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this can't be possibly a real chart...
>tfw actually got my only real gf during that dip starting at 2004
Holy shit I didn't realize I lucked out that hard, look at how shit just gets totally fucked after that
Got any sources for that though?
"they" deleted it and he replaced it with another one.
"they" also deleted several okcupid studies
The personality=looks chart is from this page:
The women think 80% of men look below average chart is from here:
Also gone. (Archive:
several more okcupid articles have been deleted
'THEY' are trying to suppress the black pill
Chart says no 22-35 female has been single since 2014
Don't think you need sources for that
This is the real chart...not that it's any less black pilling
can either of you post source for these charts?
why the fuck did they make males red and females blue im more pissed about their color choice for the gneders then anything else
No. It says there have been no voluntary celibates since then.
No the OP pic is the original, he took it down because of a "data error" but it coincides with the okcupid black pill studies being taken down also the video of the fat middle aged woman swiping left on tinder was also taken down.
how about you grow a braincel and figure it out for yourself you helpless little baby
Pretty scary but for the most part that's their fault
I'm a kissless virgin and i know that's because i'm not trying there's no boogeyman cockblocking me
In the other end the creep who try to much won't get anything either
Increase in lesbians...? awesome
Chart hits a critical point the year the iphone was released
My bad, can't read
incels aren't "creeps who try too much" many of the incels on have never even asked out a girl.
if you're a kissless virgin you're an incel in denial not a "volcel", that implies you're "abstaining" and if you're not getting any action in the first place you can't abstain.
>0% celibate
I want to vomit
>phones become popular
>suddenly men getting less action (by virtue of not being chad)
>women getting less action too (by virtue of holding out for chad)
Globalization of the sexual market is undermining local sexual business.
Notice how the amount is rising? You can't keep blaming incels forever. Soon 50% of the male population is going to be kissless virgins and the new who are you going to blame? At some point the boomer talking points are going to seem ridiculous to you
>*smart phones become popular
>female leveled out
>male rising rapidly
>8 percent of women are celibate
did he actually tweet that? I can't find it
So in the event that normalfags realize that incels are slowly becoming the majority, what realistic changes can we expect? More regulations on females and sex?
Get fucking real
>boys are blue girls are pink!!!!!!!!
I am curious what social problems will come from this. The less men are getting sex, the less incentive they have to be part of society. This is only the beginning, suicide and NEETrates will skyrocket.
We are the beautifuI ones
You're right it is stupid.
Pink is much too powerful to be considered a feminine color. Blue however is weak (with the exception of navy.)
Pink should be the mans color.
pink was actually used to be the boys color and blue the girls a long time ago
That's not a good thing. Also, do you have sources on this one? Big if true.
Why do black girls like pacific islanders so much
better get in that 80 percent lads
>So in the event that normalfags realize that incels are slowly becoming the majority, what realistic changes can we expect? More regulations on females and sex?
No, but there'll more girls for my girlfriend and I t have threesomes with.
>suicide and NEETrates will skyrocket.
Suicide, yes; NEET, only to the point that they can be supported.
Maybe subsidies for young married couples. Younger you are at age of marriage, the higher your subsidies would be, by a steep margin. And if you divorce/remarry, it'll reset to whatever age you are then. This would discourage roasties from riding the cock carousel and marrying late (if at all).
>rats are given utopia environment with unlimited food
>rat population reaches critical mass
>alpha male rats hog all the females
>beta rats go insane from loneliness, some turn gay, others turn violent and kill all the female rats
>all remaining rats die of old age
this is what we have to look forward to. the incelocalypse will come soon
No we aren't. We're like mid Phase Three.
... yes you do. It isn't necessarily true just because it's on a chart.
This. Japan is already farther gone in this regard and the west would do well to learn from their mistakes.
I'm not that upset by it. Mankind really doesn't deserve a better end than this.
fakest chart i've seen in my life, no sauce, nothing
Unlikely, the government has been trying to replace the husband for many years now. By allocating single mothers and the like more gibs, they are progressively removing the need for a woman to anchor down with a beta early.
>Suicide, yes; NEET, only to the point that they can be supported.
If they can't be supported they'll just die. Telling men who have nothing to work to no end won't work unless you actually enslave.
google his fucking twitter handle you braindead sack of shit
>>beta rats go insane from loneliness, some turn gay, others turn violent and kill all the female rats
>because i'm not trying
There's reason/s why you aren't. Information could indicate a pattern of why, and what other implications the pattern has.
What's their official explanation for shutting this down?
I can't believe it's not original butter.
What in the fuck. This is really fucked up.
>Get fucking real
Historically that did happen during the late Roman Empire
That's his point. It's unrealistic and disproves the chart.
yeah they'res lots of "volcel" idiots who think that by jacking off in their basements to anime they're somehow different from incels but they're not fooling anybody.
There is none! There is an active campaign to suppress the BLACK PILL. They wouldn't delete it if it wasn't TRUE.
it's over!!!
>8% of women are celibate
So...I have a chance at finding a nice celibate girl?
2009 is when I dropped out of school, when most of problems started, weird. Micheal Jackson dying must have done something to the world.
>haven't had sex in the past year
They aren't virgins user, they just haven taken Chad's dick in a year.
According to some other graph, 5% of woman are virgins at marriage
So there's a chance, even if it's small
Not gonna give up user, I haven't even started
>(((they))) randomly deleted 10 year old blog posts proving the blackpill and incel ideology
We're stage 3, but still interesting. The problem however is that Chad is usually a nice guy which the "rat Chad" became worse
Never said there isn't a chance - from experience I know there are a lot of virgin girls out there. Was just making sure you weren't misreading that graph.
