I really fucking despise straight people. These cum guzzlers, especially some of the ones on this board. I hate you.
I really fucking despise straight people. These cum guzzlers, especially some of the ones on this board. I hate you
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oh sweetie...did a bi-sexual man cheat on you for a woman? Sorry to say this, big boy, but you can't compete with what nature intended.
>for a woman?
god l wish that were me
I wouldn't be here if that was the case, honey.
I'll pray for you. Hopefully you get all the psychiatric help you need.
isn't it usually the other way around? benis beats bagina
i hate all breeders, but straight people are especially fucking degenerate.
sex clouds their feeble minds.
You don't have the right to hate us back you pathetic piece of shit. End your life. You're disgusting
>tfw my parents are straight
those asshole boomer normalfags brought me into this world only to suffer
>You don't have the right to hate us back
yeah I do lel
fucking perish
Never seen this particular Apu before. I like it.
I'm not going to perish anytime soon because I don't have aids
you didn't give me a reason why i can't hate you :^)
Your hate is NULLIFIED in response to my reacting hate
No, some 80% of bishits end up with the opposite gender
>"I got this information straight out of my ass"
>I don't know how to google statistics
One source.
And >he doesn't know that most of them go for women for the sake of not getting shuned by loved ones.
From literally one of the biggest LGBT surveys in recent years. But I'm open to being disproven of course, provide a source disproving mine.
>most of them go for women for the sake of not getting shun(n)ed by loved ones
I don't see how that's relevant. We're arguing about how many bisexuals are dating the opposite gender, not why they are doing it.
Alright, nevermind then. I don't have enough interest to look up more sources.
>calls straight people cum guzzlers
>Is a literal cumguzzler