Be me

>be me
>have 5.8inc dick
>the average vagina only 4.7inc deep
it feels good to be chad

Attached: cool pepe.jpg (800x800, 59K)

I thought the average was 5 inches, though?

No, the gspot on average is around 4 inches deep, the vagina itself is like 7 or 8 inches deep, that's why big dicks hit the cervix.

even if that was true most women don't like to be hit in cervix.

>be fingering my gf
>middle finger (about 3 inches long) all the way in
>can easily feel most of her cervix
please explain

Some women can have shortened. It makes childbirth more risky for them. U will never have a child.

Im almost 7in. Does that mean that I need to find myself a deep pucci gf?

Are you sure about that? Seems a bit preposterous. My ex was a qt petite Asian, like barely 5'0, and my fingers barely reached her gspot, and my middle finger is at least 3.5 inches long, if not longer.

I don't think my dick reached it either, and my dick is 6 inches. Even going balls deep I'm almost certain I wasn't hitting her cervix.

I have a great dick
But I'm like 4/10 so it doesn't really matter

Attached: 1524654657271.jpg (568x432, 16K)

she wasn't turned on because you aren't a chad. the vaginal cavity lengthens when a woman is aroused, pretty much a lady boner. your were doing the flip of a woman jerking a soft dick, she is not turned on by you

>Implying we should care what women think

This is not the first girl whose cervix I've been able to reach with my fingers. You in particular I think have no idea what the g spot is or where it's located because you should be able to easily reach it with 2.5 inches at most.

Regardless, I really doubt it's due to a lack of sexual ability on my part. I've had more than one girl tell me after a breakup that she'd wanted to leave me for a long time but had held off because the sex was so good. This is generally not said in a "make you feel better about the breakup" kind of way but more of a
>you're such a fucking piece of shit and i really hope your your dick falls off so you can spend the rest of your life alone because no woman will be able to stand you without it

she isn't turned on.

I know where it is, I could feel my middle finger grazing it when I really thrust my fingers in her, as I mentioned.

As a semi-chad with a 7 incher, I can confirm that the average vagina,when fully aroused, is at least 7.5 inches deep.
Only bottom out on about 25% of women.

Yeah, user either got very lucky with a short vagina girl and/or she was not remotely aroused. 8 inch cocks are a pretty safe bet for hitting the cervix balls deep, which is why a lot of 8 inch guys often complain about being that big.

Cervix user is fucking children.

7 seems to be the sweetest of spots, perhaps in between 6 and 7 is where true perfection lies.

bros, i got 7.5 inches. how do i get gf?

Honestly, I feel like 7.5 might be the sweet spot.
7 inches is enough to be in "big dick" territory for most women, but I had one girlfriend who was almost the perfect depth for hitting the cervix and it was very good for both of us.
The majority of women I'm with are a bit deeper than her though and it's not really the same.
Definitely agree that the girl the other guy is talking about was either:
a) a virgin
b) not that aroused
c) unusually shallow vagina

Relax and get past the two girl mark.
After you have (non-desperate) sex a few times, you get more blaise about it and girls kind of pick up on that attitude and it gets much easier to get laid.
But avoid prostitutes or desperate lays, they won't do anything for your self esteem.

girls really vary in vaginal depths i have a 6 incher and with one gf she was really 'tight' and if i went all in as far as i could doggy style it'd hurt her and i'd have to stop

unless your dick is

Leave some pussy for the rest of us!

mine's 3 inches.
what do i do bots?
inb4: neck yourself

Have your dick removed and become full blown boypucci?

g-spot is usually about 1.5 inches deep. You might be feeling the anterior fornix @3.75 inches if she's not that turned on or has a shallow pussy.
Most girls are like 7" deep when turned on.

it's a lot easier to reach it with your fingers though unless you have a massively curved cock, i remember my first gf loved being finger blasted in her g spot. didn't translate to the next girl i fingered who thought i was trying to savage her like bateman in american psycho

>tfw curved cock
>tfw cock presses into gspot
>tfw gf said it was most intense feeling of life, it was amazing and perfect


don't fucking worry about it
because only basedboys care that deeply about how a woman prefers her cock seriously just don't take women seriously