Leftys and mainstream media are not going to stop til we all kill ourselves

leftys and mainstream media are not going to stop til we all kill ourselves

Attached: suicide.jpg (474x295, 8K)

good i guess, suffering will be at an end

Righties don't want you either. Don't try to spin a narrative.

What are right wing news networks saying about the whole incel thing?
I haven't seen any since they are usually local new stations and use radio/tv/papers rather than the internet.

just give it a week or two. the media will soon lose interest in incels
remember that r9k guy that blew his head off with a ksg? everyone stopped talking about him.
or that anti-gun 56% face girl

they gonna get AURA'D

Ben Shapiro has denounced incels
Only thing ive seen posted on here, I havent done any investigations


Ben Shapiro was an incel until his arranged marriage to Mor anyway.

You're not a robot if you identity left or right or anything political for that matter. You can have ideas in your head from logic or emotion, but a robot doesn't care enough to actually identity with any of it.

Robots are nothing and relate to nothing.

Also both sides of the political spectrum are normie as shit and are gynocentric as fuck

This, no laws can make our lives better
Our problems come from human nature itself

Out of all the gatekeeping guidelines people have on what makes a robot, this one is one of the few guidelines that is actually objectively true.

>Ben Shapiro has denounced incels
As if I give a shit what some 4'11 kike thinks.

I would also like to chime in and present my agreement

Oh look at who's coming in the thread making it all about himself

i'll argue that a true robot would see this thread and politely ignore it because the content does not concern him

I know the right doesn't like us either but the left hates us more aggressively since the things they say about us fits great into feminism.
Right wing normalfags hates us because they're normalfags but for left wing normalfags there's a synergy between their normalfaggotry and their politics regarding their hatred towards us.

Right wing is gynocentric. Why do you think all the right wing governments in history use men as disposable tools while keeping women away from war and hard labour?
Both sides think men are disposable and women are indispensable. Take the black pill and stop playing into (((their))) partisan politics.

I don't get why the media is pushing the incel shit so fucking hard.
>One guy identifies as an incel and drives a car through a bunch of people.
>Well, better shit all over the other ones who id's as incels and make them feel even worse.
>Nothing bad will come from that.
The guy who gets fired from his job because he is an incel will not think any less of hurting somebody when his life gets more fucked up.

>I don't get why the media is pushing the incel shit so fucking hard.
They need a new villain of the week and Russian Hackers aren't gonna work forever. They'll move on eventually

I was pretty clear with the statement that they both hate us. Not playing their partisan games doesn't mean that you have to think they're exactly the same in every way. The severity of the hatred of robots is different between the groups but that doesn't mean that they both don't hate us.

It's a bit more. Hatred of men with a low social status is a universal thing among normalfags and now they finally have popular memes to put it into words to share it with each other. They have always hated us but I don't think it was as easy to target us as a group before the internet because we didn't group up with each other and they only barely knew about "that creepy guy" but every normalfag had their own "creepy guy", it wasn't a group that they could target together. Now we've become a target by becoming a group that they all can see.

Natural selection never died it seems