Is the debate over inceldom really just a second grade-tier coverup for Jow Forums and Tumblrs shameful crushes on each other?
Is the debate over inceldom really just a second grade-tier <I HATE YOU> coverup for Jow Forums and Tumblrs shameful...
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Tumblr is becky
Jow Forums is virgin
I ship it.
I just hate whores
Never had an unhealthy hatred for women
It's just angry leftists blowing off steam over their own sexual frustration.
The virgin pretending to hate each other
The Chad accepting your feelings
Also there should be a cartoon starring Virgin and Chad, PLEASE
>Chad is best bro
>Stacy is the main antagonist but lays undetected until the end
I'd fund the fuck out of shit like this tbqh
What was Becky again? Do we hate her?
girl right next to virgin. Beta female
>final episode
>virgin gets with becky by just being himself
I wouldn't even be mad if the writing up to it was good
I really want the Virgin vs Chad meme to ascend past a meme, it was perfect since day one and even when the normies polluted it, it was still great
The virgin other memes vs the Chad Virgin can Chad memes
Great image. Wallpaper tier
>only girl I've ever dated was an active tumblr user
>Virgin can Chad
The Virgin Typo versus the Chad Flawless Post
at least youve ever dated a girl
If we could get some VAs and a few animators, some wroters and shit I'd be down for working on that
>I'd be down for working on that
We need people with actual talent, not more ideas guys.
I'm not super great at animation, but that's what I mean
No because tumblr has a crush on fucks normies and chad.
Honestly I think this is what it is
>the only girl I've ever dated was a guy
I'm even actually straight
So someone gonna make a program matching Jow Forums users with a tumblr user?
Well I found mine
She's got good taste
Yes, people say she's a "beta female", but they don't exist. 'Becky' is a name for the quit bookworm girls who act all nice but really just want Chad's dick.
No, the people who write about incels actually hate them because they are hateful and the target is socially acceptable.
they could no do this against most other groups because they are all high on helping the "oppressed".
They see "incel" as hateful racist white man that deserves their scorn and vitriol.
Tumblerinas help aid ideas to not get us laid
They're cock blockers
>no tumblr landwhale gf to peg my ass
Why live?
alala you will never have this eva eva lalala
Here's a song they could be singing:
Paramore - I'm not Angry Anymore
*Gathering food for the nest
The tumblr girl would be more realistic if she was 300 pounds, had piercings and a multicolored dyke haircut
Yes, Stacy was the antagonist all along. Chad was only pretending, but he eventually teams up with the virgin protagonist to take down Stacy. And Becky has a redemption arc
I would date a nice tumblr girl
She's got a fucking scorpion on forearm.
you people are fucking pathetic, i created the term chad (it was originally chud) to describe a type of man i have never met: the womanizer.
I grew up around complete betas and rejected every woman who came my way and each woman i rejected got with a beta
>not identifying mental illness