Discord Thread

Hello my friends, the TRUE robots out there. The Incels, The Nazis, The Autists, The Redpilled. You've been attacked and ostracized. Come on into our server. No Roasties allowed, no Normies allowed. This is a TRUE Jow Forums centric server where only REAL robots are allowed.


Just replace the comma (,) with a dot (.)

We gurantee at our Discord is a proper home for True robots. Geographical Incels, Autists, etc.

Please if you suspect a roastie or a normie please report them to an admin or someone with proper authority ESPECIALLY @BrendioEEE who shows no remorse to degenerate scum.

If you are a female don't bother joining unless you can prove there hasn't been a dick in any of your holes because as an Jow Forums server we are against degenerate whores like yourself and are only interested in pure women.

No virgin shaming allowed.

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Shit server that stemmed off from dormin's shit server.
Don't join. Saged.

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Fuck off Dormin, beta cuck

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>be me
>be dormin
>17 year old alcoholic
>already a failure
>can't spell
>dad hates me
>my goldfish dies
>my server also died


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>implying I'm that autist Dormin
Cope harder fag.
And you're only shilling your server because you're becoming desperate for more members, which probably means its dying anyways. Good.

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>Saging a thread with images thus cancelling your sage
Imagine being this much of a brainlet. The absolute state of Dormin, lmao.

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>mfw dad sends me to military school

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>discord drama

>be autistic
>can't name months of the year in order
>don't know times tables
>gonna go fight wars for the jews


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>mfw fucking ko and mo's is more active than any of dormins servers ever were

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>go into /n/iggers server
>3dpd emotes
Dormin's server is superior not gonna lie

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>Dormin thinks his server is active
Here's a job for you, brainlet. Find the spy in your server. Good luck lmao.
>Lol i'm not Dormin
>Posts in image of Dormin getting pinged

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mfw dormin larps as people who actually like him a.k.a. no one

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There is no way you are this fucking retarded dude. Absolutely no way.

is that dormin? what a qt

mfw he's still doing it

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hey buddy, you just blow in from stupidville?

Dormin pls stop talking about yourself no one cares mate

>Mfw every post in this thread is actually Dormin including this one

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mfw 90% of this thread is dormin's retarded sameposting

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>colored ranks
>autistic circle jerk drama happening directly after advertising
No thanks.


Dormin, Dormin please just stop.

>Colored Ranks
I wonder who could be behind this post

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I think you got some wars to fight goy, better go get some rest.

>anyone who doesn't like my shit server is dorkmin
Ok bud.

says dorkmin

>they actually fell for the military school LARP

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Nice projecting, Nice Strawman

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so this is le power of gaymin

>All this butthurt and autism
Don't get me wrong, Dormins autistic, but it just looks like you're feeding him. And this is pretty funny watching from the sidelines, and honestly, if you're dumb enough to even respond to Dormin, I wouldn't trust any of you for Admin or even mod in a thousand years

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Okay Dormin thats enough now please go home you're drunk


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uhh are commies allowed?

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this is a queer anarchist server yes

it was incel circlejerk tier

i can't imagine why nazis are ostracized,they are such lovely people.

Hmm I wonder if a female could be behind this post.

>all this Dormin jealously
Oh you poor souls...

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I talked with his eceleb gf for like 4 minutes and she was calling me a mutt dyke, she is a literal cunt, hey just like dorkmin, of course they get along well
>inb4 jealous durrrr
Damn right I am, how does Dormin get an eceleb discord gf but I can't.

genetics. Dormin met her through some dumb vocaroo thread not his server or discord

>getting jealous of dorkmin's stupid aussie gf
I bet you like traps too faggot

Who doesn't, faggot

why is this thread still up wtf is happening to r9k why is it so shit

Uh literally when?

r9k hasnt changed. You just became more aware.

literally laughing at all the underage arguing over their """"""free""""" botnet

>downloaded to discord to join this server
>join server
>get kicked out for being a bot after 10sec


This is autistic as hell......
Good work user. I'll be sure to lurk on there too.

Join this server unless:
you are a roastie
you've had a gf/kissed a girl
you are a tranny/"trap"

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