What are some petty things that completely turn you off girls but shouldn't really big a deal-breaker?
I'll start.
>saying "hence why"
>believing that karma is real, even as a joke ("karma is a bitch lol")
What are some petty things that completely turn you off girls but shouldn't really big a deal-breaker?
I'll start.
>saying "hence why"
>believing that karma is real, even as a joke ("karma is a bitch lol")
what is that kind of girl called? i used to be friends with one.
In the picture? I would say, a thot.
being dumb with money, not keeping track of savings
Yeah because financial recklessness is a tiny thing nobody cares about right...
Topknots and hairbuns.
People can like what they want and wear their hair however they like but it isn't for me. Putting your hair like that makes you look like a clown desperate to join fashion trends and most hairbunned girls I met are either vain or dicks
>their high voices
>specifically the tattoos the girls choose
>the things girls find funny
>"live laugh love"
>movies girls like
> books girls li-- oh wait they don't read
>call bank PISSED
>think theyre fucking me over
>hear how disappointed banker is with my comprehension
>by end of phone call she has me punching numbers into calculator and is explaining difference between monthly and annual APR for credit card
Based bank manager.
Wud u fucc this
Trust me he'd fuck a girl regardless of the hair.
I can't stand women that are lazy when writing. If a woman uses a lot of abbreviations and has bad spelling I can't take her seriously.
What about guys? If you give a friend a pass for writing badly, you should give girls a pass. It would be hypocritical not to.
Thot, fuccgirl, basic bitch, whore, sloot, hardbody
Personally I like women with short hair or fades. I usually assume theyre cunts bc only really hot girls do it though.
I'm not sure. Every lad I've been friendly with has had decent writing. I'm not some grammar nazi, I'm not even great at writing myself as my punctuation is shit. However I can't stand women who type like "um ye lol im netflix n chill rn hbu?" I feel like I'm messaging a brick wall.
Gotta have to agree with this. I don't expect perfection, but shit like "lol u tk him 2 da bar|" gets on my nerves and I will sperg out about it
>um ye lol im netflix n chill rn hbu?
>Not asking to join
I understand and there is definitely some correlation between spelling and intelligence, but you have to realise some intelligent people really don't give a fuck about correct English just as some are computer illiterate. It's okay to be ignorant on something - the problem is when you have too many blind spots in your knowledge, then you're just ignorant in general.
Also, remember some are using a phone and find it hard to type on them, especially at my age: I'm 35 and most take 5 minutes to type a couple of paragraphs.
>35 on arcanine
Do you post ironically?
False rape claims.
I've been using Jow Forums since 2005, I was in my early 20s, which was completely normal then. Of course I've grow up since then, I have a job, a family, and a social life now, but I still post here occasionally to talk about things I can't talk about with my colleagues or family. /b/ is not what it used to be, and this is the closest thing to general discussion board.
That's a sign of mental health problems, not an idiosyncrasy.
damn an actual oldfag, a rare breed indeed
/b/ is a rotten cesspool of rancid scum.
This is the only board I use, I found out about Jow Forums only about a year ago starting with b ofc. Now this is my home board. I spend too much time shitposting, but youre story yields hope. Good on you oldfag.
Sometimes it's mental health, and sometimes it's a shitty woman.
>fussy eater
>doesnt liek cigarette smoke
I guess i grew up with enough food and surrounded by cigarette smoke but still. Be an adult
>but you have to realise some intelligent people really don't give a fuck about correct English
Sure but I wouldn't want to be in company of those people. I don't even consider myself a smart person, I just can't take someone seriously if they type/talk in a dumb manner. Women I've met are usually really bad about this, as even if they can speak competently they just give no fucks about their writing. I'm sure most guys don't care but I do, hence why I'm posting in a thread about petty things that turn me off
> remember some are using a phone and find it hard to type on them, especially at my age: I'm 35 and most take 5 minutes to type a couple of paragraphs.
