Why would someone want to look boring and average? She's outstandingly attractive, don't you think Jow Forums?
Why would someone want to look boring and average? She's outstandingly attractive, don't you think Jow Forums?
>outstandingly attractive
she unironically looks like pepe, and stop with this Jow Forums shittery. we already know that race mixing is not good
t. Jow Forums
Looks pretty good to me in an exotic way. Just saying.
As a mixed race person myself, she's an angel. I want to hold her tightly in my arms and tell her everything will be ok for us.
She's definitely cute. And she doesn't wear makeup if she did she'd be a solid 8 maybe even 9.
Kill it with fire
Ginger niggers are the worst
el gobilina-tier
I actually meant it when I said that she's pretty, I just wanted to hear other people's opinions
la creatura
comes at night whispers to ears of unborn wifes sons and cucks: "esto es el fin" and then leaves
la creatura
>this insecure girl is insecure and lives somewhere where the concept of personal life doesn't exist because of prejudice
>use her to show that something is evil
>because her insecurity and delusions definitely proves some point
this is how you detect shills pushing agenda
Yeah I mean if anything the problem is the society she live in doesn't accept mixed race people and has a black/white divide
She's 3.5/10 at best but I would gf the shit out of her anyway.
I'm not even a pol shitposter that bitches about mutts, but no, that is not white.
We are white here on this board, and people tend to be attracted to their own race. Pay attention to our waifus next time before you post this la creatura meme.
>As a mixed race person myself, she's an angel.
Jesus Christ they're multiplying
Would she have the same opinions if she looked like Brittany Venti?
Venti's 33% black though, not 50%
I wish we would just stop. Just stop and think about what we are doing. This stopped being funny a long time ago. Why do people think it's ok to kill their bloodline? That's beyond me.
Incredibly pathetic that the uploader is exploiting her insecurities to push an agenda 2bh.
Just how stupid would someone have to be to make this statement?
She would still feel the same
>be me
>decide watch her video
>pottery happens
I could see her being cast as a Gaul or something if she were to go the acting route. Since we only vaguely know what they may have looked like besides having red hair.
>Why do people think it's ok to kill their bloodline?
Why do people think its ok to breed dogs that are so deformed they can't give birth? I'm not saying I want the world to be goobacks caramel people that all have heart disease and autism, but for the most part people are attracted to other people that have similar cultural backgrounds already unless they've been encouraged or guilted in some way to showcase their tolerance.
It's weird that a dude who married a mischling would have a problem with race mixing.
deformed dogs are from inbreeding
So are the different human races, just on a larger and naturally occurring scale that allows for enough genetic diversity, so that we don't produce a bunch of sterile mutants. It still doesn't objectively matter more than two people who can manage a healthy relationship and raise a family with multiple cultural influences.
I'm not talking about low self esteem white stacies that has kids with 3 Tyrones and doesn't even know her own father's background let alone any of theirs, or potential medical problems, I just mean that surface level genes shouldn't circumvent two people actually having a stable relationship.
its inherent to man to want to belong
Not really, AfrAms are an inherently mongrelized people and mulattos/mulattas were considered just black back in his day so they were in it together whether they liked it or not. Genetically speaking he probably wasn't far from being a mischling himself.
looks like fucking yoda or something, racemixing is unnatural and unhealthy and will lead to disenfranchised offspring who are fucked if they ever need an organ donation
My cousins are mixed and they're really handsome tall chads that aren't insecure like this bitch.
I'm mixed too and I think she's pretty but she needs to get more sleep, the eyebags are the only thing putting me off.
But religion substitutes for this in the subconscious mind, so does sharing hobbies, zodiac signs, we make up boxes where there aren't any just to belong to something. Drawing the line at nation or lineage is arbitrary. I'm not one of those no borders people, I'm always trying to figure things out every day but it's just stupid to say belonging to a race or nation is any more important than belonging to a book club just because it uses currency that is supposedly worth something.
>they're really handsome tall chads that aren't insecure
What a dumb thing to say.
It's just skin color tho XD
watchu mean homie CX
Ok but look at his son.
>racemixing is unnatural and unhealthy and will lead to disenfranchised offspring who are fucked if they ever need an organ donation
Have my most favorite meme.
grand***** son
Jow Forums really needs an edit option.
>but it's just stupid to say belonging to a nation is any more important than belonging to a book club
Where you live and the culture you've been brought up in affects more of your personality and way of conversing with others than being part of a book club. People in Brooklyn do not usually behave as people in Riyadh behave.
user, this is dubious.
