Social media ruined the human race. There is no going back. It's beyond over.
Social media ruined the human race. There is no going back. It's beyond over
My friend tried to meme me into believing we were nearly extinct before the industrial revolution. I asked him, how the fuck does that help us now when millions of corpses and plastic trash flow out of Asia's rivers into the ocean? Like dude these people can build a gameboy from scratch out of the womb and your plan was to just wipe out 1/2 the global population if they didn't just decide to hold hands one day and start planting trees? Sit back and larp as conservative while Africa becomes Hell on Earth in about 20 years. Implying it can get worse.
Industrialization fucked us all. I really do believe technology is playing against us for the first time.
have you looked at the Endangered Species list lately? i doubt anyone has, because it's like looking at death coming.
anyway, you know all those animals in Africa? yeah, you can kiss those all good bye.
i wouldn't be surprised if we extinct 1/3 the animal population from the planet.
so shameful. i don't really care for humanity as much as i should and that's a problem. Vegans are on to something, but it's bigger than consuming animals.
I feel like we are truly living in the end times.
Things are "progressing" so quickly now, faster than ever before. Just think about how things were 100 years ago, two totally different worlds.
In theory it seemed like a good idea but pandoras box is already opened
Notice how the current generation of children is "Generation Z"?
That's no accident.
People in ancient greece said this and nothing happened
And of course user predicted it.
>implying your grandkids aren't going to live in eternal bliss inside a virtual hivemind
>People in ancient greece said this and nothing happened
The civilizations of both Athens and Sparta fell and they ended up slaves first to Macedon and then to Rome and then to the fucking Turks of all people.
I assume you mean Ovid, first of all he was a Roman and secondly he was basically his era's version of a boomer complaining about how people weren't respecting their parents anymore. He wasn't facing environment and social collapse on a global scale.
>implying your grandkids aren't going to live in eternal bliss inside a virtual hivemind
Twitter is closer to the hivemind than the US in 1880. Who experienced more bliss?
>wh*te people lost to other wh*ite people
who cares lol
T. Roach
Jow Forums has entered the building. kiss the thread goodbye.
Social media is on the decline, as are most of the ridiculous vaporware companies of the 2010's that don't actually provide any economic development or benefits to anyone.
>b-but muh fb stock
Yeah well that's my point, it's not going to keep going up. These dumbass services are on borrowed time
>implying the majority of users here aren't /r9pol/
Fuck off rediit
Look at the average turk and tell me they arent white I hecking dare ya mate
The twitterfags who get to leisurely spend their time discussing random shit in the comfort of air-conditioning while eating delicious instant noodles
The only reason there's a lack of bliss is because of dumb shit happening in the physical and their dumb reactions. it will all be gone soon.
Wow vegans were late to the party in the 50d when we were pumping poison into the atmosphere like it was our greatest priority. We are utterly fucked and there is no going back. Make it your mantra.
lmao wut is this image