>0% female celibacy
dios mio... la himen extinguido
>chad is usually a nice guy
halo effect that's all, most people are assholes but if you're a goodlooking asshole you can get away with a lot more.
Ok thanks for looking out for me user
To be fair I did misread the graph
I wouldn't say Chad is a nice guy, just nicer compared to his asshole friends Brad and Tyrone.
Most are from 2009 but one of them is from 2014. very interesting, there is obviously a conspiracy going on here. I give it 6 months until the uprising, by 2020 most incel men will be in death camps.
give up dude, do you really think the sweet modest virgin qt isn't immediately taken by some guy who was lucky enough to know her at a young age? those girls all marry their high school sweethearts, you weren't lucky enough to know one so its too late. stop coping
>I've been laid
>Have had several opportunities to get laid, 100% guaranteed opportunities in the past year or so
>Haven't had sex in 6 years
I would say I don't bang these chicks because they're loose, have kids, tattoos and don't seem to be looking for commitment. However I'm not in the "college scene" and I work a shit job so I can't imagine I'm meeting the best of people.
I would say I'm voluntarily celibate. I could very easily have sex, I'm just voluntarily choosing not to. That being said I think the term incel is stupid and I had never heard of it until recently.
>by 2020 most incel men will be in death camps.
yes and we'll be operating the gas chambers
You're still an incel if you reject girls. If you have sex with someone you're not attracted to it's called rape. No one calls girls sluts for having been raped, you're an incel dude especially if you haven't fucked in 6 years
>yeah they'res lots of "volcel" idiots who think that by jacking off in their basements to anime they're somehow different from incels but they're not fooling anybody.
Yea, I've been saying it since r/incels was shut down: the only difference between a robot and an incel is that an incel is honest about what he is.
Key difference: the virgo-rats didn't have video games and furry porn to keep them distracted.
I legit don't fucking try though. I can't really say I'd succeed if I did, but I don't. So comparing myself with incels who are unemployed, uneducated, fat or retarded is not fair to them.
Fuck off kike I know she's out there and I'm going to find her or die trying
Enjoy your blackpill
This fills me with such deep despondency.
How could this have happened? Are women really like that? Do they truly not care even a bit?
as I kid, I used to think I would do the regular path and be married with a wife and kids etc.. then as I grew older I realized I would probably grind until I'm 30 and then have some dried up roastie settling for me, having me do it regardless for the greater good it will do for the people as a whole, beyond my personal benefit.
But now I don't really want any of this anymore. I'd rather just focus on my own shit and blow my brains off when I'm 60. It's not worth it. If there's something the age of information and quick access to it via internet has given us, is the realization that we will be settled for. Why would anyone want that?
Let that sink- women consider 80% of men as unattractive/not good looking enough.
Look to Japan. High hikikomori & suicide rates. Humanities rat utopia experiment is coming to a close.
fine, have fun living a meaningless waste of a life
You're an incel. Go to and sign up. Attractive men get interest from women enough that sex basically falls in your lap. If you have to go out of your way to get sex you average at best, women basically throw themselves at attractive men. Don't you remember the pretty boys in high school and the way women acted around them? If women have never given you clear direct INDICATORS OF INTEREST you're ugly and definitely an incel.
Go to and join the incel army. We will fight this fight together.
bad for business
We'll purge the normie golems AND their kike masters.
the rate of unmarried male celibacy seems to track economic times, after the 2008 crisis the rate of male celibacy skyrockets because the economy crashed and lots of men lost their jobs; after that the type of jobs created were disproportionately lower wage, less benefits etc this particularly effects younger men on the cusp of their first 'real' job. Female celibacy goes up also but it doesn't double.
Were incels and modern day Jow Forums created by the great recession?
Where is this from also?
I'm full MGTOW right now. Women are really an afterthought in my life. Sure i'd want sex and a gf, but i want success more.
No denying, I am ugly and would fail, most likely will never marry or some bitch will trick me for money in moment of weakness. However, how do I fit the involuntary part if I don't try?
Your too Low-IQ to understand connotation and denotation, you're splitting hairs over semantics.
Face it dude, you're clearly an incel or else you wouldn't be here having this discussion. Come join us at and embrace your new family.
because your doing whats know as COPE
heres the percentage of men that are incel by race
aaaaaaannnd heres the percentage of women that are incel by race
when will the state start issuing gfs
i would be a productive member of society working the most horrid wagecuck job if I only had a gf
This is explains why hapas produced elliot and redpill comics.
Also explains why spics on Jow Forums are pretty much elliot tier
>30% of ethnic men are incel
>3% of ethnic women are incel
Chad's nice because he has an easy monopoly on pussy. he'll be friendly to betas and offer them '80s teen movie-tier advice on girls knowing in reality they have no chance against him.
I never asked to be born a mutt.
>economic crisis sees large amounts of young men lose financial stability
>male celibacy rises
lmao women are literally hoes and tricks
>that black rise
is this why relatively a lot of black "fembots" started appearing out of nowhere recently?
if men are poor we don't even try to talk to women and everyone silently alienates us.
Another proof that THE INCELS ARE RIGHT.
Black women are easily considered the least attractive race, by ALL races, even by BLACK MEN.
black fembots are the only real fembots.
FBI honeypot disregard