I still have his whole rant about how black men should go with black women, white men should go with white women etc. fresh in my mind and this image always amuses me.
>Where you live and the culture you've been brought up in affects more of your personality and way of conversing with others than being part of a book club.
Of course but that just applies as much to me as it does as my Indian friend from the same neighborhood. His parents might cook better food and his second language isn't the same as mine but we both grew up here nonetheless.
fuck I wish I was normal
being a male ginger is even worse than being a manlet
What's dubious about it? It's his actual kin. Google "muhammed ali grandson". Evidently, he's even got a modelling contract now.
I'm kind of puzzled on judging her looks. She's got the freckles and the frizzy red hair which are big pluses but her face resembles that of an addict. Pity.
I hold views that others would consider pretty right-wing but I absolutely agree with you.
Dark red hair is top tier imo.
only if you're ugly
I'm not disputing the facts, just look at Liv Tyler. It's just weird that's all.
you mean that hair that actually looks brown
those are not gingers for me
being ugly comes with being a ginger
>Why do people think it's ok to kill their bloodline?
my bloodline is predicated on passing down my personal genes. whether its passed down mixed with genes from a white girl or a black girl doesn't matter. our ancestors fucked neanderthals, literally not even humans, and you have the gall to pretend breeding, no matter with who, isn't human nature? fucking moron.
>being ugly comes with being a ginger
no, it just actually matters that you are ugly because you stick out to people
if you had brown hair, you would still be ugly but nobody would notice because there are lots of ugly people with brown hair
Race plays a factor in his behavior because genetics, subcultures and familiarity play a factor in behavior. He likely doesn't feel totally alienated with you because you share a nationality and overarching culture but he would likely feel most comfortable with someone with a similar set of genetics, subculture facets and physical features. If he had no one, not even his parents, who shared more than a nationality and overarching culture with him he would likely feel more alienated than the average person.
She seems very intelligent
So much for "race mixing destroys ur pure white 300 IQ genes !!!! fucking kikes !!!!"
as a mutt as well i can say she is ugly and all mutts should take an oath of celibacy of accept death
fuck this shit
when I was in HS I asked out 3 different girls and all of them said they would have gone on a date with me if I didn't have red hair
Ron Weasley is a ginger. People with blonde hair and red beards are partial ginger. This kid from this show is not technically ginger, that is auburn hair, not brown. That's what I've been led to believe so far.
yeah, that hypothesis was really demolished by the fact that this mulatto girl 'seems intelligent' from a minute-long youtube video
racists btfo
>He likely doesn't feel totally alienated with you because you share a nationality and overarching culture but he would likely feel most comfortable with someone with a similar set of genetics, subculture facets and physical features.
Honestly he is schizoid and probably can't form any meaningful attatchments with anybody at all but that's beside the point.
True robot.
She has a vocabulary that a person with the IQ's Jow Forums says that black people have wouldn't have. If not intelligent, she's at least average, which is better than what Jow Forums is saying about mixed people
I do worry sometimes.
Poor el atrocidad
you must just have shit taste then, only a terrible person would say that even considering you probably didn't develop much of a connection with them to start with.
If her dad is smarter then you're kinda BTFO. My dad's smarter than me(he wasn't kept in a room for 7 years straight like me and had his circadian rhythm fucked up beyond all repair but still) and I'm half-white(his side)/half-black. Moreover, no reasonable person ever says you're destined for a sub-80 IQ score if you have a drop of African blood in you. It's obvious that race mixing is...mixing.
fuck man idk what else I should do
I lowered my standards su fucking much one of the girls was a chubby 3/10 the other we're not even pretty just average
I tried becoming friends with all of them (I did actually) but after I asked them for date it all ended
even the fat uggos on tinder never respond
Absolutely pathetic. You are what you are and that's all you can be. Accept it and move on. Stop being such a self-loathing cuck and stick with people like yourself.
Stop using tinder if you don't want to be judged by surface level bullshit. Don't lower your standards, just don't be such a thirstlord. I am not presumptuous and say you haven't tried your best so far but you're probably still young and things tend to get better for guys when they get older. Just forget about women for now if wherever you live is this full of superficial people.
You will not find a single non-superficial person on a dating website of any kind. Not even Christian singles shit.
Oh christ, those tattoos ... nobody deserves this
I hate everything about this look, it just screams "i'm a fat bitchy bitch who fucks blacks"
she looks like the female(and manlier) version of me