How's that STEM degree going, Incels?

How's that STEM degree going, Incels?

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those geeks better turn into chads quick

that tweet by Ellen Pao was fake and this is clickbait

Nice try, terror suspect. Can't wait until SEAL Team Chad come's Bin Laden your school shooter asses.


Isn't this line of thinking contradictory to all of those anti-discrimination laws those faggots pass?

Attached: mfw49.jpg (480x480, 29K)

It's completely impossible to discriminate against white males

Lmao I wouldn't consider myself an incel but...segregating virgins? Do these roasties know what their gonna cause?

Theres a lot of asian pajeet incels too.
Shed now.

Isn't silicon valley made mainly of incels though?

>file a gender lawsuit against every company that has ever employed you
>get fired from reddit for dismissing a well liked female employee and causing a site wide revolt
b-but incels are the problem

Attached: redditrevolt_21.jpg (1280x886, 264K)

>Remove incels from valley
>Suddenly the token valley women need to actually do their jobs.
>Nothing gets done.

But now it's a group they don't like, so it's different.

Not all virgins identify as incel, nor do misogynists, autists etc. who they seem to equally dislike, so how do they target the dreaded incel without discriminating anyone who doesn't fit their narrow image of what a successful person is?

They don't care it seems.

Why are these dickless fucks so obsessed with muhsoggyknees anyway?

This woman sounds like a massive cunt.

Told you guys at least four years ago that this would start happening. Logic and reason are things you guys seem to be completely fled from though. You reap what you sow. Will be interesting at least to see what happens from this point.

Nope, it's 100% real.
You're going to have to speed up on that gf license, m8

This week has taught me how to hate them. I used to be sad and hate myself for my lack of success, but now they're flooding people like me with hate for barely existing.

Hating myself was my job, not theirs. Now I'm returning the favor.

>Ellen Pao
Someone needs to pop a cap in her sweet and sour chicken ass

Hello Buzzfeed! Feature me in the article too!

And cancerous underage retards unironically use that shithole.

this is why i hate chinese women

>the tweet was fake
no it fucking wasn't nigger.

Exactly. All virgins and non-sex having men will be targeted. The beta uprising will HAVE to occur if any of these laws get passed in order to protect our livelihoods.

Attached: beta uprising.jpg (920x720, 176K)

feminist to incel
>how DARE you be male you fucking misogynist fascist racist piece of shit subhuman
feminist to chad
>*submissive gestures and hair flicking*

Attached: paper.webm (640x360, 1.77M)

I'll let you in on a secret, OP. Most of SV's CEOs are incels.


add me to the article as well

Yes it is, at it get more and more restrictive, there are even universities atm that can kick you out if you express any unpopular opinion that is not accepted by mainstream views. Freedom of speech and human rights are getting less and less respected, Im no Jow Forumsfag but what this democratic countries are doing facist/radical things while promoting their general thought paterns.

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So are virgins going to be blacklisted or something? I'm confused as to what she means when she says incel

so lets say that racism = prejudice + power

jews have power this is a fact, so I guess that means you cant be racist to jews
buuuut we all know thats not true dont we because what the nazis did was pretty damn racist
so it means that yes you can be racist to any group regardless of how much power they have and that the balance of power can be tilted very quickly.

so yeah you can be racist to whites
also what is white? do you mean caucasian? do you count slavs as white? what about jews they have white skin? lots of asians also have white skin.

Basically this is going to be a bigger excuse to fire the "quiet" guys at work

lmfao this whole post.

what the fuck am i supposed to be watching here?

It's good.
I'm gonna get 7k eu boi money 11 days later.
Glad that I got my stem degree and dumped the women's studies slut: