Wagies are at work wageslaving for my neetbux

>wagies are at work wageslaving for my neetbux
>meanwhile I made healthy nutritious breakfast
>gonna chill and play some vidya for a few hours
>later will have a ride with my bicycle, goal for today is 40 km
>gonna watch some anime and continue learning to play guitar when I get back
any other euro neets /comfy/ here?

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>be NEET
>eat 3-days old pizza cause too lazy to leave the house
>gonna fap to chad violently penetrating my oneitis
>later gonna larp on Jow Forums about how I'm living the dream
>only a few more years 'til I'll be dropped off neetbux and terminated like a mosquito
At least I can sleep 14 hours a day, fuck you wagies

>NEET's think they have the willpower to live a healthy and productive lifestyle

Don't lie bud, you're going to eat an apple and then not get out of your computer chair for 14 hours

That's so true it hurts.

That sounds lbetter than waking up at 5am and working all day, coming home exhausted at 7pm and having to go to bed by 10pm

Yesterday I already rode ~30km and ive been practising to play guitar for 3 weeks every day now. Anyway, back to work wagie, my neetbuxs dont make themselves

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Euro neet? Where do you live? Probably not in hungary, there is no neetbux here.

>25 yo fembot uni student
>never leave house
>wake up comfy at 9
>study a couple hours, eat healthy mediterrean meal
>play some vidya
>study some more
>4 o clock by now
>watch animu play vidya draw some shit make music
>animu vidya sometimes drugs
>bf occasionally come and we have comfy fuk
>parents are ok with this
this is legit living the dream

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Nice try false flagging wagie

What? I work 7:00-15:00 and can go to sleep any time i want

>implying it's not reality

>tfw have entire week off next week to study comfy thermodynamics
>tfw will get up at 10 am and have breakfast
>will study from have ten till one o clock
>head out and get some comfy lunch
>come back and study a bit more
>play vidya at 4
>Have some glorious dinner at 6
>chill and watch a movie till 9
>climb into bed and sleep
Living the dream.

get up at 6am
work till 6pm
get home
go shower
go bed
wake up at 6am

>be euro wagelord
>posting from work right now
>literally get paid for doing the same thing OP does for free
I think I'll book a first class flight to Japan today. Having lots of money is nice.

> be neet
> 26 yr old failure, in the eyes of society
> get job
> Work there briefly
> quit by ghosting them completely

I-I am going to get it r-right one of these days, haha haha.

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You can smoke weed for an hour or two

>he doesnt get paid to browse Jow Forums

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yesterday I stayed up all night drinking wine and smoking cigars
made a bonfire in my backyard
around 5am I went on a bike ride through the park
around 7am it started to rain so I rode home
drank some water took a shower
watched porn and went to sleep by 830am

woke up at 4pm
bought tickets to the penguins captials playoff game 14 rows behind the goalie
take my brother dad and cousin to the game
we win 3 to 1 and celebrate
they all go to sleep because wagie life tomorrow
I'm still up at 4am listening to conspiracy podcasts
check bitcoin price it's over $9700
why is life this good

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Who else >100k salary here?

what do youy do user?

Software developer, what a surprise.

dont you need to program stuff at work?

now now wagie

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Comfy larp desu

>work 10 min walk from home, comfy admin job
>7.30-15.30 time
>work about 2 hours a day, rest is mere pretend
>rest of the time on Jow Forums and /mlp/
>wage is of medium height, not my countries minimum, satisfactory, put aside 80'% of it every month since I live with mommy and daddy
>get home with intact levels of energy, spend rest of the day on gym, college, Paradox games and ofc MLP

I am more comfier than you will ever be.

Sure but there is time to shitpost. Especially when compiling, oldest excuse in the book.

I thought this was a meme but I started full time work 2 months ago and my willpower is gone, I eat ramen and shit frozen meals nearly all the time, I've stopped exercising and I am incapable of enjoying games/tv/books without constantly thinking "i've only got three/two/one hours left".

>have gf

not larping :)

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>fembot here ecks dee pay attention to me
into the trash it immediately goes

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Pls vocaroo a masturbation session

i dont think so lmao

how does the whole thing work? they give you a project and you have unlimited time to make it?

>I am incapable of enjoying games/tv/books without constantly thinking "i've only got three/two/one hours left".
fuck this earth

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how much money do you have?

>be eastern euro
>almost no welfare here unless you are a gypsy
>forced to start working in a nearby factory just so I can have a laughable wage that will never allow me to do anything I enjoy
God damn it I hate being alive.

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are you romanian oreovkg