Just took 200 ug of 1plsd. Never taken a drug before. What am I in for bros? Also post chill music and images please
Just took 200 ug of 1plsd. Never taken a drug before. What am I in for bros? Also post chill music and images please
Sorry for the thumbnail fuck me
Please guys I'm scared and don't have any friends. I'm starting to feel it in my parietal area of brain
It's starting to drift down into my thoracic area. Normally I'm a very adept and quick typist but I am struggling somewhat. Only 20 minutes in
Serious euphria setting in my heart feels like its racing. How the fuck has it only been five minutes
really happy i bought that choco milk rn
Buckle Up. LOL.
On a realistic note, after this experience I'm sure you will no longer be dumb enough to jump into something so mind-altering without having researched/experimented first.
Lol I researched it for like two weeks straight I just wanted people to respond because I'm lonely. Really am a first timer though hoping I can handle it
Welp some serious visuals have started god damn lol
Just need to stay grounded an I'll be fine. Feel like I'm sinking into my own head or somehting though Jesus this lasts like 12 hours to FUCK
I'm just scared I'll wander out of my apartment naked and start roamonng the streets lol. Hopefully this clarity remains to some degree in my conciousneess
Oh god this is feeling stronger and stronger maybe i should swallow the tab
I feel like i cant stop lauging . Someone please respond though I thought you were supposed to give me the illusion of having friends
this is a very oringal post
Fuck lol pleases guys
I love you user. Thank you for your orignal content
Relax and enjoy the trip. Put on some physcadellic rock and lay back. If you can go on a walk in a park. (Only if it's daytime) do that. I've taken 1p-lsd many times and trust me. You'll be ok. Try and think about life and try to solve some problems. Write some notes down if that helps. You'll be okay. Just enjoy the trip and the visuals.
Thanks user. I'm way too afraid to venture outside but I'd like to try it someday. I hoped this could be like a blog of my trip I could read when I wake up but my screen is like floating away from me lol. No way I can keep this up. But thanks user
Whenever I'm tripping I like to think about what is really after death ya know? Like. Do we just disappear or is there other worldly beings? I think we just move to another reality. Lsd really opened me up to this idea. After reading a lot of trip stories about salvia, dmt etc. I really do believe the DMT entities are real
Close your eyes and enjoy the CEV. You won't be able to sleep. Lsd keeps you awake.
LSD is a super powerful drug. Next time you take it i suggest you do it in a forest area or by a river. It will make the expiernce much more spiritual and will make you feel more connected with nature. Also, don't take the drug if you are depressed, ainxous or not in a good state of mind of course.
I always kind of liked the idea that the universe was just an unending cycle. Like after you die you just wait for the universe to carry out its course until you can emerge into conciousness once more. I think it's a futurama episode too maybe lol god this is getting hard to type
LOL whyd you have to go and say that Im depressed and anxious lol kill me pls
This song really helps my trips. (My fav trip song)
But at the same time im never anxious when im by myself so that isnt a huge conceren
cheers user i queued it up
The Grateful Dead, of course
im practically as happy as you could be for a 22 year old virgin that just graduated college and skipped the ceremony because he didnt have friends to celebrate with haha
Ah. I'm sure you'll be okay. It's not a requirement, just a suggestion. I don't think the universe is as much as a cycle as there's different planes of reality. Like the one I'm in is just a thin layer of reality that can be completely ripped away at any second. I think drugs like dmt salvia and shrooms show the true reality of the universe. There's infinite realities with infinite beings. And us humans just cannot understand that.
I'm still somewhat concious behind all the fading lights and I realize that this is naut
lol guys really though im fine i have a trip buddy his name is tba give me a good name for my friendly substiute god i feel like im in a giant hole this is nuts
On a real note I feel as if I have somewhat embelished my posts to sound like what an intoxicated peron sounds like im basically talking to myself though i might as well just close the tab
The body high is pretty weird on 1p. I always feel like how you feel when you just threw up. All shaky and out of breath. But I think that's just because my mind is being constantly blown
nothing will happen, you'll feel some movements and that's it.. in 8 hours you'll be back to somewhat normal and after sleep you'll be back to complete normal
sorry guys i feel like that annoying dude weed guy right now but i've never done any drug before so this is just hitting me strong as fuck
You sound just fine to me user. I'm just trying to help you have a good trip that's all. :) there's such a stigma around lsd that people are so scared of it and that shouldn't be the case. Lsd is amazing and everyone should try it.
you have a plushie as your trip buddy? that would be cute af
Alright im out this thread is making me doubt myself too much and it's killing the trip. Have a good night fellas
Thanks user you seem like a geniuinely nice person. I cannot spell right now sorry
No need to be sorry user. If the thread isn't making you feel good it's totally fine to leave. Do whatever makes you comfortable.
Fly up up and away!
Hm. I did 300ug my first and only time. I could only see simple hallucinations when i closed my eyes and the carpet and other shit seemed to be moving. I'm sorry you had to do it by yourself. I hope you enjoy it.
If you're still here I deeply suggest listening to these songs
That's a baby dose, you'll be fine buddy.
Just hang out and do what you normally do.
I'm lurking but this will probably be my last post I'm just in a world of my own at this point haha. thanks for the music though user
Have a safe and fun trip user. Best wishes.
I hope this picture freaks you out
OP wandering the streets naked right now