If he wants to convert his 13-year-old fanbase to trap-loving gayboys, why didn't he just stick to Photoshop?

If he wants to convert his 13-year-old fanbase to trap-loving gayboys, why didn't he just stick to Photoshop?
Also why does C9 condone this? Seems weird to be allowed to broadcast a fetish just because naysayers are afraid of being called 'bigoted'

Attached: sneaky ESPN.png (1230x972, 1.09M)

I want to fuck this faggot in his mouth

The disappointment in his father.

Damn he looked so good in that pic with his gf. Looks shit here.

They won
Reiko actually won


>Nascar is all the way in the corner by esports

Attached: DEE683A806C449EC8BA6652D33955905.jpg (640x640, 71K)

C9 gets free publicity + they dont want to be labelled as homophobic

looks hideous jesus


Attached: SneakNO.jpg (1952x4328, 1.09M)

> why does C9 condone this?
because it's under the guise of the LGBT and media is owned by the you know whos

Attached: 1524607544365.jpg (200x241, 6K)

>why does C9 condone this?
Because there's nothing wrong with doing something fun and different every now and then you insufferable autist


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He's not even that cute user. Calm down.

The day of the rope will come soon, these faggots will hang.

that's because traps do all sorts of magic with angles/lighting/makeup for their insta pics but look like obvious trannies when they're unable to do that

God, fuck this world.

> mad because somebody is enjoying themselves in a way that doesn't hurt others

what is wrong with incels?

You know, there's a meme that says all lol players are cats
And I'm wondering if that's true

>espn esports

>those yellow teeth

Fucking rancid. I bet his breath smells like ass.

Attached: 1492555266015.png (402x398, 116K)

>masturbate on stream because I want to enjoy myself and I'm not hurting anybody

>Hey mister, did you order a large pepperoni? Oh, and also this pizza?

Attached: DahxNYiVMAAPZ7D.jpg (900x1200, 180K)

There's one thing I hate more than esports "athletes" and it's people who talk like their shit don't stink.

too much smug posting now, that shit died out in 2014 with smug pepe.
every post now is "oh youre sick, i'm superior and exempt from everything because anonymoose"

this is so fucking photoshopped it hurts

>thin face
>clear skin
>fem body

>wide jaw and face
>acne skin
>hunched back
>body looks like a sack of potatoes

I mean how are people so blind to this manipulation?

I'm not a cross dressing faggot, you're not making any sense.

Finally another person with working eyes.

those "people" aren't cross dressing dregs who are mentally damaged beyond repair and actively advocate for children to be afflicted with the same mental disorders they have, so yes, i would say they are several levels above trannies and faggots like yourself.



what r u talking about

Well it's simple
Good posture is more attractive, so he stands up straight, you can see his face clearly and his wig is set so it properly frames his face. The lighting is good, nice and bright and soft.
Most importantly, look at how he poses. He's using his arm to frame his abdomen and it makes him look slimmer. There just a lot going on and most of it is just good posing, a good camera *cough Photoshop cough* and lighting vs bad posing, indoor lighting and shitty compressed webcam video

Yes that was my point you fucking idiot. The whole thing is camera, lighting and photoshop tricks. In reality he most likely looks like an acne ridden, hunched over potato sack with a man jaw in make up.

>Yes that was my point you fucking idiot. The whole thing is camera, lighting and photoshop tricks. In reality he most likely looks like an acne ridden, hunched over potato sack with a man jaw in make up.
Yes that was MY point YOU fucking idiot. The whole thing is camera, lighting and photoshop tricks. In reality he DOES look like an acne ridden, hunched over potato sack with a man jaw in make up. All traps do. THEY'RE MEN. ITS GAY.

>tfw people on 4chin don't realize he's only doing it for fun and to fuck with people.
The amount of irony as reached near fatal levels doctor.

You should kys along with the traps.

Those are two different people. The good looking one is an actual pornstar.

(who is a tranny)

>LOL it's just all irony. Every action I partake in is just irony because I'm on that next level shit yo
Shut the fuck up.

>This shit is on ESPN.com

>This is peak male performance in 2018


>first see this on several discord servers
>wow thats a qt with a real cute tummy
im not falling for the trap meme but why does he have such a cute body

Because it's photoshopped. Read the thread you dumbass.

He's a fucking normie who does this shit for fun. He's not some trap or feminist agenda pusher. Get your head out of your ass.

I can't believe people have brains that think on such a simple level as yours.

OPs image is photoshopped but the cosplay is real. His gf did the makeup and he showed it on stream. It's all on yt and Twitch if you need sauce.

Yes and he looks completely unsexy in it on stream. As evidenced here

>I got BTFO'd so I must call him a brainlet to hide my shame.
I would laugh if it wasn't so pathetic.

I wouldn't say that you could tell if %100 he was a guy in those pics but I prob would still momentarily question myself.

>normies are all ironic and think on some higher level of irony constantly that robots can't get on
This group mentality bullshit is so ignorant. It's been shown that he has a fetish for sissy porn. He obviously gets some sexual gratification from knowing he's turning guys on with his pictures. If it was completely ironic he would just do it with no sexual intenion.

where is this sexual component you sperg?

he looked fine on stream from before...with the lux cosplay

>Still thinks it's about him doing it ironically
Did you not read my......you know what, fuck it I'm not going to lose sleep over trying to get you to think.

it's not photoshop..just low res shit tier camera vs high quality good angle

The fact that he got caught looking at sissy porn. Obviously crossdressing is an extension of this fetish. The whole point of sissy is to be a perverse object of sexual gratification for men. By crossdressing he's obviously getting comments from guys saying they want to fuck him, i.e. a mirror of the objectification seen in the sissy fetish. Again, read the thread you fucking idiot.

>going from saying he does it ironically to saying he does it for fun
So which is it? Get your thoughts together.

>random anons giving unrelated responses to posts.
Alright I'm def. going to sleep, 'nite gents.

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He's the team creampie receiver after a win.

>Those are two different people. The good looking one is an actual pornstar.
>(who is a tranny)
source now

hahahahhahahahhahahaha fuck espn

>he thinks normies cross dresses for fun

They're not two different people.
It's the same person, C9 Sneaky (see his twitter for verification), and it's just that in the REAL one he's not photoshopped and posed to death.

I have a normie friend who did drag for fun. It's not some alien idea. He already gets called a lesbian when he's streaming normally.