I'm 20. When I was around 12 everyone I knew in school had those shitty mobile phones they'd text each other with. In comparison to others my age, I actually got a phone pretty late in my life (17) and I can type perfectly fine at a decent speed.
>monthly and annual APR
>Monthly annual percentage rate
>annual annual percentage rate
that haircut is fucking disgusting
>Also, remember some are using a phone
phone posting should be banned
>This is the only board I use, I found out about Jow Forums only about a year
You should still be lurking.
Ok, how bout this?
>is female
It is impossible for me to maintain a relationship. After a while, I get inevitably burned out of a friendship. Never had a girlfriend but I imagine it would be worse with the romantic layer.
it's not as bad but that bitch has a very punchable face.
Dont see the point. Im not stupid enough to doxx myself. Normally most of what I write is coherent and or somewhat interesting.
how are people supposed to text each other?
>majority of friends are male
>goes clubbing
Don't listen to him. You can get an idea of the etiquette after about two weeks of lurking. Post to your heart's content.
You should turn 360 degrees and go back where you came from.
I've literally only used this website for over a decade. There's no where to turn back to.
sshhh don't fuck with my bait
Out of your league lmao
>You can get an idea of the etiquette after about two weeks of lurking.
No you really can't, you only end up trying too hard to fit in and usually make the worst posts possible.
I'd love to know what puts girls off so I can avoid doing those things.
Low hanging fruit.
anybody with eyebrows like that disgusts me
I'll say what turns me off with guys:
>saying 'lol' makes it an instant drop
>only knowing one language
>x at the end of sentences
>self depricating jokes
>ignorant arrogance
>sending selfies without being asked
>thinking they are better just because they are male, when in fact I've read more books theyve ever seen, can cook better than they've ever tried, and shower more in a week than they have their entire life
>assuming I am slutty before knowing anything about me
>overall assuming shit
Ugh I hate most of you, thank god I'm happily married now and don't have to deal with 'men'
texting someone "lol" is an instant drop for you? i think you might be brain damaged.
>talks about ignorant arrogance
kekk, you are arrogant though.
I'm not arrogant when I'm face to face with someone. And yes it bothers me when I talk to someone and for their lack of words, they use 'lol ye lol' even though nothing is funny.
>shower more in a week than they have their entire life
stupid bitch is proud of wasting water, lol.
>Ugh, men think they're better than me, when in reality I read books and know how to cook better, that makes ME better
This is so retarded it actually made me laugh out loud. I like how you cite one of the few things women are good for as proof of superiority.
Why exactly does reading books and cooking make you better?
Topknots are hot on traditional-looking Asian girls but besides that, ew
>t. Cookie cutter dip dye hair girl
>talk to someone
>they use 'lol ye lol'
>even being in this situation at all
kek, sucks to be an ugly bitch, huh?
>I've read more books theyve ever seen
No one gives a shit about you reading fifty shades of grey. Why do people act so smug about reading books when they're just reading stupid smut and fiction? Everyone who actually wants to learn things use the internet, grandma roadtie.
That's the typical name for a wheyfu
but don't worry guys, she hates people who are arrogant.
so basically only she is allowed to be arrogant. :)
>/b/ is a rotten cesspool of rancid scum
>this board isnt
Well I'm sorry I like to cook and paint and read Suvorov or Nabokov or History books and not rely solely on the computer to read info about flat earth believers.
Yes I pride myself in stuff women are good at because I like to be womanly. I go to the gym and lift stuff too but I am not going to think I'm a good woman because of that.
>I go to the gym and lift stuff too but I am not
going to think I'm a good woman because of that.
Fuck off, trash
Any girl that was eyebrows and eyelashes like this
They look like fuckimg clowns
I actually agree with this and I'm a guy. Notice the pathetic losers replying to you wouldn't have said anything if it was a guy talking about girls - other people in this thread have said similar things.
It's true that some men think they're better because "men are best at everything". They're just coping because they're failures.
>be an adult about others' nasty habits
All of you need to man up and surround yourselves with noxious things and feel unpleasant for no benefit. Just put up with all the bullshit around you.
