and people to satisfy the lust. It's such a warm and good feeling, to have developed a better idea of sex for the sake of getting better, faithful with my waifu and solo art. Kind of, learning from mistakes and getting to give your girl better, it's a good feeling. While some consider a romantic and sexual relationship to be separate from protecting her heart, I think it's vital to protecting it, so that she can know a true and healthy love forever.

People would rather we

Jerk off to whores who do disgusting things for money, they are our object of desire?

I have a theory that we react different to 2d and 3d porn.

After 3d porn I would feel a bit of shame or post mastabatory blues.
with 2d I dont get that at all.

I think people view hardcore 3D porn get addicted then cant even make love IRL because there dick only gets hard over hardcore acts.

Pre photography everyone used 2d as porn, 2D is perfectly normal as porn.

this isn't really restricted to people with our specific tastes, but i agree with that. i feel like rather than my sexuality getting more and more fucked up over time, it's becoming more and more good and romantic and emotional. i never get shame in the way that i used to about these things anymore

Pretty much the same situation

>Find 3d disgusting
>Whenever see a woman or kid feel no feelings whatsoever
>Love 2d
>Have a waifu
>Have various lewd 2d loli pictures
>Background on phone is waifu
>Mfw if normeis saw my phone I'd be branded a pedo and made to look like I was just about to raid a school to kidnap a kid

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post your wallpaper user or the pic you mean.

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