So what the fuck do we do about the incel problem...

So what the fuck do we do about the incel problem? They are inferior sad sacks of shit who wallow in their own self pity blaming the world for their problems.

Personally I think we should put them in work camps similar to the concentration camps of Nazi Germany, extremely poor conditions, back breaking work and random executions.

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Other urls found in this thread:

State mandated GFs while women are fixed and traditional roles are restored

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Get them playing football.

Elliot was a racist picky volcel bratty bitch, not an incel. He wanted to only fuck white stacys, anything other than that are seen as subhuman by his high ass standards.

I think any male 21+ yr old virgin should be named and shamed and registered, their locations monitored. You should be able to find out if you are living next to one of these sick fucks

agreed 100%, OP is totally gay

So what you're saying is, you need an excuse to give INCEL power of the media and the American government?


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Who will win
A roastie
Or somebody with a penis

Then the next time "men" throw a fit about not getting something they want, like the Nintendo Switch, will the government also cave into their demands?

The feminists were the original fit-starters, though.
It should be as god proscribed
>1 man 1 woman
>adultery punishable by death
>But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh. on a woman to lust after her hath committed. adultery with her already in his heart.
Men who work and contribute to society get a virginal wife to marry

Just call it a "stimulus package".

So just because I haven't had sex you're going to put me in a concentration camp? Seems fair

How about mandatory sex-camps?

No, just leave me alone REEEEEEEEE

Burgers should join the rest of the world and make prostitution legal.

All male virgins above the age of 20 should be sent to prisons across the country to service the inmates

What's the matter? You don't like your algorithmically chosen camp partner?

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Are you guys just talking about angry incels or virgins in general. I'm a virgin but I'm pretty passive about all of this

>Burgers should join the rest of the world and make prostitution legal.
I would be behind this and legalizing weed, even if I never do either.
Something about paying women directly for sex is degrading, but I would want men who feel frustrated and without love to realize that sex won't change the fact that they've grown an unlovable personality so that others would reject them and they'd be safe from trying.

>go on reddit
>how do we shut down reddit users
good one LAD

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Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck are incels Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen and get pussy Like Nigga just be your self

I think you missed the part where they said they wanted incels in concentration camps...

As if living in loneliness and misery wasnt enough

All male virgins and as well as those who only had sex with prostitutes. It's too risky to let scum like them fester.

No I like their greentexts they are entertaining.

What if you let me use your mouth to lose my virginity?

Prostitution being legal won't fix the problem, brainlet.

You should lose your virginity to Tyrone if you can't get any

No, I want to put my psoriasis encrusted dick in your mouth and scrape off the skin flakes in your mouth and mix it with my pubes and cum

I carry my knife wherever i go
Muscles are useless

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Why not? It caves everytime "women" throw a fit? Like literally every single time the pandering never ends.

Womens rights were a mistake.

I was destined to be an Incel, my mother has groomed me in the same way a serial killer has.

Do you know what I did? I started to tell everybody exactly how I felt; I told doctors that I have delusions of grandeur and that I hate my own mother/women in general. I sought psychiatric help and realised that my own mother is actually a horrible woman who was making my life hell.

I'm getting better, she's having less of an influence over me, but I didn't wallow in self pity, I asked for help when no one else gave me it.

I didn't, but this is the complexity with which normalfags think about sex. To them it's as easy as going to work or school and anyone who can't get laid is a horrible abberation. I know plenty of incels irl who live productive lives and have good educated jobs, but women still avoid them and reject them like a plauge

Yep were unfuckable no matter what
Take the black pill

I already took the blackpill years ago. There's no way I can function in normieland let alone get a girlfriend. I kinda gave up years ago.

Avoid normies at all costs

What did she do? Also what about your dad? I ask because I think my mother had significant influence over me, and my dad died when I was young.

There is no place for incels in 2018

Resident r9k rapper here. Gonna hijack this bait thread to promote my single "Couldn't say Hello" Check it out!

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No. Youll be put there cuz youre a risk to society as evidenced by your inability to attract soneone to have sex with.