Being a coal burner
Being bi
Being vegan
Original desu
>i actually agree
sure ya do.
I came here in 2007 (especially on r9k, it is rare to meet someone else who has unironically been here longer than me, so that's very cool) and I can't agree more: I would love to still be able to actually use /b/ but it's absolutely destroyed compared to what it was back then. This board has the right traffic for a good discussion, and albeit a bit of an issue with repetitive generals and targeted spam, actual conversation is somewhat manageable. Specifically conversations I cannot have with my girlfriend of five years lol
It's not being a white knight when you're defending someone for not being retarded, like you're being right now with your double standards. Literally other people have said they don't like text speak, and you only attack the girl.
This place is just as fucking hypocritical as feminist circles. A plague on both your houses.
>I'm too retarded to fact check things on the internet or think critically, but at least I can out cook you silly boys ;)
Woo, keep it coming this is hilarious
I can now sympathise with women. You lads are fucking lame.
Still not sure why a woman would come here though...
She is not going to fuck you, you dumbass. Get it through your skull.
t. out of your league
She's married and I have a girlfriend. Even if we weren't already in relationships, the likelihood of us being within a travelable distance of each other is almost zero. The fact that you assumed that I was trying to get laid by defending her shows how utterly pathetically your brain operates.
It doesn't matter what I think about girls since they don't talk to me lol
I ignore them because they ignore me
This is Jow Forums dipshit stop trying to sound intelligent. Go back to Tumblr where you can say dumb shit and everyone there can pat you on the back to reinforce your moral ideas.
I know this is very superficial BUT i hate when people use the :3 emoji
Fuck you you are not cute and this is not quirky
Right, you're just fulfilling your duties, oh brave white Knight.
Here's something I learned during the time Jow Forums was removed, around 2010? You can reword your question/thread in a way that fits into the rules of other subs. Say that you have a question about politics, you find a book with a relevant premise, and post it on /lit/ along with your topic of discussion. Boards like /lit/ (as well as the ones, although I haven't really used them) are usually better moderated than Jow Forums so the discussion is a bit more serious, and you're more likely to hear something refreshing, not the same old shitty memes.
>other subs
Kill yourself redditfag
What a fucking tryhard. This isn't about morality or men or women or any of that shit, it's about your emotional response to a woman saying something which you know is right. You just can't handle it. Eat shit.
Dear God... are you like 18-20? I hope when you've actually used the internet for more than a week you look back at this post and think "wow, I really need to learn to lurk".
Because they are social parsites and wanna be part of the group even though no one likes them
be my gf tbqh
get the fuck off this board, no one wants you here until your basedboy hubby fucks Stacy and you realise your whole life is empty and meaningless you braindead roastie
don't worry m'lady, it's I the basedboy cuck White Knight here to pretect you from the hacker known as Jow Forums
I am the Stacy so go eat shit
If you unironically feel that way you haven't lurked enough. understand what this whole website stands for or leave asshat
>tfw will never be a hole
feels good man
If you are the Stacy than your life is already empty and meaningless, you just haven't realised it yet. Keep covering it up by thinking that you're somehow superior than others by knowing another fucking useless langauge or knowing how to cook. You're actually filth and no one welcomes you here
This is really adorable.
My life is caring for my husband and children, it is learning new things and going to places that are beautiful, experiencing life like it should be, and feeling love on an everyday basis, something you'll never experience
I'm only here because I was no Stacy in 2009 and spent my life on the Internet. Its a bad habit to come back here but I need to let out anger somehow and yesterday some bus driver faggot angered me so here I am
Stop wasting your time here. They won't learn anything from this.
any emoji and you should cut all contact
Why are you angry? Did he tell you to pay the fare and you realized you've hit the wall hard and can't get by free with your looks anymore? Cry on our shoulders user.
how are you going to explain to your children that you and Daddy have to split up because Daddy didn't want your old dried up body and instead found a new younger cutie to replace you with?
did you have to blow the poor bus guy to pay for the fair, because your looks aren't enough anymore