Why do men cuck themselves with women so much? Everywhere I go, specially in affluent areas, I see women with their husbands always wearing these stupid superfluos designer bags. It's fucking ridiculous. Gucci bags, and specially Louis Vuitton bags. Every girl wants this it's starting to become the "good-looking woman in her late 20s with a rich boyfriend" bag. It's fucking ridiculous how many women I see with this and how unoriginal they all are, and what surprises me the most is that the guys buy this for them! What the fuck is going on? Why do men go through this bullshit?
>pic unrelated
Why do men cuck themselves with women so much? Everywhere I go, specially in affluent areas...
It's a public image-based subculture that exists across the globe. You don't have to be a part of it if you don't want to. It's pretty easy to avoid, it's just there in the background. The funny thing is that even though they're all about image, and usually have money, they're some of the least happy people from what I've seen. It's far from every girl that wants this, you've got tunnel vision my friend.
Is that Elana from Peep Show?
dude i don't even fucking know. i think they're ugly as shit, and they're expensive for no damn reason. one day i hope to puke on or otherwise ruin one just so that $1k+ is burnt forever
also, this. definitely not every woman wants one. some women have taste.
Because it shows other people they can afford to drop money like that because they're rich.
>The funny thing is that even though they're all about image, and usually have money, they're some of the least happy people from what I've seen.
Yeah I fucking know. They are all snobby and shit but always look miserable.
>It's far from every girl that wants this, you've got tunnel vision my friend.
It's far from every woman who has these bags, sure, but how do you know that they're not desiring of it? How do you know they do not want to have these bags as symbol status?
>Because it shows other people they can afford to drop money like that because they're rich.
Yeah, but why do the guys go through the stupidity of dropping a 1k USD gift for them?
It may be common, but even if it was 80% of women, that means there are millions and millions of them who aren't into this. You're being really pessimistic it seems.
M8. 80% IS a pretty big chunk, and I'm not being pessimistic. I never said it was every single one of those girls, but the majority of them being into this really says something.
rich people are pathetic
i understand the quiet desire to have luxury items as a status symbol, but god damn, those purses are so ugly. why bother having a symbol if it's an ugly one?
see above. if you're getting a status symbol. get an attractive one. they're ugly.
>rich people are pathetic
>i understand the quiet desire to have luxury items as a status symbol, but god damn, those purses are so ugly. why bother having a symbol if it's an ugly one?
The worst is that they have absolutely NO originality whatsoever. The other day I went to an affluent shopping mall in my city. Like a really affluent one, and almost ALL the bags were Louis Vuitton, and all the same, just the EXACT design. Like everyone was buying the same exact one to show affluence and it was so ridiculously obvious. I counted like 14 (FOURTEEN) women with that bagm for fucks sake, if you get an eye to look at what people are wearing you'll notice how ridiculous all this is.
get out there and do something ricenigger you're always shitting up this board.
>get out there and do something ricenigger you're always shitting up this board.
What the fuck can I do m8?
>i'm a 21 year old virgin with no life experience who won't fuck a prostitute from my country because I don't want to be reminded of my mother even though i have a mummy fetish, please pay attention to me and validate my opinions!
Get rekt namefag
1k isn't much.
>tfw the only good trip fag r9k ever had was johnny neptune
>tfw he stopped browsing
it never gets better does it?
I dont care if she is original, just beautiful and a nice person.
That's like asking why do you come here and embarrass yourself so often
She's a former russian model, Vlada Roslyakova
JN was a prick who made no sense lmao
Damn, that's a pretty good repression of me actually. I see you've paid attention to my posts well. Thanks.
Original comment
Because they fell for the pussy. Shame on them! SHAME ON THEM! I'd never allow myself to be cucked in that manner
They did have the pussy for a while but they decided to buy that whore expensive things with their own money to keep having the same pussy.
>They did have the pussy for a while but they decided to buy that whore expensive things with their own money to keep having the same pussy.
your opinions count for nothing kiddo, shut the fuck up.
Neither do yours.
Origin comment
for a shitty fucking purse you can get at value village?
$1000 is not much for a car, but it's way too much for an item of clothing or an accessory.
stop bein jelly
All you do is constantly try to convicnce yourself that you don't want/need a woman when it's fucking obvious that you'd crawl through glass to get one, you're fucking pathetic. I'm so fucking sick of seeing you dishing out advice to people when you're little more than a child yourself.
exactly! they're buying her time. fools!